05/29/1984 - Regular - MinutesAOL Port Orchard, Washington May 29,'1984: Council of the City of Port.Orchard, Washington,.called to order'by Mayor L. Weatherill.' Council members present: Clauson, Childress,'' Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Grable. rAlso present:., Attorney McCluskey, City Clerk Lloyd, Interim Police,Chief Mathews, City Engineer Curles and Fire Chief. Snow.. Councilman Wilson led the .Council and .audience in the. -Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded and carried,' Council approved the minutes of the May°14, 1984 meeting with -the following correction: Page 3, paragraph 3, line 2 should-read..Ordinance No. 1141 relative.. to fire hydrant installation, seconded and.carried..: Councilman Clauson moved to accept, for consideration, petition for annexation to be submitted by•First Christian'Church, owner.of record. Property is located adjacent to existing city limits in the northwest. quadrant of Sedgwick/Sr16 interchange,.,seconded and carried.' Fathoms 0' Fun, General Director, Day.id"Libby requested Council consider appropriation from Community Events Fund in amount of $500.00 to support Fathoms 0' Fun, 1984 On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council authorized appropriation of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) from'Community Events Fund for Fathoms 0' Fun, 1984. City'Expenditure of allocated $500.00 to the Fathoms 0' Fun will be reimbursed upon paid.receipts for legitimate items.as per RCW 67.28..210.' Councilman Miller moved to authorize expenditure of Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350.00) for appraisal -of property.ofi:ered for sale to the City by Michael Moger, seconded. Under discussion of the motion, .the.'following'items were addressed: 1. Councilman Geiger suggested'it'-may be`mor.e-ap.propriate for property owner to pay for appraisal. 2. Michael Moger, owner of`subject proper:ty,,outlined proposed method of financing or outright purchase:`. 3. Question of source of funds from ,current budget. Councilman Grable moved to 'table motion'to authorize expenditure of $350. for appraisal of Michael Moger's property to allow budget to be researched for source of funding, seconded and carried. Mayor Weatherill announced Jerry Bruckart has been appointed Chairman of South Kitsap Centennial Committee by himself and the Kitsap County Commissioners. Mayor Weatherill requested Council concurrence of his appointment of Lee Caldwell, 922 Sidney to the Port Orchard Planning:Commission to fill vacancy created by resignation of Kenneth Hacker. Term to expire December 31, 1986. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded and carried Council concurred with Mayor Weatherill's appointment of Lee'Caldwe'll,,.922 Sidney, to the Port Orchard Planning Commission to complete term,vacated by resignation of Kenneth Hacker. Term expires December 31, 1986. Mayor Weatherill informed Council, notification has been received that - Police Chief Darrel Trotter has been granted Disability Retirement: Status effective May 24, 1984, with review in one year. -The'City is waiting contact from the Port Orchard Civil,Service.Commiss.ion.before taking action to fill Police Chief position n . May 29, 1984..•. Page".2 At 8:00 P.M. Mayor Weatherimll".opened"Pub.11c Hearing on application for Special Use Permit submitted by James A. Sullivan requesting property located at 207 Rockwell ,be used as'..a •profess.ional,..office for psychological therapy by appo,intment'.o.nl.y. F Councilman Grable excused himself from`matter'due.to,Appearance of-.° Fairness. Deputy Clerk read letter from.. Mr.' and Mrs. James L..Wilkerson, 103 Rockwell Street B-21 voicing support for approval of issuance of Special Use Permit to James A. Sullivan.: Mayor Weatherill called for public input, requesting"anyone desiring to speak for or against issuance,of.Special.,Use Permit to come forward - at this time. , James Sullivan, applicant, outlined proposal and discussed onsite ;,... parking to be provided, type of, therapy and.,desirability of non clinical atmosphere. Rick Gross, attorney, presented four photographs ,(Attachment No..l) showing location of property.and area available.for:'parking, and spoke in favor of proposal Terry Fairchild, 507 Austin, spoke -ire support of request, stating: Mr, Sullivan provides a needed and benefi'c.ial serviceto' community,: Bill Evans, 103 Rockwell,--voiced-support for 'approval of Special'.. Use Permit. Mr. Evans stated the building in which his personal office is located also houses'a counseling service such a-s Mr.', Sullivan is proposing and he has never encountered. -.problems with any cl ientele,oif the counsel ing..servi.ce. Larry Keller, of Kitsap Public Health Center, stated'.concerns of potential problems with emotionally disturbed'persons is -a common concern but is unfounded as -Mr. Sullivan deals only with non-•dangero.us voluntary clientele by appointment, only..,. David Ward, real estate agent for Mr.°.Sullivan stated'`economically this is the best location availab.le',for•,this type.of_ office. Elizabeth Hoffman, 203 Rockwell'spoke against approval of -request;. citing future.traffic`and pedestrian problems, in -addition to future growth of professional offices in this residential. neighborhood. Mike McCormick stated his support based on'>facts presented to him by Mr. Sullivan. Mr. McCormick does not anticipate'problems with traffic, type of Clientele o,r,noise, to adversely' affect,.the area. " Councilman Geiger stated that based upon testimony received by'ther Planning Commission meeting of April 16, 1984, from -area proper,.ty owners opposing this request, he must, as 'their representative. support their opinion. Councilman Grosso moved to approve issuance'of Special Use,Termit to James A. Sullivan authorizing property located at 207 Rockwell to be utilized for professional services with on--site-client service by ` appointment only, seconded and carried with four ayes and two nays. Councilman Geiger and Childress voting no..Resolution'=No. 1357. Legal Description: South.half of Lots l &.2, Block 3, Plat. of Wheelers Second Addition to Sidney, Volume'l, Section 25, Township 24 North, Range 1 East in Kitsap County, Washington. Mayor Weatheri1i declared Special Use:; Permit• -approved a-nd-.hea.ring closed.