04/22/1985 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 22, 1985 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session of Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill. Council members present: Clauson, Childress, Wilson, Geiger, Grosso,. Miller and Grable. Also present: Attorney McCluskey, Police Chief Matthews, City Engineer Curles, Fire Chief Snow and City Clerk Hower. Councilman Geiger led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council approved the minutes of the April 8, 1985 meeting as circulated. City Engineer Curles introduced Ralph Anderson, Kitsap County, to speak on the proposal to alter Taylor Street traffic flow and review of parking configuration. Mayor Weatherill called for public input from property owners affected by this proposal. Don Pennington, owner of two properties requested to see plans, reviewed plans with no objections. Councilman Clauson moved to approve plans for Taylor Street traffic flow and parking revisions as presented by Kitsap County, seconded by Councilman Grable. Councilman Geiger moved to amend motion to authorize Taylor Street revisions subject to landowners approval of bulkhead, seconded by Councilman Wilson and carried. Original motion as amended to authorize Taylor Street revisions subject to landowners approval of bulkhead, and carried. Gary Tomasch petitioned the.Mayor and Council for permission to hold the 3rd Annual Cedar Heights Air and Science Fair scheduled for June 1, 1985. On motion by Councilwoman Miller, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council unanimously approved 1985 Cedar Heights Junior High Air and Science Fair contingent upon School District providing adequate insurance coverage with City as named insured and Police and Fire Department approval Vicki Gabel submitted a letter voicing concern regarding Fir, Fin and Feathers. Councilman Wilson moved to extend the Pony/Colt Real Property Agreement for 30 days, seconded by Councilman Clauson. Councilwoman Miller moved to amend motion to extend Pony/Colt Real Property Agreement to the length of the 1985 baseball playing season, seconded by Councilman Clauson, and carried. - 4 Original motion as amended to extend Pony/Colt Real Property Agreement to the length of the 1985 baseball playing season, and carried. Councilman Clauson moved to adopt Resolution No. 1388 authorizing the Mayor to execute Quite Claim Deed relative to matter of State Route 16/Tremont Street Interchange, seconded by Councilman Wilson and carried. Councilman Geiger moved to adopt Resolution No. 1389 supporting construction of new ferry terminal in down- town Bremerton, seconded by Councilwoman Miller and carried. Councilman Wilson moved to approve Ordinance No. 1306 amending Zoning Ordinance and Maps reclassifying property located on the Northwest corner of .Sidney and Sweany Street. (Ron Ross, owner.of record),seconded by Councilman Grosso and carried. Councilman Wilson moved to approve Ordinance No. 1307 amending Zoning Ordinance and Maps by Reclassifying property located at 1870-1880 Bay Street. (Steve Wallum, owner of record), seconded by Councilman Clauson and carried. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded by Council- woman Miller, Council unanimously approved issuance of Fireworks Stand Permits to the following organiza- tions: Boy Scout Troop #523 South Kitsap Mall Port Orchard Lions Dick Vlist Motors S.K. Athletic Assoc. Westb-ay Shopping Center Boy Scout Troop #1521 Port Orchard Armory Port Orchard Rotary Safeway Shopping Center On motion by Councilwoman Miller, seconded by Councilman Wilson, Council authorized the Mayor to sign Parking Lot Lease Agreement. (Ness/Hill) Agreement as required by Resolution No. 1230. (Councilman Clauson stepped down with regards to appearance of fairness, and did not participate in discussion or the vote on this matter.) On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman .Grable, carried, Council set date of May 13, 1985 at 8:00 P.M., as date and time for Public Hearing regarding Annexation of property (Errol Dow, et al) into City of Port Orchard. Leonard Minor addressed Council on City requirements of payments for in lieu of assessment fees in addition to connection fees to access City utilities. After much discussion, Mayor Weatherill referred matter to City Attorney for review. At 8:50 P.M. Mayor Weatherill declared recess with meeting to reconvene at 9:00 P.M. April 22, 1985 Page 3 Gerry Bruchart, owner of the Antique Mall requested a parking space near the Antique Mall be designated a loading zone. Larry Sterling, dealer at the Antique Mall addressed the council in regards to the parking for loading and unloading of antique items. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council designated first parking space on the east side of Sidney, North of Bay Street intersection as a loading zone. Councilman Geiger moved to authorize payment of bills in the amount of $121,782.61 (Warrant No. 5408-5453), seconded by Councilman Clauson and carried. Councilman Clauson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign work change order #2 Waste Water Treatment Facility reducing costs by $4,050.00. Seconded by Councilman Grable and carried: Councilman Wilson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign Waste Water Treatment Facility Schedule C, Change Order #7, at an increase cost of $16,907, Councilman Clauson seconded and carried. At the request of the City Engineer, Councilman Wilson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign Certificate of Substantial Completion for the new Sludge Truck, seconded by Councilman Clauson and carried. Councilman Wilson moved to authorize two CETA and two summer youth positions for 6 to 8 weeks this summer, within the Public Works Department, seconded by Councilman Grosso and carried. On motion by Councilwoman Miller, seconded by Councilman' Clauson, Council authorized City Engineer Curles to secure Illahee Associates as landscape architects for the Port Orchard boat ramp landscape project. On motion.by Councilwoman Miller, seconded by Councilman Grable Council authorized the City Engineer to. initiate an application to amend the Zoning Ordinance relative to, "signs" within Commercial Highway Zoning classifica tion Councilman Miller moved to extend DeKalb Waterway Pier with the current money that is available, seconded by Councilman Grosso. Councilman Grosso moved to amend motion to allow the City Engineer to solicit bids to expand the DeKalb Waterway Pier to a width of thirty feet (30'), with construction contingent upon availability of funds within budget, seconded by Councilwoman Miller and carried. April 22, 1985 Page 4 Original motion as amended to authorize extension of .DeKalb Waterway Pier and instructing City Engineer to solicit bids to determine cost of expanding the pier extention to a width of thirty feet (30') with construction contingent upon availability of funds within budget, carried. Mayor Weatherill called for Executive Session to discuss personnel matter. Meeting adjuourned at 10:37 P.M. Patricia Hower, City Clerk LESLIE J. WEATHERILL, MAYOR