12/23/1991 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington December 23, 1991 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 PM. Council members present: Clauson, Childress, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, and Grable. Staff present: City Attorney McCluskey, Deputy Clerk Thomas, Police Sergeant Loflin, City Engineer Curles, City Planner Davis, Fire Chief Snow and City Clerk Hower. Councilman Smith excused. Councilman Morrison led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council approved the minutes of the December 9, 1991 regular meeting as distributed. Fire Chief Snow updated Council on the terms of the proposed contract with Kitsap County Fire District No. 7 regarding fire suppression for the Vine Street Corporation Annexation area. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized the Mayor to sign contract with Kitsap County Fire District No. 7 regarding fire suppression for the Vine Street Corporation Annexation area, subject to revision and approval of wording by the City Attorney of the Indemnification Clause. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized the Mayor to sign Mutual Aid Agreement for Fire and Medical Response with Fire District No. 7. At 7:45 PM Mayor Weatherill opened Public Hearing regarding an application for a Zone Reclassification from Residential Low to Residential High as submitted by Tyee Sinclair Partnerships located at the northwest intersection of Pottery Avenue and Melcher Street. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The south half of the Southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 34, Township 24, North, Range 1 East, W.M., Kitsap County, Washington, Except the south 30 feet thereof conveyed to Kitsap County by deed recorded under Auditor File No. 924259. City Planner Davis briefed Council on location of subject property and outlined the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve the Zone Reclassification from Residential Low to Residential High as submitted by Tyee Sinclair Partnership. Tony Garrity, Chairman, Tyee Corporation gave a very comprehensive outline of the proposed development. December 23,1991 Page Two of Five Mayor Weatherill called for additional input either for or against the proposed rezone. As no response was received Mayor Weatherill closed the Public Hearing and referred matter to Council for consideration. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 175-91 setting forth findings of fact, conclusion and conditions as their own and approved the zone reclassification from Residential Low to Residential High for property located at the northwest intersection of Pottery Avenue and Melcher Street, with the following 28 conditions: 1) A ten foot (10') "Native Growth Protection Easement" shall be established along the rear lot lines of adjacent properties. This area shall be supplemented with natural vegetation to include native trees and shrubs. 2) A landscape plan shall be submitted identifying size, type of materials, and location within wetland enhancement areas. All landscape areas around the site entrance, if any, shall be maintained by an automatic sprinkler system. One street tree shall be planted adjacent to the street right-of-way on each lot of record (canopy type). 3) Common area landscaping found dead or diseased within one year after planting shall be replaced at the developers expense. 4) Approved fencing shall be installed around the perimeter of any detention pond or wetland with an average slope of 3:1 or more. Split rail fencing shall be used next to wetlands that are adjacent to trail easements or open - space frequented by the public. S) The grassy play area next to Wetland "D" shall be planted and maintained with native plant species. 6) Identify mitigation measures within wetland "D". 7) Prior to issuance of any permits for site work, an erosion and sediment control plan shall be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. In addition, a stormwater management plan shall be submitted to verify the adequacy of existing stormwater facilities. Hay bales and filter fabric shall be used throughout all phases of construction. 8) All homeowners shall receive educational material regarding the importance of wetlands and spawning streams, their various functions and continued maintenance. 9) No clearing and grading shall be initiated until an erosion and sediment control and vegetation plan has been submitted to the Engineering and Planning Department. Landscaping plans shall identify the limits of areas to be graded or cleared. No grading or clearing is allowed within 25 feet of all wetlands. 10) one sign may be located at the main entrance and shall not exceed 32 square feet in size. Such sign shall be indirectly lighted and consist of natural materials. 11) No portion of any building (including accessory structures) shall be closer than 50 feet from any identified wetland. 12) Mature trees to remain after grading shall be clearly marked on the final plat map. 13) Native growth protection easements shall be clearly marked in BOLD letters on the final plat map. 14) All designated common open -space including cul-de-sac landscape December 23, 1991 Page Three of Five islands shall be identified as tracts. 