01/14/1991 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington January 14, 1991 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 PM. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Childress, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, Smith and Grable. Staff present: City Attorney McCluskey, Deputy Clerk Thomas, City Planner Davis, Police Chief Mathews, City Engineer Curles, Fire Chief Snow and City Clerk Hower. Chief Snow led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council approved the minutes of the December 26, 1990 regular Council meeting as circulated. At 7:30 PM Mayor Weatherill opened Public Hearing regarding an application for a Comprehensive Plan Designation amendment and Zone Reclassification from Public Property to Industrial as petitioned by the City of Port Orchard to allow for light industrial uses in the vicinity of 1265 Old Clifton Road (former solid waste landfill). LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Situated in Section 34, Township 24 North, Range 1 East, W.M. Commencing at the southwest corner of said section; thence north along the west line of said section to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, thence easterly along the north line of the southwest quarter of ze southwest quarter 800 feet, which is the true point of beginning; pence southerly along a line parallel to the west line said southwest quarter of the southwest quarter 800 feet; thence easterly along a line parallel to the south line of Section 34 until it intersects with the west margin of Old Clifton Road; thence northeasterly along the west margin of Old Clifton Road until it intersects with the east line of the southwest quarter of said section; thence north along the east line of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter; thence westerly along the north line of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter to the true point of beginning. Councilman Childress stepped down from Council table and refrained from participation and voting due to conflict of interest. City Planner Davis submitted staff report with a review of the current zoning and read Planning Commission recommendation for approval with conditions. City Engineer Curles spoke on behalf of the proponent (the City) outlining the concept of a light industrial area. Engineer Curles informed those present no specific projects are planned at this time. Mayor Weatherill called for public input in favor of the City amending the comprehensive plan map and zoning designation change from Public Property to Industrial. ward Minor, 1400 Bay Street, spoke in favor of developing a light Austrial area. Mr. Minor addressed the lack of space for small "light industrial" type of businesses in the city other than in established residential neighborhoods. January 14, 1991 Page Two Roger Minor, 1205 Sherman Avenue, encouraged approval of this comprehensive plan amendment and zone reclassification allowing a light industrial area. Richard Prior, who leases property in a residential area for his construction business, spoke in favor of the rezone and comprehensive plan designation change reiterating the need for an industrial area for small business. Laurie Walton, 280 Melcher, expressed concern with small businesses being located in residential areas and supported development of an industrial area. Dwayne Whiteman, 612 Smith, a small business operator, concurred with the City establishing a light industrial area. Mayor Weatherill called for public input opposed to the City amending the comprehensive plan map and zoning designation from Public Property to Industrial. Bill Havens, 3347 Anderson Hill Road SW, stated he was not completely opposed to the change in the comprehensive plan designation or rezone, -)wever he did express concern with the environmental and ecological .nplications of developing a light industrial site on an old garbage dump. Mr. Haven also submitted into the record pictures of the closed solid waste landfill site. Mayor Weatherill called for further public input either for or against the City amending the Comprehensive Plan Map and zone classification to an Industrial designation for property located in the vicinity of 1265 Old Clifton Road (former solid waste landfill). As no response was received, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed and referred matter to Council for consideration. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 160-90 with Findings and Facts and Conditions, as their own and approved establishing a Comprehensive Plan Map Designation of Industrial for property in the vicinity of 1265 Old Clifton Road (former solid waste landfill), as submitted by the City of Port Orchard. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 0 nays. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 161-90, with Findings of Facts and Conditions, as their own and approved the application for a`Zone Reclassification from Public Property to Industrial, as submitted by the City of Port Orchard for property located in the vicinity of 1265 Old Clifton Road (former solid waste landfill). Motion passed with 6 ayes and 0 nays. Council directed the City Engineer to research development of .iis site. Mayor Weatherill called for a 5 minute recess with meeting to resume at 8:35 PM. January 14, 1991 Page Three At 8:35 PM, Mayor Weatherill opened the Public Hearing which was scheduled for 8:00 PM regarding an application for a Comprehensive Plan Designation Change and Zone Reclassification from Residential High to Commercial General as petitioned by the Port of Bremerton to allow for a metered parking lot at the intersection of Lawrence and Arnold Street. