04/23/1984 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April .23, 1984 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor L. Weatherill. Council members present: Clauson, Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Grable. Also present: Attorney McCloskey, Interim Police Chief Mathews, Engineer Curles and Fire'Chief Snow. Councilman Childress excused. Councilman Miller led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the April 9, 1984 meeting as circulated. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved property on Bethel, annexed into City by Ordinance No. 1238 to be designated as Commercial General classification on Comprehensive Plan' Map. (Resolution NO. 1351) Mayor Weatherill read letter from State of Washington Dept of Social and Health Services, Water Works Certification Board announcing a Certificate of Competency is being issued to Richard S. Wolf, Asst. Supt of Public Works, as a Water Distribution Manager 2. Councilman Grosso moved to commend Richard Wolf for diligent work and study required to achieve Water Distribution Manager 2 certification, seconded and carried, Deputy Clerk read letter from Ace Comstock relative to incident with Port Orchard police officer. Interim Police Chief.Mathews,reported he has responded to letter explaining facts of incident.as reported by police officer involved and invited Mr:.'Comstock, at his convenience to meet with him to discuss this matter.' On motion by Councilman'Grosso, seconded and carried, Council moved to deny Claim for Damages as submitted by J. Michae.l-..Koch, attorney representing Mrs. Dorothy Thomas and r.efer�red matter; to'city's insurance carrier for investigation. Claim is resulting from Mrs. Thomas falling on sidewalk in front of Kitsap County Courthouse on' Division Street. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved issuance of Fireworks Stand Permits as follows: 1. Port Orchard Rotary High•Point Shopping Center.(Safeway) 2. Boy Scout Troop #1521 Port. Orchard Armory 3. Missouri Sea Cadets Dick Vl.ist Motors 555 Bay Street 4. Boy Scout Troop #523 SK Mall (east parking lot) 5. Port Orchard Jaycees SK Mall (west parking lot) 6. Port Orchard Lions Coast to Coast 1209 Bay Street i. S.K. Athletic Association Westbay Shopping Center Larry Welch, Cedar Heights Junior High outlined events planned for 2nd Annual Cedar Heights Air and Science Fair scheduled for May 26 and ran video tape of last years events as shown on "Kidsworld" a childrens show with national coverage. Council questioned Mr. Welch inregard to parking problems, various new eve6-ts and insurance: coverage. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded and carried, Council.approved 1984 Cedar heights Junion High Air and Science Fair contingent upon School District providing adequate•insurance'-coverage for events with City as named insured and Police and Fire.Depts approv-al. David Libby, 1984 General Director of Fathoms 0' Fun and Esther_-Sicks past General Director spoke to history of Fathoms festivites and requested Council consider support of Fathoms'program with Community Events Fund monies (hotel/motel tax). �,-�-..-.^-- . _ _ _ - .c. .IAP'.M.srt1.V.'+n!.9!4'..'..'T�!i!.wl+ksaliN!M'.,.