04/09/1984 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard,' Washington Apr11 .9, 1984 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor L. Weatherill.- Council Members present:' Childress, Wilson,.' Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Grable. -Also present:. Attorney t-IcCluskey,--'.. Interim Police Chief Mathews, Engineer Curles and Fire Chief.Snow. Councilman Clauson excused. Councilman Geiger led the Council and audience -in the Pledge of. Allegiance.. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, -Council approved the minutes of the March 2.6, 1984 meeting as circulated. Lexie Duea, Director, Bremerton/Kitsap County Visitor & Convention Bureau, outlined bureau activities and serviceswhich are beneficial to economic growth of local'.'.c.ommunity:.and..,:reques.ted..CounciI to reconsider financial support. Arnie Norem, President, Bremerton /Kitsap County"Visitor & Convention Bureau spoke in support of Bureau'descri,bing benefits to community,, working relationship with local Chamber of Commerce offices and recommended reconsideration of funding s-upport... After much discussion Council took the matter of request for funding support of Bremerton/KitsapCounty Visitor &.Convention Bureau under,advisement., At this time the Deputy -Clerk opened and read aloud. bids received in response to call for bids for purchase of Mobile Fire Apparatus Body and equipment as per specifications. Each bid was accompanied by required bid bond or check.. 1. L.N. Curtis .$126,600. net 2. NBC Fire Apparatus 146;300. net 3.: Starl ine 137,489. net On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council accepted bids received for purchase of the Mobile Fir ' e Apparatus Body and equipment as per specifications and referred them to,Tire.Chielf and. Fire Committee for consideration. Deputy Clerk opened ard read aloud one bid received from L.N. Curtis in the amount of $6,500. for furnishing the City with 1000,ft. of 5 inch fire hose complete with Storz Quick Connect type. couplings as per specifications. 'Bid was accompanied by required bid check.' Councilman Grosso moved :to, accept bid received fromL.N. Curtis for purchase of, fire hose as per: -specifications` --.and referred the matter to the Fire Chief and Fire.Committe'6 for.;recommendation,' seconded and carried. Single bid received in response to Call .`for bid"to furnish labor and materials to remodel the,,Port.Orchard Library located.at 87., Sidney as per specfficatlons,the'bid was .opened, -.and. read aloud.' Bid was submitted by Janazak Construction in the amount of $43,132.'45.. (accompanied by required bond).Engineers Estimate $27,500."... On motion by Councilman Miller,'seconded and carried, Council rejected bid received by Janazak'Construction to furnish labor and materials to remodel the Port Orchard E-ibrary-'located at 87 Sidney as per specifications as -bid was in excess of,10% of Engineer's Estimate. Deputy Clerk opened and read aloud bids received in response to call for bids to furnish labor and material to construct 400 lineal feet of 10 inch and 6 inch PVC Sewer Main and.two'Manholes. 7zvt-771_`T1- e.. -7 M­ 1. Service Fuel $17,937.08 net 2. Blossom Bros. Const. 16,200.00 net 3. Select Ventures 10,330.00 net 4. James Ryan Const. 14,650.00 net On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council accepted four bids received in response to call for bids to furnish labor and materials to construct 400 lineal feet of 10 inch and 6 inch PVC Sewer Main and two Manholes and refer to City Engineer and Sevier Committee for consideration... Single bid received in response to call for bids to furnish labor and materials to construct City Landscaping which consists of, but is not limited to construction of a timber planter and installing landscape plants was opened and read aloud. Bid was submitted by Sundberq Landscaping in the amount of $3,291.00 with Alternate #I an additional $1,456.00 (accompanied by required bid bond). Engineer's Estimate, basic bid $3,000.00 Alternate #1 $1,200.00. Councilman Miller moved to accept bid received from Sundberq Landscaping in the amount of $4,747.00 (basic bid $3,291.00 Alternate #1 $1,456.00) and refer to City Engineer and Parks Committee for consideration with power to accept or reject bid, seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1269 