09/14/1987 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington September 14, 1987 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Protem Gerald Grosso. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Childress, Wilson, Geiger, Lloyd, Grosso and Grable. Also present: City Attorney McCluskey, Police Chief Mathews, City Engineer Curles, Fire Chief Snow, City Clerk Hower and Deputy Clerk Thomas Councilman Geiger led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Lloyd, Council approved the minutes of the August 24, 1987 meeting as distributed. Don Lingren, President, South Sound Sanitation, provided a video tape presentation on the new "Dura-Kan" garbage collection system. Mr. Lingren and Bill Kamps, attorney availed themselves for questions from Council and audience. George Lucas, 304 Farragut, requested Council reconsider action making Dura-Kan garbage collection system mandatory. Mr. Lucas objected to increase in rates for current "one can" service users. June Hansen owner of tri-plex at 265 Farragut, stated she does not' have a place to store the new garbage containers, presently her cans are recessed underground. Blanche Fein, III Perry Avenue, objected to garbage collection system being mandatory. Virginia LaFevre, 147 Perry Avenue, expressed concern with cans being to large to handle, and objected to mandatory garbage containers. Mayor Protem Grosso read letter from R.E. Sanborn and Anne Sanborn, 511 Austin, stating their objections to mandatory garbage container system. Jackie Filipiuk, 1128 West, questioned whether children could lock themselves in the new garbage containers. Pete Filipiuk, 1128 West, questioned who will be responsible for the maintenance of the new cans. Howard Minor, 1400 Bay, spoke in favor of the new garbage collection system (Dura-Kan). William Allen, 320 Farragut, spoke in favor of the new garbage collection system, but stated it should be elective and not mandatory. Bill Kamps, representing Don Lingren, South Sound Sanitation, answered questions regarding the new garbage collection system (Dura-Kan). Mr. Kamps stated the choice of an elective or mandatory system is a policy decision by the Council, the rate schedule was established for the program and set by Council action. The maintenance of the cans will be the responsibility of the contractor. The cans are not self locking and are not air tight. September 14, 1987 Page Two Councilman Clauson moved to adjust garbage service rates to $8.25 per month and authorize the City Clerk to exempt citizens who live on hills or only utilize a small garbage can. Motion dies for lack of second. Councilman Wilson moved to repeal mandatory feature of new Dura-Kan garbage collection system and implement the elective option as offered by South Sound Sanitation, seconded by Councilman Clauson. Motion failed with 2 ayes and 5 nays. Councilmembers Childress, Geiger, Grosso, Lloyd and Grable voting nay. Mayor Protem Grosso called for recess with meeting to reconvene at 9:00 PM. Mayor Weatherill arrived and reconvened meeting at 9:00 PM. Mayor Protem Grosso resumed Council position. Dave Nelson, Engineer for Pac-Tech, representing George Buckley, requested authorization to obtain water service from Annapolis Water District and sewer service from Kitsap Co. Sewer District No. 5 for Mr. Buckley's property. Councilman Grosso moved to allow George Buckley to utilize Utility Services other than City of Port Orchard, contingent upon Mr. Buckley agreeing to covenants for future hook-up, seconded by Councilman Grable and carried. Mayor Weatherill referred letter from Marvin Rowan concerning excess water usage to Water -Sewer Committee for further research. Councilman Grable moved to concur with Mayor Weatherill's Proclamation declaring September 7 - 13, 1987 as Community Service Appreciation Week, seconded by Councilman Geiger and carried. Councilman Grosso moved to accept proposed Animal Control Services Agreement for 1988 with the following amendment to Item No. 17: This Agreement shall be effective as of the first day of January, 1988, and shall be in farce and effect until the 31st day of December 1988. Should either party desire to modify or terminate this agreement, it shall serve written notice at least ninety -days prior to that date, seconded by Councilman Geiger and carried. Councilman Clauson moved to allow the Mayor to sign proposed Mutual Aid Fire Fighting Assistance Agreement with Department of Navy - P.S.N.S., seconded by Councilman Grosso and carried. Councilman Wilson moved to approve Ordinance No. 1394iproviding certain penalties for misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor violations of P.O.M.C., Title 9, Public Peace, Morals and Safety, seconded by Councilman Grable and carried. Councilman Wilson moved to adopt Resolution No. 1465 establishing restrictions, time limits and fees for parking on certain City parking lots, with the following corrections: Page 1, paragraph 5, (Lot 1), deleting "Commuter Van Pool vehicles (three or