07/27/1987 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington July 27, 1987 Council of the City of -Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill. Council members present:' Clauson, Childress, Wilson, Lloyd, Geiger, Grosso and Grable. Also present: City Attorney McCloskey, Police Chief Mathews, City Engineer Curles, Fire Chief Snow, and City Clerk Hower. Arnie Norem led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council approved the minutes of the July 13, 1987 meeting as distributed. ` Councilman Geiger moved to adopt Ordinance No. 1386 relating to dog license requirements, seconded by Councilman Clauson. Councilman Geiger moved to amend proposed Ordinance No. 1386 to change penalty fee to Twenty -Five dollars ($25.), seconded by Councilman Clauson and carried. Original motion as amended to adopted Ordinance No. 1386 relating to dog license requirements and setting penalty fee at Twenty -Five Dollars ($25.) carried with six ayes and one nay. Councilman Childress voting nay. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council approved Ordinance No. 1387 authorizing the calling of a special election of the qualified electors of the City of Port Orchard for September 15, 1987, to levy a one year tax estimated at $1.79 per thousand of assessed valuation for the purpose of construction of an addition to the facilities of Fire Station No. 2 and the purchase of a rescue vehicle. Mayor Weatherill read Notice of Intent to Petition for Annexation into City of Port Orchard which was submitted by Steve Davis, representative of W. E. Lumsden, et. al. City Clerk reviewed annexation process. • Legal Description - Attachment A: Councilman Childress, who has submitted request to include his property located on Old Clifton Road in this annexation process, stepped down due to conflict of interest. After discussion on this proposal to annex property into the City of Port Orchard the City Council took the following actions: 1) Councilman Wilson moved to accept Petition for Annexation as presented by W.E. Lumsden, et. al, motion seconded by Councilman Grable. Councilman Clauson moved to amend motion to include property owned by Chuck and Marguerite Childress,, seconded by Councilman Grable and carried. Original motion as amended was approved with six aye votes to accept Petition for Annexation from W.E. Lumsden, Chuck Childress, et. al. July 27, 1987 Page two (2) On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council moved to require all properties included in the proposed Lumsden/Childress Annexation assume the City. indebtedness upon annexation into the City. (3) On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council moved to require all properties included in the proposed Lumsden/Childress Annexation be required to assume existing City indebtedness. Mayor Weatherill read Notice of Intent'to.Petition for Annexation submitted by Daniel J. and Barbara J. Case. (Legal Description -Attachment B.) Councilman Wilson'moved to accept Petition for Annexation into the City of Port Orchard as presented by Daniel J. and Barbara J. Case, seconded by Councilman Clauson. Councilmembers discussed property proposed for annexation into the City limits and noted that the property description as presented would create an island of County property within the City's boundaries. Councilman Wilson moved to continue proposed Case Annexation process and to request proponents amend boundaries of property submitted for annexation, seconded by Councilman Grable and carried with seven ayes. Council discussed letter from Robert Ojima, President Downtown Merchants Assn. requesting a portion of Hotel/Motel tax monies to be used to print a brochure promoting Port Orchard. Councilman Grosso moved to give some Hotel/Motel Tax monies. to the Downtown Merchants Association to help fund a brochure promoting Port Orchard, seconded by Councilman Wilson. Councilman Clauson moved to table motion and request Clerk contact Robert Ojima regarding cost of brochure, seconded by Councilman Wilson and carried. Mayor Weatherill read letter from Downtown Merchants Association requesting permission to hold the 5th Annual Country Street Fair on August 16, 1987. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council approved the Downtown Merchants Assn. 5th Annual Country Street Fair and authorized the Police Department to contact the State Highway Department to request Bay Street be closed on August 16, 1987 from 10 A.M.-6 P.M. Councilmembers discussed letter from Robert Ojima, President Downtown Merchants Assn. which responded to concerns and recommendations presented by two P.S.N.S. employee unions relevant to commuter parking. Councilman Clawson presented additional information and ideas discussed at meeting held on commuter parking. Councilman Wilson moved to approve establishing concept of van pool parking in City Parking Lot No. 4 (east waterfront lot) with parking fee to be monthly fee of Twenty -Two Dollars ($22.), seconded by Councilman Geiger and carried with six ayes and one nay. Councilman Grable voting nay. July 27, 1987 Page three City Clerk reported on bid opening held July 23, 1987 at 4:30 P.M. relevant to call for bid for Wilkins Water Main. Bid.s were received with required bid bond as follows: Stan Palmer Construction $ 83,458. RT & T Construction 115,010. Del Mar Construction 81,978. Pape & Sons, Inc. 69,587. Engineers Estimate 103,300. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council accepted ,the bidding as received on July 23, 1987 for construction of Wilkins Water Main and awarded the contract to Pape & Sons, Inc. with low bid of $69.587. City Clerk reported on bid opening held July 23, 1987 at 4:30 P.M. in response to Call for Bid for construction of Public Works Shop Building. Bids were received with required bid bonds as follows: Lincoln Construction $ 88,650. Wade Perrow Construction 105,285. Granquist Construction 84,290. Engineers Estimate 100,000. