03/11/1991 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington March 11, 1991 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 PM. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Childress, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, Smith and Grable. Staff present: City Attorney McCluskey, Deputy Clerk Thomas, Police Chief Mathews, City Engineer Curles, City Planner Davis, Fire Chief Snow and City Clerk Bower. Councilman Clauson led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Powers, Council approved the minutes of the February 25, 1991 regular Council meeting as circulated. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council set March 25, 1991 at 7:45 PM as date and time for Council to consider Notice of Intent to Petition for Annexation into the City of Port Orchard as submitted by Richard Granquist. Property is located in the northeast and southeast corner of the Sidney/Sedgwick intersection. Mayor Weatherill presented letter from Pastor Lowell Coleman requesting ,ermission to keep a trailer on the property located at 322 Cline until ;ne 3, 1991. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council approved Pastor Lowell Coleman's request to keep a trailer on property located at 322 Cline until June 15, 1991, contingent upon his compliance with recommendations set forth by the City Engineer and City Planner to alleviate safety concerns. Mayor Weatherill referred to letter from Bruce E. Fernie requesting an extension of time limit on Commercial General zoning designation for his property at 2431 Bethel Avenue. On motion by Councilman Powers, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council granted Bruce E. Fernie an 18 month time extension of Commercial General Zoning for his property located at 2431 Bethel Avenue. Original rezone was approved October 23, 1989. Cal Jordan, landscape architect, presented a slide show depicting the proposed waterfront revitalization plan. Councilman Clauson moved to accept the proposed waterfront revitalization plan as presented by Cal Jordan, seconded by Councilman Morrison and carried. Motion passed with 4 ayes and 3 nays. Councilmen Geiger, Powers and Smith voting nay. mayor Weatherill called for a 5 minute recess with meeting to reconvene at 40 PM. March 11, 1991 Page Two Robert Ojima, Bay Street Association Past President, introduced the new Port Orchard -Bay Street Assn. Co -Presidents, Paula Wissenger and Darci Jarolin. Mr. Ojima requested permission to hang "Welcome Home Troops" banner over Bay Street and install 25 US Flags with brass name plaques under each street light on the marquee in memorial of Lee Belas and other Washington State military personnel who lost their lives in the Persian Gulf War. Mr. Ojima stated flags would remain up approximately 6 month and then be removed and given to the family of military person. Bay Street Assn. will install and remove flags. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Smith, Council authorized the Bay Street Association to hang "Welcome Home Troops" banner over Bay Street and to install 25 US Flags with brass name plaques under each marque street light in memorial of Lee Belas and other Washington State military personnel who lost their lives in the Persian Gulf War, contingent upon approval from City Engineer, Fire Chief and Police chief. Bay Street Association will install and remove flags and plaques. Mayor Weatherill placed into Water/Sewer Committee, letter from Bill ,rocs, Flower To Go, Inc., requesting utility easement across City ,-operty to allow access to water main in the 900 block of Mitchell Avenue (in the vicinity of the Red Barn). Committee to submit recommendation at next Council meeting. On motion by Councilman Powers, seconded by Councilman Powers, Council approved Ordinance No. 1507 repealing Ordinance No. 1313 and also establishing the offense of disorderly conduct or keeping of a disorderly house and providing penalties. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council approved Ordinance No. 1508 amending Chapter four (definitions) and Chapter ten, Section B(1) of Ordinance No. 1469 relating to special conditions for land use reclassifications. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council approved Ordinance No. 1509 amending Ordinance No. 1469, Chapter 17 relating to parking and circulation requirements. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council approved Ordinance No. 1510 repealing Ordinance No. 1087 and Ordinance No. 1051, Section 4, 7, 12, 14 and 23 relating to off-street parking and loading requirements. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council directed staff to advise Ms. Ann Leyh the City cannot give any special irking consideration in the downtown parking lots to her without :scriminating against other citizens in Port Orchard. March 11, 1991 Page Three On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized Tom McDonald, Quality Tires, 560 Bay Street permission to rent 3 parking spaces in Parking Lot #5 (City Hall) at $25.00 per space until May 31, 1991. This will allow Mr. McDonald to find an alternative solution to his parking situation. City Engineer Curles advised Council R.V. Associates has been notified their sign which is located in the right-of-way adjacent to City's Old Clifton City property is in violation of the sign moratorium and the sign needs to be removed. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council unanimously approved payment of City vouchers as follows: Claims Warrant No. 14686-144687 on the amount of $100,516.69 and February 1991 Payroll in the amount of $122,846.82 (Warrant No. 113055-113190). Council concurred with Mayor Weatherill's appointment of Wayne Ablitt to the Port Orchard Planning Commission to replace Ted Zink who was been elected Kitsap County Coroner. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Smith, Council -uthorized City Engineer to purchase a sander from the City of Bremerton i the amount of $3,000.00. On motion by Councilman Powers, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council authorized the City Engineer to negotiate with the South Kitsap School District regarding the Mitchell Avenue Reconstruction Project. On motion by Councilman Powers, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council authorized the City Engineer to surplus jacket worn by Doug Breese (temporary Parking Enforcement Officer) and allow Mr. Breese to purchase the jacket in the amount of $160.00. At 9:55 P.M. Mayor Weatherill adjourned Council into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter for 30 minutes. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM. CLERK MAYOR