11/22/2004 - Regular - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting of November 22, 2004 PRESENT: KIM E. ABEL, MAYOR COUNCIL MEMBERS: John Clauson Todd Cramer Robert Geiger Rita Dilenno Carolyn Powers - excused Ron Rider Rick Wyatt, Mayor Protem ALSO PRESENT: Treasurer Kristine Tompkins, Police Chief Townsend, Deputy City Clerk Merlino, Interim Public Works Director Lobdell, Planning Director Joanne Long - Woods, Associate City Planner Casey, Assistant City Attorney Jacoby. 6:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER David Holiar, 2397 S. Flower Avenue, led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Counciimember Clauson requested Item 5B, "Passage of Ordinance No. 1957 — Adoption of Employee Salary Schedule" be delayed until after the Council Executive Session. AUDIENCE COMMENTS FOR ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA Pat Lucas, 232 Goldenrod, asked Council, when the City Council meeting will be televised on Channel 3. Mayor Abel advised this item will be addressed at the 2005 Budget Study Session, following this Council meeting. Fred Chang, 319 Sidney Avenue, commended the City Clerk's Office for providing the City Council packets electronically. Mr. Chang expressed a concern with the Kitsap Peninsula Visitor and Convention Bureau (VCB) requesting $31,500 for 2005 Hotel/Motel Tax funding. Mr. Chang stated in past years the City of Port Orchard has awarded proportionately higher amounts than all other jurisdictions. Mr. Chang recommends that the City's award to the VCB be no greater than contributions from each of the other three cities, as well as the contribution from the County (which includes Silverdale and the Urban Growth areas). Bryan Petro, Port Orchard citizen, expressed the same concerns and concurred with Fred Chang regarding the Hotel/Motel awards to the Kitsap Peninsula Visitor and Convention Bureau. Minutes of November 22, 2004 Page 2 of 8 David Hollar, 2397 S. Flower Avenue, advised Council, a petition has been circulating within their Flower Meadows vicinity, regarding traffic safety; road construction, utility service availability, residential development regulations and associated land use controls. The petitioners are requesting guidance and consideration from the City Council on these issues. The Mayor directed David Hollar and several of the petitioners meet with the Planning Director and Growth Management Committee on December 9, 2004 at City Hall, 7:30 PM to discuss these issues. Christine Sanders, 2407 South Flower Avenue, also commented on the circulating petition and advised the neighbors want to meet with all interested parties including City Departments and developers. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Clauson moved and Councilmember Wyatt seconded a motion approving the Consent Agenda. Motion carried. A. Minutes of the October 25, 2004 City Council Meeting B. Approval of Claim Warrants Nos. 42306 — 42399 in the amount of $856,558.35 C. Approval of Firework Stand Location — New Years Eve D. Adoption of Resolution No. 2097 — Approval of View Exemption (]alley) E. Correspondence & Proclamation of Support for our Troops in Iraq F. Authorize Surplus of Firearms — Attachment "A" At this time of the meeting, Mayor Abel read and presented a Proclamation to Sgt. Johnston and Sgt. Cruz, granting the City's support to the men and women of all United States Armed Forces with specific gratitude to the soldiers of the Port Orchard Armory. BUSINESS ITEMS Discussion of Comprehensive Plan Amendments & Adoption of Resolution No. _2099 — Approval of Work Plan Planning Director Joanne Long -Woods, advised the City is required to revise/update the Comprehensive Plan every seven years to bring the plan into compliance with the Growth Management Act changes. Ms. Long -Woods further advised a Resolution needs to be adopted by the City and submitted to the Washington State Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development (DCTED) by December 1, 2004 outlining a Work Plan, with a list of