02/24/1986 - Regular - MinutesFebruary 24, 1986 Port Orchard, Washington Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill. Council members present: Clauson, Childress, Wilson, Geiger, Lloyd, Grosso and Grable. Also present: Attorney McCluskey, Police Chief Mathews, City Engineer Curles, Fire Chief Snow, City Clerk Hower and Administrative Assistant Thomas. Councilman Grosso led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded by Councilman Grable Council approved the minutes of the February 10, 1986 meeting as circulated. Paul Liao and S.S. Lin, representing Kramer, Chin & Mayo, informed Council K.C.M. has received Consulting Engineers Council of Washington 1985 First Honor Award, for engineering excellence on the Port Orchard Wastewater Treatment Facility and presented the City with display graphic of this award. Councilman Grosso moved to authorize closure of Bay Street on April 26, 1986 to facilitate Loyalty Day festivities as requested by Veterans of Foreign Wars. Police Chief Mathews to contact State Highway Department regarding closure of Bay Street. Councilman Clauson moved to approve Ordinance No. 1338 establishing a crime of shoplifting, providing penalties, and repealing an ordinance relative to shoplifting, in Chapter 9.28.060 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code, Ordinance No. 1125, Section IV, Sub- section D, seconded by Councilman Grosso and carried. Councilman Grosso moved to adopt Resolution No. 1414 authorizing segregation of properties with UA .I.D. #1 in accordance with section 35.44.410, Revised Code of Washington, (Roland/Roland - Phillip Grey), seconded by Councilman Geiger and carried. Councilman Wilson moved to adopt Resolution No. 1415, authorizing the Mayor to sign the City -County Agreement and Project Prospectus with the Washington State Department of Transportation relative to the widening of Bethel Road, seconded by Councilman Clauson and carried. Councilman Grosso spoke regarding the excellent job Officer Mark Duncan has done developing Police Pistol Range Training Program. Councilman Grosso moved to issue commendation to Officer Duncan for excellent job of developing Police Pistol Range Training Program, and place a copy of commendation in his personnel file, seconded by Councilman Grable and carried. Patty Haskins, Chairperson for the Centennial Heritage Day Cele- bration, addressed Council requesting the closure of Bay Street on May 3, 1986 for Port Orchard Centennial Celebration. Councilman Clauson moved to authorize the Centennial Heritage Day Celebration on May 3, 1986 contingent upon approval from Depart- ment of Transportation, seconded by Councilman Grosso and carried. February 24, 1986 Page Two Councilman Grosso moved to adopt Resolution No. 1416 in- sufficiency of funds for fire protection of State Institutions, seconded by Councilman Grable and carried. Councilman Grosso moved to authorize the Fire Chief and City Engineer to request the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau resurvey the City of Port Orchard fire protection classification. The current rating was established in August of 1962. Seconded by Councilman Grable and carried. Police Chief Mathews, presented proposal to retrofit 4 current police vehicles and purchase two surplus vehicles from Kitsap County in lieu of purchasing a new vehicle from the 1986 budget. Councilman Childress moved to approve proposal, as presented by Police Chief Mathews, to retrofit 4 current police vehicles and purchase two surplus vehicles from Kitsap County, seconded by Councilman Clauson and carried. Mayor Weatherill called for a 30 minute executive session to discuss contractual matter and litigation-Bloomquist/Joslin. Councilman Grosso moved to authorize the Mayor to terminate the services of Public Defender, Joan Case, et al, effective May 1, 1986 and to secure services of another Public Defender, seconded by Councilman Grable and carried with 6 ayes. Councilman Geiger abstained from voting due to personal conflict. Councilman Clauson moved to authorize the Police Department to Call for Bids regarding retrofitting of four police vehicles, seconded by Councilman Geiger and carried. Councilman Wilson moved to authorize the Chief of Police to draft job descriptions for the Police Department uniformed positions, seconded by Councilman Clauson. Motion failed with 6 nays and 1 aye. Councilman Wilson voting aye. Councilman Grable moved to remove from table proposed Ordinance No. 1325 establishing utility connection fees and repealing sections of certain ordinances relating to such fees. Motion died for lack of second. Councilman Clauson moved to remove from table proposed Ordinance No. 1325 establishing utility connection fees and repealing sections of certain ordinances relating to such fees, seconded by Councilman Grable and carried. Councilman Grable moved to withdraw original motion (as presented October 14, 1985) to approve proposed Ordinance No. 1325 establishing utility connection fees and repealing sections of certain ordinances relating to such fees, Councilman Lloyd, acting on behalf of Councilwoman Miller withdrew second to motion. Councilman Geiger moved to set March 10, 1986 at 7:45 P.M. as date and time of Public Hearing relevant to application for Special Use Permit as submitted by Bryan Properties. This would allow construction of a health care clinic at 1890 Pottery that is zoned residential -high. February 24, 1986 Page Three LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The South 150 feet of the East 290 feet of the following described property; Section 34, Township 24 North Range 01 East, W.M., Beginning 30 feet West of the South- east corner of Section 34; thence N89* W 1290 feet; thence N 0*23'E 331 feet; thence S 89* East 1290 feet; thence S 0*23' W 331 feet to beginning, seconded by Councilman Clauson and carried. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer (City Clerk) as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimburse- ment Claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing and made available to the Council. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council unanimously approved payment of those vouchers as follows: (Claims) Warrant No. 6,777-6,833 in the total amount of $43,794.81. Councilman Clauson moved to authorize permission for the pony/co-it league to move the field lights from the location between the little league playfield and the tennis courts to the pony/colt field, at no cost to the City, pony/colt to provide City with Hold Harmless Agreement and also show City named insured on insurance for this action, seconded by Councilman Lloyd and carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:02 P.M. /%� �r CLER MAYOR