amending the budget for the year 1984 and authorizing reappropriation of funds to provide for purchase of additional Bypass Right of Way property. Councilman Geiger moved to adopt Ordirance No. 1270 establishing a salary schedule for employee's of the City of Port Orchard for the year 1984, seconded and carried, with four ayes and two nays. Councilman Wilson and Childress voting nay. Councilman Wilson moved to approve request submitted by Kitsap County Shrine Club for permission to erect a sign in the triangle at the intersection of SR 160 and Bethel Road, sign to be removed July 1, 1984, seconded and carried. Request submitted by William Mahan, 1025 Harrison Street to purchase Lots 1-6 and Lots 43-48 Bloc 2 Sweany's 2nd Addn to Sidney was discussed. Councilman Wilson moved to table matter for further study, seconded and carried, Aye: Childress, Wilson &Grable. No: Geiger, Miller &Grosso. Mayor Weatherill voting aye. Clarence Dahlke addressed Council relative to State Highway Dept. proposal for Gorst Bypass Interchange and alternatives presented by local citizens. Mr. Dahlke stated changes in traffic flow on this State Highway will effect everyone in area and urged Council and citizens of Port Orchard.to become involved in planning stages of Gorst Bypass Interchange. Mayor Weatherill called for recess with meeting to reconvene at 9:10 P.M. City Attorney McCluskey reported on Item #3-of unfinished business stating he has been in contact with. Richard Grosso, attorney representing Gordon Howe. 'Mr. Howe and his attorney are to provide the City with map clearly showing location of property which Mr. Howe desires to deed to the City. Councilman Grosso reported on March 27, 1984 meeting relative to Bypass funding. Councilman Grosso, City Engineer Curles and Kitsap County Commissioner Mahan the City's receipt of 1/4% Real Estate Excise Tax was less than anticipated with the exact sum of receipts in question at this time. -Commissioner Mahan questioned necessity of Interlocal Agreement being signed prior to bid opening. Councilman Grosso's opinion was the Council would have no problem with bid opened prior to signing of Agreement. Commissioner Mahan stated the County wants Bypass. Project to continue, he would verify City's 1/4% Real Estate Excise Tax Revenue with County Treasurer and funding could be worked out. Councilman Grosso met with Kitsap County Commissioner on March 29, 1984 and discussed matter further. Commissioner Mahan reported City's 1/4% Excise Tax receipts was $13,000.00. City Clerk Lloyd informed Council request submitted by the Down- town Bay Street Association to hold "Hot Air Balloon" rides in waterfront parking area is being held in abayence pending further information on insurance carried by Hot Air Balloon. Company for activities of this nature. City Engineer Curles apprised Council that bid for purchase of Backho,'EAoader opened March 26, 1984 meeting was awarded to Case (580-D Model). Case Company has offered to sell the City an enclosed cab for the Case 580-D for the sum of $2,500.00. On motion by Councilman Childress, seconded and carried, Council authorized Engineer to proceed with purchase of cab for Case Backhoe 580--D for $2,500.00. Engineer Curles also reported on the following items: 1. Pickup Truck bid received from Grey Chevrolet at bid opening March 26, 1984 was rejected due to.poor mechanical condition.. 2. Kitsap County Sewer District #5 Commissioner Pete Gudger has called a Sewer Advisory Committee meeting for 8:00 P.M. April 16, 1984, to discuss proposal for plant management. 3. Public Works personnel will be flushing hydrants the week of April 16--20. 4. Requested authorization,to purchase an Olympia International Supertype 2 Memory -Typewriter for contract price of $1,400.00, $1,200.00 is budgeted, the additional $200.00-would come from department operating budget. Councilman Geiger moved to allow purchase of Olympia international Supertype 2 Memory Typewriter for. the sum of $1,400.00, seconded and carried. Mayor Weatherill read letter from Ken Hacker resigning as member of Planning Commission for personal and health reasons. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council reluctantly accepted resignation as member -of Planning Commission submitted by Ken Hacker and extended appreciation for years of service to community.