15) CC&R's shall be rewritten to address previously mentioned concerns. 16) Lot fifteen shall be increased in size to a minimum of 5000 square feet. 17) No grading or land clearing shall occur within an average of 700 feet of identified Heron nesting sites until they are reexamined by a certified wildlife biologist in Spring of 1992. If Heron nests are reoccupied, a minimum nonclearing buffer averaging no less than 300 feet shall be maintained around such reoccupied nests. 18) Street lighting shall be Puget Power approved fixtures with high pressure sodium luminaries. Street lights shall be placed at intersections and cul-de-sacs as approved by the City Engineer. It is noted that the street lights in the City shall become an operational expense of the City. 19) Concrete sidewalks shall be a minimum of five feet wide and shall extend throughout the development on at least one side of the road. 20) All streets shall meet City standards for an access road. 21) The developer shall provide the necessary street signs as required by the City Engineer. 22) The developer shall improve the intersection of Sherman Avenue and Melcher Street by excavating Melcher Street to improve sight distance. 23) No road grade shall exceed twelve percent (12%) without expressed approval from the City Engineer. 24) The developer shall install the water system according to City standards. Placement and selection of fire hydrants shall be approved by the Port Orchard Fire Chief. 25) The water system shall be deeded to the City. All utility easements shall be a minimum width of 20 feet. 26) The developer shall install the sewer system according to City standards. 27) The sewer system shall be deeded to the City. All utility easements required for the sewer shall be a minimum width of 20 feet. 28) The developer shall install the stormwater system according to Kitsap County standards. Mayor Weatherill called for a 10 minute recess with meeting to reconvene at 9:10 PM. Mayor Weatherill opened Public Hearing Scheduled for 8:00 PM regarding a request to subdivide 7.8 acres into 20 lots, as submitted by Tyee Sinclair Partnerships to construct single family homes. City Planner advised Council and audience the 28 conditi.ons which apply to the Tyee Sinclair Partnership Rezone also apply to the request to subdivide 7.8 acres into lots. Mayor Weatherill called for additional public input either for or against the proposed subdivision of 7.8 acres into 20 lots. As no response was received Mayor Weatherill closed the Public Hearing and referred the matter to Council for consideration. December 23, 1991 Page Four of Five On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council approved the request by Tyee Sinclair Partnership to subdivide 7.8 acres into 20 lots to construct single family homes and to include the same 28 conditions which apply to the Tyee Sinclair Partnership Rezone. Doug Eide, 2475 Bethel Road, read his letter into record, which strongly opposes "any current land use changes or designations for the Tremont Corridor". Mr. Eide urged the city to move slow with any future development on Tremont. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council approved Ordinance No. 1535 amending Ordinance No. 1135 establishing the allowance for mileage for the employees of the City of Port Orchard. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council approved Ordinance No. 1536 amending the budget for the year 1991, ordering appropriation of funds and authorizing a budgetary transfer. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilwoman Powers, Council authorized the Mayor to sign the Kitsap County/City of Port Orchard Addendum to Contract for Incarceration of City Prisoners for the year 1992. Councilman Geiger moved to reconsider Resolution No. 1591 authorizing development of a specific plan, establishing design and development guidelines for commercial and multi -family development along Tremont Street, seconded by Councilwoman Powers. Motion failed with 2 ayes and 5 nays. Councilmen Grable, Morrison, Childress and Clauson voted nay. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council unanimously approved payment of vouchers as follows: Claims Warrant No. 16135-16207 in the amount of $90,975.09 and the December 1991 Payroll Warrant No. 114664-114827 in the amount of $151,343.91. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council authorized the City Engineer to remove the tree stumps in the vicinity of 104 Tremont Street right-of-way. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council authorized the City Engineer to eliminate one parking space at the corner of Mitchell Avenue and DeKalb Street to allow a transit bus stop. Motion passed with 5 ayes, Councilman Clauson refrained from voting due to a conflict of interest. on motion by Councilman Grable, seconded Council authorized the City Engineer to Mitchak at 1803 Bay Street of the April appropriate work which needs to be done right-of-way. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 PM. DEPUTY CLERIC December 23, 1991 Page Five of Five by Councilman Morrison, notify Mr. and Mrs. 1, 1992 deadline for the on the fence in City MAYOR