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded by Councilman Grosso, Council accepted the bidding -as received on July 23, 1987 for construction of a Public Works Shop Building as per specifications and awarded the contract to the low bidder, Granquist Construction for the amount of $84,290. Councilman Wilson, Chairman of the Street Committee reported on master plan concept the Street Committee is developing for parking in residential areas. Councilman Wilson moved to increase the speed limit on Highway 160 (from Maple Street to the City limits on Highway 160) from 25 MPH to 30 MPH, seconded by Councilman Geiger and carried with six ayes and one nay. Councilman Grosso voting nay. Councilman Grable requested Street Committee study raising speed limit on Tremont Street to 35 MPH. Mayor Weatherill call for ten minute recess. Councilman Grosso requested City Engineer look into and report to Council on available equipment to establish a power generating plant utilizing solid waste and/or sewer sludge. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clau.son, Council set August 10, 1987; 7:45 P.M. as date and time of public hearing on proposed budget for Federal Shared Revenue Funds received in excess of anticipated amounts. Councilman Geiger moved to relieve present owner of 1113 Tacoma Avenue of responsibility of late penalty of $3.82 and final notice fee of $5.00 from Utility Account No. 1131, these charges were assessed because of late payments by the prior owner, H.U.D., seconded by Councilman Grosso and carried. H.U.D. to be billed for these charges. July 27, 1987 Page Four On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded by•Councilman Wilson, moved to note and correct error made at July 13, 1987 Council meeting: motion was made to remove Final Notice charge of $5.00 and Turn-off charge of $10.00 from Utility Account No. 1118 (507 Melcher). These charges were for labor service, an out of pocket expense, therefore not removable. Mr. Reid, owner of 507 Melcher is to be notified that Council can not forgive out of pocket charges. City Attorney requested Council input for preparation of "Jake Brake" ordinance Councilman Wilson moved to reconsider motion to prohibit Jake Brakes in the City, seconded by Councilman Childress. Motion failed with three ayes and four nays. Councilmen Grosso, Grable, Lloyd and Geiger voting.nay. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Wilson, ' Council directed'City Attorney to request Transportation Department input concerning safety issues addressed in the City's action to reduce speed limit at west City limits on Highway 160.- On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council authorized Fire Chief Snow to proceed with establishing fire lanes in City Parking Lot No. 4 to allow access to the Port of Bremerton Manna Park. Councilman Clauson moved to approve Fire Chief Snow attending Hazardous Material -Right To Know Seminar in Kennewick on September 21-25, seconded by Councilman Grosso and carried. City Engineer Curles reviewed drawings presented by HMI, Gary Kucinski, on proposed excavation.of slope, noting concept has changed from slope to rock wall design. Councilman Grosso moved to direct City Engineer to contact Gary Kucinski and inform him that because of than.ges in slope design the City is withdrawing approval of concept of excavation and grading of alley right of way lying between property located at 823 Bethel and City property on Mitchell Street, seconded by Councilman and carried. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer (City Clerk) as required by RCW 42.24.080 and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090 have been recorded on a listing and made available to the Council.-, On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council unanimously approved payment of those vouchers as follows: Claim Warrant No. 8992-9045 in the total amount of $16,915.56. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. %Z� «� CLERK MAYOR July 27, 1987 Page 5 ATTACHMENT A (legal description Lumsden/Childress Annexation) SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 01 EAST; THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 SECTION 34, EXCEPT THE WEST 225 FEET THEREOF AND EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET OF SAID NW 1/4, SW 1/4 TOGETHER WITH THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 AND THAT PORTION OF THE NW 1/4, SE 1/4 LYING WESTERLY OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 16. ATTACHMENT B (legal description Case Annexation) THAT PORTION OF THE WEST 500.00 FEET OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST W.M. LYING SOUTH OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 14 (sign Route No. 160), AND SOUTH OF WILKINS DRIVE, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:' BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID GOUT LOT 1, THENCE S 89*58'06"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID GOVT LOT I A DISTANCE OF 500.00 FEET; THENCE N 0*23'00" E, PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF GOUT LOT 1, TO WHERE THIS LINE INTERSECTS WITH THE SOUTH MARGIN OF WILKINS DRIVE; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH MARGIN OF WILKINS DRIVE TO WHERE THIS ROAD INTERSECTS WITH THE SOUTH MARGIN OF STATE HWY NO. 14; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTH MARGIN OF STATE HWY NO.14 TO WHERE IT INTERSECTS WITH THE WEST LINE OF GOVT LOT 1; THENCE S 0*23'00"E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID GOVT LOT 1 A DISTANCE OF 1194.03 FEET TO THE TPOB