+e.•d[9.+M+nww!s. vv.: ::•''.mVri.:�irPM.4::.YM'MI.'A'�i;R-•"'1.4.+r!':Y1:M.::'.eM+.,•,+�.'1a.'x.ia`natYMY..•P l April 23, 1984 Page .2 of 4 At 8:00 P.M. Deputy Clerk opened and, read aloud bids received in . response to call for bids for Bethel Road Improvements: (bid bond or check attached as required) 1. Ace Paving $27,525.50 2. Service Fuel 40,836.40 Engineer's estimate 35,220.00 On motion by Councilman Miller,'seconded,and carried, Council accepted bids received for Bethel Road Improvements as per specifications and referred them'to City Engineer. and Street Committee with authorization- toaward or reject bids) in best interest of City. Deputy Clerk opened and read aloud bids received•for'labor and materials to remodel the Port; Orchard Library'locat'ed at 87 Sidney Avenue as per specifications. Four bids were received, each accompanied by bid bond or check in amount of 5%-of bid as required. 1. Janaszak Construction .$18,439.91 2. Bruce Construction 14,001.22 3. Hal let Construction 17,027:00 4. Allwork Construction.. 15,448.00 Engineer's estimate 18>625'...00 Councilman Grosso moved to accept bids as -received for labor and material to remodel the Port Orchard Library'at 87 Sidney Avenue and referred bids to City Engineer and Property.Committee with' authorization to award or reject-bid(s) in best interest of the City, seconded and carried. Dorothy Hine, representing Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). requested Council approval to charge "out of town" vendors a.$25.00 vendor fee for selling in Port Orchard..during the.,Loyalty Day Parade. After much discussion, Councilman Miller moved, seconded and carried, to approve VFW request to charge,"out of town vendor -fee" of $25.00 during Loyalty Day Parade. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council set day of May 14, 1984, 7:30 P.M. as date and time of Public Hearing relative to application for Preliminary Plat as submitted by S.R.V. Corporation (Planning Commission.Resolution #039-84). Councilman Grosso moved to proclaim May-15,as ".Police Memorial Day" to honor all Law Enforcement officers Who willingly risk their lives for their communities, seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1350 authorizing the Mayor to sign Washington State Department of Transportation City/County Agreement.for Hazard Elimination Funds. Bill Mahan, Kitsap County Commissioner,. introduced Steve Norm of Seattle Northwest Investmant Bankers, who brief'Council on financial projections for Bypass Project. Commissioner Mahan outlined funding alternativesforcity/county funding agreement (Schedule B-1 Level Debt.Service, Schedule C-2'Delayed Principal Payment) as attached. *Attachment`'#2 Commission Mahan also proposed a third alternative which was not'in writing, where the County would pay the first tWo-thirds principal and interest payments. and the City would pay the last one-third principal and interst payments. .j April 23, 1984 Page 3 of 4 On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council authorized Mayor Weatherill to award Bypass ConstructionContract contingent upon recommendation of.City and County Engineers. Mary Felts, 1050 Hull, questioned Council on