10/14/1991 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington October 14, 1991 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 PM. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Morrison, Geiger, Smith and Grable. Staff present: City Attorney Haberly, Deputy Clerk Thomas, City Treasurer Miller, Police Chief Mathews, City Engineer Curles, City Planner Davis, Fire Chief Snow and City Clerk Hower. Councilwoman Powers excused 9/23/91 Council meeting; Councilman Childress unexcused. Police Chief Mathews led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council approved the minutes of the September 23, 1991 regular meeting as distributed. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council acknowledged receipt of the Notice of Intent to Petition for Annexation as submitted by Emory J. and Shirley Bourdeau and set November 12, 1991 at 8:00 PM as date and time for meeting with the proponents to discuss possible annexation. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council adopted Resolution No. 1585 endorsing the concept of Kitsap County as an entitlement County in the Community Development Block Grant Program. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council adopted Resolution No. 1586 approving the City of Port Orchard Shoreline Master Program. Motion passed with 4 ayes and 1 nay. Councilman Morrison voted nay stating he supports all but one section of the Shoreline Master Program. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council adopted Resolution No. 1587 setting November 12, 1991 at 7:45 PM as date and time on a Petition to Vacate a portion of Bayview Street (Division Street) as submitted by Sunset Lane Cemetery. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All that portion of Fir Street lying between Blocks 9 and 10, of the Plat of Wheeler's Addition to Sidney as per recorded Plat filed in Volume 1 page 61 of Plats record of Kitsap County, Washington, extending South from the North line of Lot 6, Block 9 of said Plat of Wheeler's Addition to the South line of Bayview Street (Division Street) as shown on the recorded Plat of Tom Cline's Addition to Sidney filed in Volume 1, page 29 of Plats. All that portion of Bayview Street (Division Street) in said Plat of Wheeler's Addition to Sidney, lying East of the West line of Block 9 and West of the East line of Lot 13, Block 9 of said Plat of Wheeler's Addition. October 14, 1991 Page Two of Five Also all that portion of Bayview Street (Division Street) in said Plat of Tom Cline's Addition to Sidney, lying East of the West line of Block 9 of said Wheeler's Addition to Sidney and West of the East line of Lot 1 of Block 2 of Tom Cline's Addition to Sidney. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Smith, Council adopted Resolution No. 1588 setting November 12, 1991 at 8:30 PM as date and time on a Petition to Vacate a'portion of Rockwell Avenue as submitted by Albert C. and Helen E. Kleffner. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of Rockwell Avenue fronting Lots 22 to 27 inclusive, and fronting the south 2 feet of Lot 28 in Block 5 of the Plat of Sweany's 2nd Addition to Sidney, per plat recorded in Vol. 2 of Plats on Page 18, records of Kitsap County, Washington and situated within the corporate limits of the City of Port Orchard. Kathy Dixon representing the Port Orchard Peace Committee, requested permission to install temporary directional signs for the Community Peace Symposium on Saturday, October 19, 1991. The signs will be placed at (1) Bay Street and Beach Drive intersection (2) Mitchell Avenue and Bethel Avenue intersection (3) Mitchell Avenue and Bay Street intersection. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council allowed the Port Orchard Peace Committee to install temporary directional signs for the Community Peace Symposium on Saturday, October 19, 1991. The signs will be placed at (1) Bay Street and Beach Drive intersection (2) Mitchell Avenue and Bethel Avenue intersection (3) Mitchell Avenue and Bay Street intersection. Brian Petro invited Council and audience to the Bay Street Playhouse, October 18-19, 1991 to attend a free performance of the "Three Wishes". A production about teen pregnancy with a discussion following. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council excused Councilman Smith from the October 28, 1991 Council meeting. Mayor Weatherill opened Public Hearing scheduled for 7:45 PM regarding an application for a Zone Reclassification from Residential Low to Commercial General as submitted by Larry Williams, L.A. Williams Construction for property located at 4913 S. W. Hovde Road. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 11, Township 23, Range 1E, W. 12 Rds. of N. 10 A. of E 1/2, NW 1/4, NW 1/4. October 14, 1991 Page Three of Five City Planner Davis gave a brief background of the Planning Commission's recommendation to deny the rezone application, specifically stating the project appeared to be more industrial than commercial use and not compatible with other uses in the area. City Planner also read into record the reasons for denial from the Planning Commission. Larry Williams, proponent, presented a new site plan for the project and advised Council construction of the homes would not be on site only modular home displays, mini storage warehouses and nursery. Kathy Dixon from the audience, questioned what is meant by "affordable housing". Mr. Williams responded housing would be between $20,950 and up. Bob Mitton, 6515 Sunnyboy Drive, Gig Harbor, proponent, stated the revised site plan had been discussed with Grey Chevrolet and the First Christian Church and no objection from them had been expressed. Mr. Mitton also assured Council fire flow would not be a problem. Mayor Weatherill called for additional input either for or against the proposed rezone. As no response was received Mayor Weatherill closed Public Hearing and referred matter to Council for consideration. On motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilmen Clauson and Morrison, Council approved the zone reclassification from Residential Low to Commercial General with the following conditions: (1) apply for a Special Use Permit for the mini storage warehouse, (2) provide adequate fire flow, (3) short plat property, (4) project be site plan specific, any changes to original site plan as presented needs to be brought back to Council for considertion, (5) no construction on site, modular home display only, (6) A lighting plan shall be submitted and approved prior to placement of outdoor illumination, (7) A landscape plan shall be submitted identifying type of materials, location and size. All landscape areas around the site entrance and modular home shall be maintained by an automatic sprinkler system, (8) Landscaping found dead or diseased within one year after planting shall be replaced at the property owners expense, October 14, 1991 Page Four of Five (9) The access road shall be paved with asphalt or another city approved all-weather surface, (10) A minimum six foot high fence shall be constructed on the east and west property lines and between the mini -storage site and the modular home display property. An additional fence shall be constructed on the south property lines between proposed lots 1 and 4, 2 and 3, (11) Whenever possible, ex.isting mature trees shall be preserved as a mature landscape amenity during site clearing and grading, (12) the stormwater detention system shall be designed by a licensed engineer and shall conform to the standards of Kitsap County, (13) the stormwater system shall receive Department of Fisheries approval, (14) the proposed septic system shall be approved by the Health Department prior to issuance of a building permit, (15) the applicant agrees to participate on a proportional basis in the cost of any needed improvements to the Hovde Road/Sidney Avenue intersection. Mayor Weatherill called for a 5 minute recess with meeting to reconvene at 8:50 PM. Phyllis Mann, Department of Emergency Management, spoke to Council regarding K-PREP Program, (Kitsap Practices Responsible Emergency Preparedness). Ms. Mann spoke on how the program is preparing cities, schools and neighborhoods for major disasters. Elaine Shiner, 510 Sroufe St., spoke to Council concerning lack of consistent garbage pick up at her residence. Ms. Shiner suggested smaller cans made available and designate a contact person for fielding questions concerning garbage service. Mayor Weatherill advised Ms. Shiner the staff would contact South Sound Sanitation concerning her garbage service. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council approved Ordinance No. 1524 establishing rate of compensation for City Councilmembers. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council unanimously approved payment of vouchers as follows: Claims warrant No. 15750-15862 in the amount of $114,725.32. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized the City Engineer to upgrade computer terminals in his department. Mayor Weatherill requested Street/Alley Committee review requirements and policies for sandwich board signs on city sidewalks. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized the City Engineer to install a motorola radio in the Building inspector's vehicle and provide him with a pager. October 14, 1991 Page Five of Five On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council amended the Port Orchard Emergency Operations Plan, (Hazard Assessment (1) Earthquake). Meeting adjourned at 10:10 PM. TY CLERK MAYOR