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tax Parcel 4027-028-006-0006 (Creek: Lot 6, Block 28, Annapolis, as per Plat recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, pages 64 and 65, records of Kitsap County, Washington and that portion of vacated Arnold Street per Co. 16-589 lying adjacent to Lot 6, Block 28, Plat of Annapolis as recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, pages 64 and 65, records of Kitsap County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the most easterly corner of said Lot 6; thence southeasterly on a line extending the northerly boundary of said Lot 6 a distance of 23 feet; thence southwesterly parallel to the easterly line of Lot 6 a distance of 63 feet; thence northwesterly parallel to the northerly line of Lot 6 a distance of 23 feet; thence northeasterly along said line of Lot 6 a distance of 63 feet to the true point of beginning. Tax Parcel 4027-027-012-0000 (Parking Lot): Blk 027 Lot 12 W 30 ft. Tax Parcel 4027-027-012-0109 (Parking Lot): Blk 027 Lot 12 D-01 E 20 ft. Blk 027 Lot 13. Excluding that portion lying north of Lawrence Street which is situated in Kitsap County. '.ty Planner Davis presented staff report and updated Council on Planning ,)mmission recommendations. Mayor Weatherill called for public input in favor of or opposed to the City amending the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map designation from Residential High to Commercial General. Gene Baker, Harbormaster, Port of Bremerton, advised Council of the Port's intention -to develop the property as a paid parking lot only. Neda Heng, 520 Sweany Street, stated prior property owner (Kitsap County) made promises to neighbors that specific improvements would be implemented when this property was developed. Ms. Heng voiced concern and frustration with Kitsap County Commissioners subsequent trade of property to Port of Bremerton with no obligation to fulfill promised improvements. Mayor Weatherill called for additional public input. As no response was received Mayor Weatherill closed Public Hearing and referred matter to Council for consideration. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 163-90 with Findings and Facts and Conditions, as their own and approved a Comprehensive Plan Map Designation amendment of Commercial General for property located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Arnold Avenue and Lawrence Street, as submitted by the Port of Bremerton. January 14, 1991 Page Four On motion by Councilman Powers, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 162-90, with Findings of Facts and Conditions, as their own and approved the application for a Zone Reclassification from Residential High to Commercial General, as submitted by the Port of Bremerton for property located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Arnold Avenue and Lawrence Street. Mayor Weatherill turned over to Property Committee letter from Brem Air Disposal requesting a one year renewal of their lease of City property located near Old Clifton Road. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Smith, Council adopted Resolution No. 1563 setting February 11, 1991 at 7:45 PM as date and time of Public Hearing on a Petition to Vacate a portion of Guthrie Street, lying east of Sherman Avenue, as submitted by the Department of Veterans. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of the south 30 feet of Guthrie Street as dedicated in the Plat of Sidney Villas Addition to Sidney, recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 46, records of Kitsap County, lying easterly of the west line of Block 9 extended north, westerly of the east line of Block 9 extended north, and adjacent to the north line of Lot 1, Block 9; situate in Kitsap County, Washington. ;ty Clerk read Mayor Weatherill's proclamation, declaring the week of ebruary 17-23 as Engineers' Week. Councilman Clauson moved to ratify proclamation, seconded by Councilman Grable and carried. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council removed from table proposed agreement requesting participation of the City of Port Orchard in the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event for 1990 and 1991. On motion by Councilman Powers, seconded by Councilman Smith, Council authorized the Mayor to sign an agreement authorizing the City of Port Orchard's participation in the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event for 1990 and 1991. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilmen Clauson and Grable, Council unanimously approved payment of City vouchers as follows: Claims Warrant No. 14378-14458 on the amount of $49,640.89 and December 1990 Payroll in the amount of $122,956.20 (Warrant No. 112785-112919). On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilmen Morrison and Grable, Council authorized the City Engineer to repair Fire Station No. 2 fence at a cost of approximately $278.00 and for the City to seek reimbursement from the neighbors who own the trees which caused the damage. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council .thorized the City Engineer to accept bid quote from H & H Fence to ,istall a fence around Well No. 8 at a cost of $1,944.00. January 14, 1991 Page Five On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized the City Engineer to proceed with the removal of 12 to 15 trees from city property along Fircrest Drive. This property was obtained through a ULID foreclosure. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilmen Geiger and Morrison, Council authorized the City Engineer to modify the Public Works Shop electric panel, in order to connect the building to an emergency generator, at a cost of approximately $800.00. On motion by Councilmen Morrison and Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council authorized the Mayor to sign a supplemental agreement for additional design monies for the Bethel widening Project. Additional cost to be funded by Kitsap County. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council declared as surplus three gasoline pumps and authorized the City Engineer to dispose of them in the best interest of the City. On motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized the City Engineer to proceed with replacement and repair of the ornamental water fountain located at the north end of Sidney Avenue, which was destroyed by a one car traffic accident, at a cost of approximately '.,500 and authorized the staff to seek reimbursement from the motorists .isurance company. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Smith, Council authorized the City Engineer to proceed with remodeling of the Fire Department bay area in City Hall for the Police Department at a cost of of approximately $7,000. At 9:50 PM Mayor Weatherill adjourned Council into executive session for one hour to discuss Urban Growth Management issues. Mayor Weatherill reconvened Council meeting at 10:45 PM. Council discussed concept of school impact fees and concurred to participate with the City of Bremerton to a maximum of $2,500 to fund a consultant study of this subject. Meeting adjourned at 11:45 PM. /16-1 "- CLERK `� MAY0R 1