possibility of future taxes or assessments being levied against property owners in Port Orchard to pay for this project in the event the City budget is not sufficient to meet payments on bond redemption. Mayor Weatherill, Councilmen and the City Attorney assured Mrs. Felts future taxation or assessments would have to.be on a vote of the people. There is no legal manner bywhich ;the City Council could assess for this project without a•vote o.f the people. Councilman Grosso stated he would like to commend the Council as a whole for the guts and'forsight to accept the obligation for the Bypass Project which is greatly needed by the area. The City is funding one-third of .project cost whileapproximately 30% of Kitsap County residents will benefit'directly from: -this project. Mayor Weatherill declared recess with meeting to reconvene at 9:1 5 P.M. Councilman Grosso outlined concerns of potential conflict of interest between Councilman Childress and Select Ventures, a company who submitted a bid 4/9/84 to furnish labor and materials to construct sewer main and manholes as per specifications. A business owned by Councilman Childress has done business with Select Ventures. Attorney McCluskey read legal opinion that states, based on facts, no conflict of interest exists. *Attorney's opinion -Attachment #2 Councilman Grosso moved to remove' from the table, matter of request submitted by Wm. Mahan, 1025 Harrison, to purchase Lots 1-6 and Lots 43-48, Block 2, Sweany`s Addn. to Sidney, seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Miller,'seconded and carried, Council moved to deny request submitted by Wm. Mahan, 1025 Harrison, to purchase Lots 1-6 and -Lots 43-48,-Block.2, Sweanys Addn. to Sidney.., On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council moved to table letter from Richard Gross, attorney representing Gordon Howe, who desires to deed certain property to the City. Councilman Grosso moved to approve request submitted by Interim Police Chief Mathews to attend Police Chief/Sheriff's Law Enforcement Conference scheduled May 15, 16 & 17 in Yakima, Washington, seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Miller, seconded and carried, Council directed City Engineer to take necessary steps to eliminate parking and pedestrian problems caused by persons using playfield behind Fire Station #2 on Sidney. Council further directed T-ball and Soccer groups using field be notified, if problems continue permission to use field will be revoked. Fire Chief Snow submitted for Council consideration, proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 999 relative to fire hydrants.. Engineer Curles described alternatives for refinishing ceiling at Port Orchard Library, 87�Sidney, giving approximate costs for each alternative. Councilman Geiger moved to approve sandblasting method o.f refinishing ceiling for the Port Orchard..Library, 87 Sidney, seconded and carried. April 23, 1984- Page,: 4 of 4 On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded 'and carried, Council authorized Mayor to sign contract with Hart Crowser & Assoc. for Blackjack Creek Soil Consulting.'se.rvices. (Resolution No..1353) Councilman Grosso moved to authorize Mayor to sign`work'change order No. 3 Humphrey Construction.relative to Wastewater Treatment Facility at a cost of $1,500.00, seconded and carried,.,=(Resolution No. 1354). On motion by Councilman Miller, seconded and rrcar.ried-, Council authorized Mayor to accept harbor line boundary by Orchard Street near Kitsap County Bank as depicted on survey done by -McGinnis & Assoc., acknowledged to not be same harbor boundary line as shown on survey done by Jones &'Associates,.',..