proposed updates and a work schedule. Councilmember Clauson moved and Councilmember Geiger seconded a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2099 establishing a plan and schedule for reviewing and, if necessary, revising its Comprehensive Plan and Minutes of November 221 2004 Page 3 of 8 Development Regulations to ensure compliance with the Growth Management Act. Motion carried unanimously. Approval of the 2005 3oint Wastewater Treatment Budget Interim City Engineer Lobdell, advised the 2005 budget for the Joint Wastewater Treatment Facility has been reviewed and accepted by the Sewer Advisory Committee and is now forwarded to the City Council for consideration and approval. Dick Fitzwater, Karcher Creek Sewer District Director, reported that in order to remove double insurance coverage, the premium for the year 2003-2004 decreased in the amount of $8,651.00 that will be refunded to the City. Councilmember Clauson moved and Councilmember Rider seconded a motion to approve the 2005 Wastewater Treatment Plan Budget as written. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion of Small Lot Development Standards Associate Planner Casey, reported the "Small Lot Discussion" was initiated by Resolution No. 2038 which directs the planning staff and the Planning Commission to review the zoning ordinance regarding minimum lot size requirements for the R4.5 zone and the lot dimension requirements for all zones and to provide specific recommendations to the Council for consideration. Upon request of the Council, staff has reviewed existing regulations and has determined that existing development regulations and design standards are not sufficient to ensure that small lot housing projects will be consistent with, and implement, the City's Comprehensive Plan. At this time, staff is requesting the Council to provide direction on the next step in the "Small Lot Discussion". ➢ Should the proposed recommendations from the Planning Commission be forwarded to the Growth Management Committee for their recommendation prior to the Public Hearing? ➢ Should staff prepare a packet for the public hearing to amend the Zoning Ordinance to reflect the proposed Small Lot Development Standards reviewed and recommended by the Planning Commission and schedule the public hearing on the next agenda? Councilmember Geiger requested more information and discussion before a public hearing is scheduled. Councilmember Rider recommended scheduling a public hearing allowing the citizens of Port Orchard an opportunity to comment on the small lot development. Minutes of November 22, 2004 Page 4of8 Planning Director Long -Woods advised she will prepare an audio/visual presentation for the Council to review as part of the introduction to the public hearing. Councilmember Clauson moved and Councilmember Dilenno seconded a motion to schedule a public hearing in January 2005 with an informational presentation and consideration of an ordinance revising the zoning ordinance to include Small Lot Development Standards. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion of McCormick Land Company Water Agreement/Transfer to New Golf ourse Owner Councilmember Clauson moved and Councilmember Wyatt seconded a motion to continue this item to the December 13, 2004 Council meeting to allow Doug Skrobut of McCormick Land Company to attend. Motion passed with 4 affirmative votes and 2 dissenting votes. Counciimembers Cramer and Dilenno cast the two dissenting votes. COUNCIL/MAYOR & STAFF REPORT Planning Director Long -Woods advised the next Citizens Advisory Group Meeting regarding the South Kitsap Sub Area Plan is scheduled for December 1, 2004 from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm at City Hall. Ms. Long -Woods also commented the consultants for the South Kitsap Sub Area Plan (EDAW) will make a presentation at the December 13, 2004 City Council meeting. Councilmember Clauson advised the next Festival of Chimes and Lights Committee meeting is scheduled for November 23, 2004 at City Hall, 6:00 