02/27/1984 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington February 27, 1984 - Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor L. Weatherill. Council members present: Clauson, Childress, Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Grable. Also present: Attorney McCluskey, Temporary Police Sergeant Loflin,, Engineer Curles and Fire. Marshal Wernet., Councilman Wilson led the Council. and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the February 13,'1984 meeting as circulated. Councilman Wilson moved to deny payment of invoice'`in amount of $210.40 submitted by Global'Business &.Finan.cial Services for analysis of computer needs base�on Council action of January 23, 1984 to contact computer consultants to'obtain cost estimates for researching computer needs,of Police and. 'Court work. Seconded and carried, with six ayes and one'nay, Cou,nci.lman Grable voting no. Councilman Grosso moved to reconsider motion to deny payment of invoice in amount of $210.40 for analysis of computer needs, seconded and carried with five ayes and two nays. Councilmen Wilson and Childress -voting no: Councilman Grosso called for question on reconsideration of motion to deny payment of invoice submitted -by Global Business & Financial Services in amount of $210.40 for analysis of computer needs, carried unanimously, In response to letter from Shamania investment Company and inquiries from various local developers relative to,sewer-water hookup fees charged in the City of Port Orchard, Councilman Geiger moved that the rater -Sewer Committee review information compiled by City Engineer pertaining to water -sewer hookup fees charges assessed by other entities and current.City of Port.Orchard hookup charges, seconded and carried: Clerk read letter from Arthur M. Mikelsen which accompanied ULID assessment payment, stating payment was under protest and expressed opinion that elected official.s,..has mishandled possible Federal funding. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved request submitted,by Jordan Cohen that the 1984 Street Fair benefiting Helpline be held on August 5, 1984; Noon to 6:00 PM Temporary Sgt. Loflin will request authorization from State of Washington Highway Dept .to close Bay Street (SR160) during this. time. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved South Kitsap School District #402 request to hold 1984 Cedar Heights Science and Air Fair and authorized.Police and Fire Department assistance during event to be held May 26, 1984.. After much discussion on letter from Richard Cross; attorney representinq Gordon Howe who. desires to deed certain 'Property to the City, Councilman Wilson moved to: refer matter to'.Citia Buildings & Property Committee and City Attorney -for recommend- ation, seconded and carried, with six.ayes an"d one no,: Council- man Grosso voting no. harvin Coe, owner of property at 802 Say Street'requested"status of legal action f"i'red by City against Al Craig, relative to property he owns located at 806, 808 & 810. Bay -Street which has been condemned. City Attorney McCluskev stated he will consult' with Karlynn Flaberly of his office 'who i s _handling -matter -and report findings to Council. David Libby, General Director of 1984 Fathoms 0` Fun outlined scheduled events and requested permission' to hold festivities June 28-July 4, 1984 with the.C.ity limits.- , On motion, by Councilman Clauson,' seconded, and carried; Council approved use of city street waterfront parking areas and assistance of Police and Public.Works Department during the followina 1984 Fathoms 0'„ Fun events: June 22- Carnival arrive and'start setting uo. June 28-July 4- Carnival open to public.(extreme westerly portion of waterfront parking loty June 30-July 10 Arts & Cra.ft Fair ba_rkinq lotbetween liquor store and.water) June 30- Grand Parade on Bay Street (Bay.street closed 5:3078:00 PPP) Fathoms 0' Fun personnel must obtain approval of City Engineer on location at which .carnival 'ma- park-equipnent storeage and personnel trailers. On motion by Councilman Geiger,''seconded'.and carried,`Council authorized payment of the,.bi,lls.,in the'amount.of $40,970.41 (Warrant No. 03263-03318) On motion by CouncilmanjGeiaer, seconded and carried, Council authorized Mayor to sign contract amendment which is anticipated from the State relative to $5,000. increase in administrative ccst for Community.-peve,iopment Block �3ran-.;,-,(t_,q..so.lution No..".1345) Y On motion by Councilman:.GeigersA.= seconded"and''car"Tied, Council approved Kitsap County Engineering staff -.to prepare and advertise for bids on construction cf PortArchar.d Bypass. ; City Encrineer advised Council right-of-way acquistion continues and we can not award bid unt.it,the-right-of-way'acq•uisition is. concluded. i On motion by Councilman Geiaer,.seconded and carried, Council moved to authorize City Engineer to attend''out..of'.state conference. relative to Water Department. Mieeting adjourned at 9:10.P.M.