(.Resolution NO. 1352).. On motion by Councilman Grosso,',seconded anrd carried, Council approved budget adjustments within Federal Shared -Revenue Fund to provide additional funding for Fire Station:No. 3 and City, Landscaping,projects.- (Resolution-No.;1355) Councilman Grosso moved to,adopt.proposal mentioned by Wm. Mahan,' Kitsap County Commissioner where PortOrchard' would pay the'--Iast ,. one-third of principal and�'interest`,on debt"service.for"Bypass Project, seconded and carried. - L On motion by Counci.lman`Geiger, seconded and carried, Council directed Interim Police Chief'Mathews to inform owner -of truck'` parked on the North side of City Hall, the vehicle. must beremoved^`_ from City property or be subject to impounding at owners expense: Four ayes and two nays .(Councilman Clauson and. Wilson -voting nay).7, On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved payment of the bills,,,in amount of $41,202.92.:(lyarrant No. 03587 - 03642)- Mayor Weatherill advised Councilrt_he, BremertonJKitsa`p'C:ounty. Visitor and Convention Bureau has•requested'.he appoint.a Port Orchard City Council representative to the Board of Directors, to serve on occasions he -cannot attend board meetings. flavor Weatherill appointed .Courrci,lrman'ChiIdress-;as City `Council representative. Councilman wi 1 son i nforsr.--d Council , owner ofpropertydirectly north of city property on Mitchel Street has expressed desire to sell his property to the City. Mayor Weatherill recessed meeting at 12:OO midnight'to'reconvene; tomorrow night, April 24;lr984 at.8:00 P.M.. ��''r✓ ��/���� L"? �,� G -. � Clerk � 1- .. -r-.rrr.rflavor - AML ATTACHMENT #1 Port Orchard City Council meeting April .23, 1984 SCHEDULE A KITSAP COUNTY PORT ORCHAIW BYPASS LIMITED 'TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS TOTAL DEBT SERVICE rAYMENT PERIOD 1 b/ 2/84 6/ 1/85 z 6/2/85 6/ 1/86 3 6/ 2/86 6/ 1/87 4 6/ 2187 6/ 1/88 5 b/ 2/88 6/ 1/89 6 6/ 2/89 6/ 1/90 7 6/ 2/90 6/ 1/91 8 b/ 2/91 6/ 1/92 9 6/ 2/92 6/ 1/93 10 6/ 2/93 6/ 1/94 11 6/ 2/94 6/ 1/95 12 b/ 2/95 6/ 1/96 13 b/ 2/96 6/ 1/9/ 14 b/ 2/97 b/ 1/98 15 6/ 2/98 6/ 1/99 16 6/ 2/99 6/ 1/ 0 1/ 6/ 2/ U 6/ 1/ 1 16 b/ 2/ 1 6/ 1/ 2 19 6/ 2/ 2 6/ 1/ 3 zU b/ 21 3 b/ 1/ 4 Tv'fAL uEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE rRINCIPAL $55,000.00 $65,000.00 $70,000.00 $/S,ODU.UU $85,000.00 $95,000.00 $1U0,000.00 $115,000.00 $125,000.00 $140,000.00 $150,000.00 $165,000.00 $185,000.00 $205,000.00 $225,000.00 $245,000.00 $270,000.00 $300,000.00 _ $330,000.00 $3,UUU,000.00 INTEREST $:30/ ,500.00 $301,500.00 $301,862.50 $295,200.00 $288,025.UU $280,337.50 $271,625.00 $261,887.50 $251,637.50 $239,850.00 $227 ,037.50 $212,687.50 $19/,312.50 $180,400.00 $161,437.50 $140,425.00 $111,362.50 $92,250.00 $64,575.00 S33.825.00 $4,232,Y37.50 TOTAL $301,500.00 $362,500.00 $366,862.50 $J65,2U0.UU $363,025.00 $365,337.50 $366,625.00 $361,887.50 $366,637.50 $364,850.00 $:367,037.50 $362,687.50 $ 362, 312.50 $365,400.00 $366,431.50 $365,425.00 $362,362.50 $362,250.00 $364,575.00 363,825.00 $7,2329737.5U E 11 S CREDULE B--1 PORT ORCHARD BYPASS LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS PORT ORCHARD PORTION .LEVEL DEBT SERVICE rAY"IENT Yj;RjU1?_ uEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE rKINCIPAL 1N'i'k:KES T TuTAL 1 b/ 2/84 b/ 1/85 $luz,5UU.0U $IU'Z,5UU.UU 1 6/ 2/85 b/ 1/86 $20,000.00 $102,500.00 $122,500.00 3 6/ 2/86 6/ 1/87 $20,000.00 $100,450.00 $120,450.00 4 6/ 2/87 6/ 1/88 $25,000.00 $98,40U.00 $123,400.00 5 b/ 2/68 b/ 1/89 $ZS,000.00 $95,83/.50 $12U,8 3/.50 b b/ 2/89 6/ 1/90 $30,000.00 $93,275.00 $123,275.00 7 6/ 2/90 6/ 1/91 $30,000.00 $90,200.00 $120,200.00 8 6/ 2/91 6/ 1/92 $35,000.00 $8/,125.00 $122,1Z5.00 9 b/ 2/92 b/ 1/93 $4U,UUU.00 $63,53/.50 $123,5 31.50 10 6/ Z/93 b/ 1/94 $40,000.00 $/9,437.50 $119,437.50 11 6/. 2/94 12 6/ 2/95 1S b/ Z/96 14 b/ 2/97 15 6/ 2/98 16 6/ 2/99 1/ b/ Z/ 0 16 6/ 2/ 1 19 b/ 2/ 2 20 6/ 2/ 3 TUTAL 6/ 1/95 6/ 1/96 b/ 1/9/ 6/ 1/98 6/ 1/99 6/ 1/ 0 b/ 1/ 1 6/ 1/ 2 b/ 1/ 3 6/ 1/ 4 $45,000.00 $SU,000.UU $55,UU0.00 $bU,0U0.U0 $70,000.00 $/5,000.00 $BU,000.00 $90,000.UU $100,000.00 $110,000.00 $1,U0U,UUU.UU $75,337.50 $/U,/25.00 $65,6UU.00 $59,962.50 $53,812.50 $46,637.50 $38,950.00 $JU,/5U.00 $21,525.00 $11,275.00 $1,4U/,83/.50 $120,337.50 $1'ZU,/25.00 $1ZU,600.00 $119,962.50 $123,812.50 $1Z1,63/.5U $118,95U.UU $12U,750.00 $121,525.00 $121,275.00 $2,40/,83/.5U J m rAYMENT PERIOD 1 b/ 2/84 6/ 1/85 t b/ 2/85 6/ 1/86 .i 6/ 2/ 86 6/ 1/ 87 4 6/ 2/87 6/ 1/88 5 b/ l/ 88 6/ 1/ 69 6 6/ 2/ 89 6/ 1/ 90 / b/ 2/90 61 1/91 8 6/ 2/91 6/ 1/92 9 6/ 2/92 6/ 1/93 10 b/ 2/93 6/ 1/94 11 b/ 2/94 b/ 1/95 12 6/ 2/95 6/ 1/96 13 b/ 2/96 6/ 1/97 14 bl 2/97 b/ 1/98 15 b/ 2/98 6/ 1/99 16 6/ 2/99 6/ 1/ 0 1/ b/ 2/ U b/ 1/ 1 18 b/ 2/ 1 6/ 1/ 2 1y b/l/ 2 6/ 1/ 3 20 6/ 2/ 3 6/ 1/ 4 TOTAL SCHEDULE B —2 PORT ORCHARD BYPASS KITSAP COUNTY PORTION LEVEL DEBT SERVICE uEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE rRINCIPAL $40,000.00 $45,000.00 $45,000.00 $SO,UUU.UU $55,UOU.00 $6U,OUO.UO $70,000.00 $/S,ODU.UU $65,OUO.UU $90,000.00 $100,,000.00 $11U,UOO.00 $125,000.00 $135,000.00 $150,000.00 $165,000.00 $180,000.00 $LUO,000.OU _jz2O-,000. Do $2,000,000.00 i NTE REST $2U5,000.00 $205 , 000.00 $200,900.00 $196,287.50 $191,675.00 $186,55U.00 $180,912.50 $114,762.50 $16/,58/.50 $159,90U.00 $151,187.50 $141,962.50 $131,712.50 $12U,43/.5U $10/,625.00 $93,787.50 $/6,412.50 $bl,5UU.UU $4 3,050.00 $22,550.00 $2,820,6UU.U0 TOTAL $ZU5,000.OU $245 , 000.00 $245,900.00 $241 ,287.50 $241,6/5.00 $241,550.00 $240,912.50 $244,762.50 $242,587.50 $244,90U.UU $241,187.50 $241 ,962.50 $241,/12.50 $245,43/.50 $242,625.00 $243,787.50 $L43,41.2.50 $L41,500.00 $243,050.00 $242,550.00 $4,820,800.00 iol SCHEDULE C-1 PORT ORCHARD BYPASS LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS KITSAP COUNTY PORTION FIRST PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS PAYMENT PERIOD i 6/ 2/84 6/ 1/85 t b/ 2/85 6/ 1/66 s 6/ 2/86 b/ 1/87 4 b/ 2/87 6/ 1/88 