PM. Councilmember Dilenno made the following comments: ➢ The Street Committee discussed the reduction of the speed limit in the Rockport subdivision. Councilmember Dilenno reported Interim City Engineer Lobdell sent a letter, to the homeowners association indicating that without an engineering and traffic investigation the speed limit could not be reduced. Mr. Lobdell also indicated the installation of a speed hump in the neighborhood might help the situation. ➢ The neighbors on Goldenrod Street will be asking for a speed hump in their area. ➢ The Street Committee is revising the Boat/RV exemption Ordinances and Resolutions. The following committee meetings were set during the Council meeting: Streets, Alleys & Storm Water Committee — December 91h 7:30 a.m. - City Hall Minutes of November 22, 2004 Page 5 of 8 Sewer Advisory Committee — November 30'h 6:30 p.m. — Karcher Creek Sewer District EXECUTIVE SESSION Council went into executive session at 7:30 p.m. to discuss pending litigation -- RCW 42.30.110 (1) (i) (A) and (6) for 10 minutes and extended it an additional 5 minutes for personnel issues RCW 42.30.110(g) and reconvened into regular session. Passage of Ordinance No. 1957 — Adoption of Employee Salary Schedule Councilmember Clauson moved and Councilmember Geiger seconded a motion to approve Ordinance No. 1957 adopting the salary schedule for employees of the City of Port Orchard for the year 2004. Motion approved unanimously. At 7:45 pm Mayor Abel called for a 5 minute break. At 7:50 pm Mayor adjourned meeting into study session to discuss and review the proposed 2005 budget. 2005 PROPOSED BUDGET STUDY SESSION Councilmember Clauson reviewed the supplemental 2005 budget items with the Council and advised that the Finance Committee and Mayor reviewed the proposed 2005 budget with Department Heads. Councilmember Clauson responded to a request regarding City Council meetings on Channel 3. Councilmember Clauson advised currently the City is negotiating the renewal of the Franchise Contract with Wave Cable Company and this request will be considered during these negotiations. The Committee's recommendations are reflected in the attached worksheet. Attachment .,0» Mayor Abel informed Council the Public Hearing on the 2005 budget is scheduled for December 6, 2004 at City Hall, 6:30 p.m. At 9:00 p.m. Mayor Abel adjourned the Study Session. Michelle Merlino, Deputy City Clerk Kim E. Abel, Mayor November 22, 2004 -- Origins{ Message----- AttacYrrent "A" From: Cynthia M. Circelli Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 5:12 PM To: Alan Townsend Subject: Request to surplus firearms Chief: It is requested that the following forfeited firearms be declared surplus by the City: ITEM SERIAL NUMBER CASE#F TAG # .357 Auto S&W AUJ2952 02.2164 17776 S&W .40 2041092 02-2390 17885 Ruger 22 rifle 11267317 03-2258 5194-1 N A Arms .22 rifle BW09515 03-2660 5296-1 Ruger rifle 22 78344844 03-3158 5396-1 Hi Standard,22 Revolver [ 948176 03-3213 5404-1 ,32 Cal Savage 22060 04-337 5473-1 Butler assoc 22 B31250 04-919 5567-1 Remington 742 wlscope B7074495 03-36 18372 Ail serial numbers have been checked through WACIC/NCIC with no records. Thank you, Cyndi blovember 22, 2304 Attacl'ffnent "B" BUDGET ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AT COUNCIL STUDY SESSION November 22, 2004 EXPENDITURE CHANGES CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Salary Survey 001 (10,000.00) Legal - Prosecuting Attorney 001 (5,459.00) Salaries - Part time to full time Court Clerk 001 15,575.00 Benefits - Part time to full time Court Clerk 001 4,675.00 Salaries - Court Security (Police Officer OT) 001 (23,760.00) . Benefits - Court Security (Police Officer OT) 001 (7,126.00) Salaries - Court Security (Part time Police Officer) 001 19,271.00 Benefits - Court Security (Part time Police Officer) 001 3,276.00 Court Filing Cabinet 001 1,500.00 Travel FBI Academy 001 2,000.00 Salaries - Cover while chief at academy 001 3,600.00 Benefits - Cover while chiet at academy 001 1,150.00 Parking Enforcement