more persons per vehicle) may obtain a monthly prepaid parking pass for the sum of Twenty -Two Dollars, ($22.00)" and adding to page 1, paragraph 8, (Lot 4) "Monthly parking pass will not be prorated.", seconded by Councilman Clauson and carried. September 14, 1987 Page Three Mayor Weatherill referred letter from Marvin Rowan regarding residential parking permits to the City Clerk for research. Mayor Weatherill called for recess and reconvened meeting at 9:50 PM. City Clerk presented Council with revised "Notice of Intent for Annexation" as submitted by Daniel J. and Barbara J. Case. (Legal Description -Attachment "A"). Councilman Grosso moved to accept Petition for Annexation as presented by Daniel J. and Barbara J. Case, seconded by Councilman Wilson and carried. On motion by -Councilman Grosso, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council moved to require the simultaneous adoption of the Comprehensive Plan for the area proposed to be annexed by Barbara J. and Daniel J. Case. Councilman Grosso moved to require all properties included in the proposed Daniel J. and Barbara J. Case Annexation assume the City's indebtedness upon annexation into the City, seconded by Councilman Geiger and carried. Councilman Clauson moved to remove from table the motion to give some Hotel/Motel monies to the Downtown Merchants Association to help fund a brochure promoting Port Orchard, (motion presented by Councilman Grosso 7/27/87), seconded by Councilman Grosso and carried. After much discussion, Councilman Clauson moved to table motion to give some Hotel/Motel monies to the Downtown Merchants Association to help fund a brochure promoting Port Orchard, seconded by Councilman Grosso and carried. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer (City Clerk) as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing and made available to the Council. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council unanimously approved payment of those vouchers as follows: Claims Warrant No. 9162-9241 in the total amount of $70,279.20, and August, 1987 payroll in the amount of $100,846.79. Councilman Clauson reported that on 7/13/87 Council excused late penalty for Mr. Jerry Reid, U.L.I.D. No. 1, Account No. 40480010230007. Mr. Reid agreed to bring principal and interest current when the penalty was removed. The City Treasurer's office has, as of close of business today, received no payment on this account. Council instructed Mr. Reid be notified that this account must be brought current within 30 days (October 15, 1987) or penalties will be reinstated. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Grosso, Council authorized the City Engineer attend a seminar on Underground Storage Tanks, September 29, 1987 at a cost of $25.00. September 14, 1987 Page Four . Councilman Clauson announced he will be out of town on September 28, 1987 and will be unable to attend the next Council meeting. Councilman Wilson moved to excuse Councilman Clauson from the September 28, 1987 Council meeting, seconded by Councilman Grable and carried. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council authorized the Mayor to sign the "Extension of Refuse Removal Service Contract", with Southsound Sanitation extending the existing contract and prior extension agreements to June 30, 1995, with specified terms and conditions. Councilman Grosso moved to set October 12, 1987, 7:45 PM as date and time for Public Hearing regarding reconsideration of items No. 2 and No. 13 of Ordinance No. 1091, seconded by Councilman Clauson and carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 PM r) CLERK MAYOR MAYOR PROTEM September 14, 1987 Page Five ATTACHMENT A DANIEL J./BARBARA J. CASE ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGAL DESCRI'-PTION: THAT PORTION OF THE WEST 700.00 FEET OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST W.M. LYING SOUTH OF STATE HIGHWAY NO 14 (sign Route No. 160) AND SOUTH OF WILKINS DRIVE BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 1; THENCE S 89*58'06" ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 1 A DISTANCE OF 500.00 FEET; THENCE N 0*23'00" E, 485.76 FEET ALONG A LINE PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1; THENCE N 0*23'00" E, 29.13 FEET; THENCE N 33*43'06" E, 30.11 FEET; THENCE N 29*17'36" E, 240.78 FEET; THENCE N 10*15'06" E, 116.96 FEET TO THE SOUTH MARGIN OF WILKINS DRIVE; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH MARGIN OF WILKINS DRIVE TO THE POINT WHERE THE SOUTH MARGIN OF WILKINS DRIVE INTERSECTS WITH THE SOUTH MARGIN OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 14 (Sign Route No. 160); THENCE WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH MARGIN OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 14 TO WHERE IT INTERSECTS WITH THE WEST LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1; THENCE S 0*23'00" E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 1 A DISTANCE OF 1194.03 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.