5 6/ 2/88 6/ 1/89 b b/ 2/89 b/ 1/90 / 6/ 2/90 6/ 1/91 8 6/ 2/91 6/ 1/92 9 6/ 2/92 6/ 1/93 10 b/ 2/93 6/ 1/94 11 6/ Z/94 6/ 1/95 12 6/ 2/95 6/ 1/96 13 6/ 2/96 6/ 1/97 14 6/ 2/97 6/ 1/98 15. b/ 2/98 b/ 1/99 16 6/ 2/ 99 6/ 1/ 0 1/ 6/Z/ 0 6/ 1/ 1 TOTAL uEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE eRINCIPAL $55,UU0.U0 $b5,000.00 $70,000.00 $/5,U00.U0 $65,000.00 $95,000.00 $100,000.00 $115,ODU.00 $1Z5,UUU.OU $14U,000.00 $150,000.00 $165,000.00 $185,UU0.00 $'ZU5 , 0U0.00 $225,000.00 $145,OOU.00 $Z,UU0,000.U0 1NTERI:ST $GU5,000.00 $Z05,000.00 $199,362.50 $192,700.00 $185,525.00 $169,125.00 $159,387.50 $149,131.50 $13/,350.00 $124,537.50 $110,187.50 $94 ,812.50 $//,900.00 '$b8,937.50 $37,925.00 $14,8b•Z.5U $2,299,581.5U r TOTAL $205,U00.00 $Z60,000.00 $264,362.50 $262,700.00 $260,525.00 $162,837.50 $264,125.00 $259,387.50 $204,137.50 $26Z,350.00 $264,537.50 $260,187.50 $259,812.50 $Z61,9U0.00 $263,937.50 $262,925.00 _ $159,862.50 $4 , 299 ,581.50 I 0 SCHEDULE C-2 PORT ORCHARD BYPASS LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS PORT ORCHARD PORTION DELAYED PRINCIPAL PAYMENT rAY,ENT PERIOD 1 6/ 2/84 6/ 1/85 2 6/ 2/85 6/ 1/86 3 b/ 2/86 6/ 1/87 4 6/ 2187 6/ 1/ 88 5 6/ 2/88 6/ 1/89 6 6/ 2/89 6/ 1/90 7 6/ 2/90 6/ 1/91 8 b/Z/91 b/ 1/92 9 b/ Z/92 6/ 1/93 1U 6/ 2/93 b/ 1/94 11 6/- 2/94 6/ 1/95 12 6/ 2/95 6/ 1/96 13 6/ 2/96 6/ 1/97 14 b/ 2/91 6/ 1/98- 15 b/ 2/98 b/ 1/99 16 6/ 2/99 6/ 1/ 0 17 6/ 2/ 0 6/ 1/ 1 16 6/ Z/ 1 6/ 1/ 2 -7 6/ 2/ 2 6/ 1/ 3 ZO b/ 2/ 3 6/ 1/ 4 TOTAL vhBT SERVICE SCHEDULE rRINCIPAL $100,000.00 $27U,000.00 $300,000.UO $330,000.00 $1,000,000.00 1NTEP&L'S T $102,500.00 $102,500.00 $1UZ,500.00 $1UZ,5UU.OU $lU2,5U0.00 $102,500.00 $102,500.00 $lU'0,5UU.UU $lUZ,5UU.0U $1UZ,500.00 $102,500.00 $102,500.00 $1U2,500.0U $lU2,5UU.00 $IU2,5UU. UU $102,500.00 $102,500.00 $9Z,250.UU $b4,5/5.00 $33,825.00 $1,933,150.00 TOTAL $102,500.00 $102,500.00 $102,500.00 $IOZ,500.00 $IUZ,500.00 $102,500.00 $102,500.00 $102,500.00 $102,500.00 $102,500.00 $102,500.00 $102,500.00 $102, 500. 0'1 $1OZ,500.00 $102,500.00 $102,500.00 $202,500.00 $3bZ,250.00 $.5b4,575.00 $363,825.00 $2,933,150.00 I Litt oort 0rcL�arGf y Post Office Box 186 Port Orchard, Washington 98366 ATTACHMENT #2 Port Orchard City Council meeting April 23, 1984. TO: Larry Curles, City Engineer FROM: Terry K. McCluskey RE: Select Ventures/Councilman Chuck Childress DATE: April 11, 1984 It is my understanding after talking to Councilman Childress that he has no financial interest in the low bidder on the sewer line project known as Select Ventures. Councilman Childress has stated to me that upon occasions in the past, Select Ventures has rented equipment and operators from Mr. Childress' company and that he assumes that they might do so in the future. However, he did not help them prepare the bid on this pro- ject nor does he have any contract or any type of guarantee that they would use any of his equipment or labor to do this project. If these are the facts, then it is my opinion that this low bid can be accepted and that I find no violation on behalf of the bidder or Councilman Childress of RCW 42.23. If you have any additional information or wish to discuss this matter further, please contact me. ry _