Ticketing System 001 13,000.00 Animal Control 001 2,314,00 Library (Decrease in mill rate {$.41) & AV) 001 (19,805.00) AWC Pool Insurance 001 (9,249.00) Water & Electric Service for Etta Turner Park 001 300.00 City Hall Repair Reserve 001 7,000.00 Park Acquisition Reserve 001 7,000.00 Economic Development Reserve 001 55,000.00 CE EXPENDITURES 001 $60,260.00 STREET Alley Paving 101 10,600.00 Marquee 101 50,000.00 STREET EXPENDITURES 101 $60,600.00 CE & STREET EXPENDITURES 001/101 $120,860.00 Minutes of November 22, 2004 Page 2 of 8 REVENUE CHANGES: Electricity Decrease 001 (10,000,00) Washington State Patrol (Oct -Dec) 001 22,460.00 Parking Fines (Increase from $10.00 to $20.00) 001 40,000.00 Daily Parking (Increase from $2.00 to $9.00) 001 20,000.00 Building Permit Fees 001 28,000.00 Zoning & Subdivision Fees 001 9,000.00 Plan Checking Fees 001 6,400.00 Other Planning & Development Fees 001 5,000.00 CE & STREET REVENUE 001/101 OVERISHORT REVENUE 001/101 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY REVENUE - Increase From JWTP to Pay Loan 404 245,000,00 EXPENSE - PWTF Loan Payment 404 (245,000.00) TOTAL 404 PROJECTS TO BE CARRIED OVER TO 2005 McCormick Woods Well Generator 401 50,000.00 $120, 860.00 $0.00 $0.00 -----Original Message ----- From: Cynthia M. Circelli Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 5:12 PM To: Alan Townsend Subject: Request to surplus firearms Chief: November 22, 2004 Attachuent "A" It is requested that the following forfeited firearms be declared surplus by the City: ITEM SERIAL NUMBER CASE# TAG # .357 Auto S&W AUJ2952 02-2164 17776 S&W .40 2041092 02-2390 17885 Ruger 22 rifle 11287317 03-2258 5194-1 N A Arms .22 rifle BW09515 03-2660 5296-1 Ruger rifle 22 78344844 03-3158 5396-1 Hi Standard.22 Revolver [ 948176 03-3213 5404-1 .32 Cal Savage 22060 04-337 5473-1 Butler assoc 22 B31250 04-919 5567-1 Remington 742 w/scope B7074495 03-36 18372 All serial numbers have been checked through WACIC/NCIC with no records. Thank you, Cyndi Ncavember 22, 2004 Attachment "B" BUDGET ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AT COUNCIL STUDY SESSION November 22, 2004 EXPENDITURE CHANGES: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Salary Survey 001 (10,000.00) Legal - Prosecuting Attorney 001 (5,459.00) Salaries - Part time to full time Court Clerk 001 15,575.00 Benefits - Part time to full time Court Clerk 001 4,675.00 Salaries - Court Security (Police Officer OT) 001 (23,760.00) Benefits - Court Security (Police Officer OT) 001 (7,128.00) Salaries - Court Security (Part time Police Officer) 001 19,271.00 Benefits - Court Security (Part time Police Officer) 001 3,2716.00 Court Filing Cabinet 001 1,500.00 Travel FBI Academy 001 2,000.00 Salaries - Cover while chief at academy 001 3,600.00 Benefits - Cover while chief at academy 001 1,150.00 Parking Enforcement Ticketing System 001 13,000.00 Animal Control 001 2,314.00 Library (Decrease in mill rate {$.41 } & AV) 001 (19,805.00) AWC Pool Insurance 001 (9,249.00) Water & Electric Service for Etta Turner Park 001 300.00 City Hall Repair Reserve 001 7,000.00 Park Acquisition Reserve 001 7,000.00 Economic Development Reserve 001 55,000.00 CE EXPENDITURES 001 $60,260.00 STREET Alley Paving 101 10,600.00 Marquee 101 50,000.00 STREET EXPENDITURES 101 $60,600,00 CE & STREET EXPENDITURES 001/101 $120,860.00 REVENUE CHANGES: Electricity Decrease 001 (10,000.00) Washington State Patrol (Oct -Dec) 001 22,460.00 Parking Fines (Increase from $10.00 to $20.00) 001 40,000.00 Daily Parking (Increase from $2.00 to $3.00) 001 20,000.00 Building Permit Fees 001 28,000.00 Zoning & Subdivision Fees 001 9,000.00 Plan Checking Fees 001 6,400.00 Other Planning & Development Fees 001 5,000.00 CE & STREET REVENUE 001/101 $120,860.00 OVER/SHORT REVENUE 001/101 $0.00 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY REVENUE - Increase From JWTP to Pay Loan 404 245,000.00 EXPENSE - PWTF Loan Payment 404 (245,000.00) TOTAL 404 $0.00 PROJECTS TO BE CARRIED OVER TO 2005 McCormick Woods Well Generator 401 50,000.00