12/10/1984 - Regular - MinutesW Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Wilson, Geiger, Childress, Miller, Grosso and Grable. Also present: Attorney McCluskey, Police Chief Mathews, City Engineer Curles, Fire Chief Snow, City Clerk Hower and City Administrative Assistant Kernan. Councilman Grable led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Grosso and carried, Council approved the minutes of the November 26, 1984 meeting and December 3, 1984 Special Meeting, as circulated. City Clerk read letter from Michael McCormick requesting monies from Community Events Fund (Hotel/Motel Tax), for a sign project enhancing and promoting tourism for the City of Port Orchard. Councilman Grosso moved to allot' $786.17 from Community Events Fund (Hotel/Motel Tax), to the Port Orchard/South Kitsap Redevelop- ment Task Force to help pay for Information and Welcome signs at the entrance to Port Orchard; Councilman Geiger seconded and motion carried. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded by Councilman Grosso and carried, Council set December 26, 1984; 8:00 P.M. as date and time of Public Hearing -Petition for Vacation of property formerly occupied by Ross Creek Pump Station (Legal description -attachment A), submitted by Russell D. Haugh, Attorney for Dorothy M. Adams. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded by Councilman Clauson and carried, Council rescheduled December 24, 1984 Council meeting to December 26, 1984; 7:30 P.M. due to holiday -Christmas Eve. Clerk presented Petitions for Annexation of Territory into City of Port Orchard submitted by Errol S. Dow, et.al. approximately 150 acres adjacent to City property on Old Clifton Road. Councilman•- Childress requested to be excused from table during discussion and action on Petitions for Annexation of Territory to City of Port Orchard. He is a petitioner in this matter. Mayor Weatherill excused Councilman Childress from table. On motion by Councilwoman Miller, seconded by Councilman Grosso and carried, Council accepted Petitions for Annexation of territory into City of Port Orchard submitted by Errol Dow, et.al. (property adjacent to City property on O1d.Clifton Road). December 10, 1984 Page Two At 7:45 P.M. City Clerk opened and read aloud the following four bids received in response to Call for Bids for Dekalb Street Pier. Bids read as follows: 1. American Construction Co. 2. Tree Mail Constructions 3. Thompson Pile Driving Company, Inc. 4. Sea & Shore Pile Driving Company Engineer's Estimate Net Bid Price 22,045 + bid bond 11,000 + bid bond 16,405 + bid bond 22,975 + bid bond 28,000 Councilman Wilson moved to accept bids received for "Dekalb Street Pier" and refer them to the City Engineer and Parks Committee for evaluation with authority to award contract; Councilman Grable seconded and motion carried. One bid was received in response to Call for Bids for "Automated Records Management System -Polite Department",.bid opening December 10, 1984; 11:00 A.M. The lone bid was received from Syntax Corporation for $7,700 for software program, $1,150 for one year hardware maintenance program and $575.40 for optional preventative maintenance program. (Bid bond included as required). Councilman Grosso moved to accept bid received for "Automated Records Management System -Police Department" and award contract to Syntax Corporation; Councilwoman Miller seconded and motion carried. At 8:00 P.M. Mayor opened Public Hearing relating to application of Special Use Permit as submitted by Marlys Recknagle requesting to locate a beauty shop at 198 Tremont. Mayor called for public input. Marlys Recknagle spoke in favor of Special Use Permit. Mayor called for additional testimony. There was no response. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded by Councilman Grable and carried, Council approved Special Use Permit submitted by Marlys Recknagle requesting to locate beauty shop at.198 Tremont (Legal Description -attachment B). 8:15 Public Hearing on application for modification of Special Use Permit issued on December 27, 1983 to Robert & Claudette Schiaefli was withdrawn from the agenda as requirement of Notification of adjacent.owner.s was not fulfilled. December 10, 1984 Page Three Councilman Grable moved, Councilman Geiger seconded and motion carried to remove from table matter regarding Richard Gross, representing Gordon Howe; offer to deed certain property to City (7/9/85)• Councilman Geiger moved to authorize payment of the bills, seconded by Councilman Grosso. At 8:45 P.M. Mayor called a 10 minute recess. At 8:55 P.M. Mayor called the meeting back to regular session. Motion to authorize payment of the bills in the amount of $509,063.60 (Warrant #4,606-4,725) by Councilman Geiger and seconded by Councilman Grosso was carried unanimously. Councilman Grosso moved to authorize the City Attorney and the Fire Chief to attend the "Worker Right to Know Act" Compliance Workshop, December 27, 1984, seconded by Councilman Clauson and carried. City Engineer reported which was held earlier Bids were received and on "Municipal Court today at 4:30 P.M., opened as follows: Net Bid Price Remodel" bid opening December 10, 1.984. I. All Work Construction 9,854 + bid bond 2. Hallett Construction 9,146 '+ bid bond 3. Tinners, Incorporated 8,489 +. bid bond 4. Bruce Construction 11,583 + bid bond 5. Halls Remodeling 6,476 + bid bond 6. Bay Builders 11,855,+ bid bond 7. Wildwood Construction 7,227 + bid bond Engineers Estimate 11,500 Councilwoman Miller moved to accept bids received for "Municipal Court Remodel" and to award contract to Malls Remodeling; seconded by Councilman Clauson and carried. Clerk requested Council set date for Public Hearing on application for modification of Special Use Permit issued on December 27, 1983 to Robert & Claudette Schiaefli. Councilman Clauson moved to set January 14, 1984; 8:00 P.M. as date and time of Public Hearing on application for modification of Special Use Permit issued on December 27, 1983 to Robert & Claudette Schiaefli; seconded by Councilman Grable and carried. Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. iCy C L E R K MAYOR