06/11/1984 - Regular - Minutes- Port'Orchard,-Washington June -.11, 1984 Council of the City of Port Orchard,' Washington,.. called -to order by Mayor L. Weatherill. Council members present. Childress, Wilson, Geiger, miller, Grosso and Grable. Also. present: Attorney McCluskey, City Clerk Lloyd, Police Chief Mathews, Fire-Chi,ef.Snow. Councilman Clauson and City.Engineer Curles excused. Police Chief Mathews led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded.and.carri.ed, Council approved the minutes of the May 29,.1984 meeting as circulated. Jean Leonard representing Fathoms 0' Fun - Fun Run requested permission to hold Fun Run on June'30, 1984 starting time i.s scheduled for 9:00 A.M. at the_, South Kitsap Mall On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, -Council moved to allow Fathoms 0' Fun - Fun Run within the City limits.on June 30, 1984 starting at.9:00 A . at.the.South�Kitsap Mall. Lexie Duea, Director Bremerton/Kitsap County Vi-sitor and Convention Bureau requested 100% of balance Community Events Fund monies (Hotel/Motel Tax) to..be received during 1984 budget.year. Virginia Collins, member of the Visitor/Convention Bureau Board requested Council consider'funding•..suppor.t of bureau citing beneficial work promoting tourism _in Kitsap County-aod'_Port Orchard. Arnie Norem, President of the Visitor and Convention Bureau urged continuation o.f, bureau support. Councilman Grosso moved'to appropriate balance of 1984 Community Event Fund revenue (Hotel/Motel:'Tax) for-Bre,merton/Kitsap County Visitor and Convention Bureau.. Seconded by Councilman Miller. Councilman Wilson moved to amend motion to withhold 10% of motel/ Motel Tax revenues as contingency within existing fund to be used. at discretion of City Council. Seconded by Councilman Childress and denied with vote of three ayes and three nays. Mayor Weatherill voting no to break tie vote. Motion to amend defeated. Original motion as presented by Councilman Grosso to allocate 100% of Hotel/Motel Tax revenues received in remaining portion of 1934.: to Bremerton/Kitsap County Vis.itor and.Convention Bureau. Carried unanimously. Karl Kirn, of Puget Power requested council grant easement to allow relocation of power pole at Wastewater Treatment Facility con- struction site. Councilman Grosso moved to grant easement to Puget Power allowing relocation of power pole along Beach Drive as requested and authorized Mayor Weatheril.l to sign easement documents. Seconded and carried. Deputy Clerk opened and read aloud four bids received in response to call for bids to furnish a Class "A" Triple Combination 1500 GPM Pumping Engine and equipment as per specifications as follows: 1. L.N. Curtis $142,903.00 Net (5% bid bond attached) 2. Sutphen ' 128,465.00` (5% bid .bond attached) 3. Starline (Pierce) 135,400.00 (5% bid bond attached) 4. Sea Western, Inc, 143,829.28 (5% bid bond attached) page 2 On motion by Councilman Grosso,`seconded'and carried, Council { accepted bids as received for furnishing'a Class "A Combination 1500 GPM Pumping Engine and Equipment as per specifications and referred bids to Fire Chief and -Fire Committee with power to award.,' in best interest of the City. Anita Sanford presented Little Britches Royalty Court who outlined events scheduled for 1984 Little Britches Rodeo:and invited the Mayor, Council and Citizens of Port Orchard to attend. ~mayor Weatherill introduced Tom Sapp, South Kitsap Wrestler who. has been selected to participate in Cultural Exchange Program and go to Japan. Mayor Weatherill presented "Keys to the City of Port Orchard" to Tom who• will -present the "keys" to host families in Japan. Police Sergeant Michael Blacknall requested to be paid.cash.value for accumulated sick leave.. City Attorney McCluskey stated his"intent to request Mayor Weatherill, call executive session on this matter and asked. that the Council hear statements but not discuss Sgt..,.Blacknall`s.reques.t at this time. ` Sgt. Blacknall informed Council members he had -requested to use sick leave prior to disability'sick leave status becoming effective but was denied request-."'Sgt. Blacknall named several persons who could be called as witness to this request;. Disability Board denied request and placed him'on disability sick. leave December 27, 1983. Disability Board act'ion has since .been,granted, Sgt. Blacknall`s disability retirement effective June 27, 1984. Lee Caldwell, past Disability Board Member and Darrell Trotter, past. Port Orchard Police Chief stated-,Sgt. Blacknall had requested to use accumulated sick leave prior to being placed on disability sick leave status by the Disability Board but was..denied request. Mayor Weatherill called recess with_,,,meeting.to reconvene at 8:50.P.t4. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council removed from the table, motion to authorize 'expenditure.of.$350..00 for appraisal.of property offered for ,sale to the .City..by Michael Moger... Building Committee Chairman`Miller reported that after assessing` the current budget it is apparent no monies�are.,_,avaiiable for pur chasing property from Michael ,Moger. Motion as presented, by Councilman-Miller'at May 29,_1984 meeting,' to authorize expenditure of.$350.00' for' appraisal of.property offered for sale to the City,. by..Plichael Moger,,: defeated with seven nay votes. On motion by Councilman Grosso,.secondedand carried,-Council•set June 25, 1984, 8:00 P.M. as date and time, -.of Public,Hearing relative to proposed Six Year.Transportation.Plan.'. Mayor Weatherill read letter directed to Joseph.Mathews, Sr. appointing him to the position of Probational'Police Chief, -effective June 8, 1984,.with aone•:year.probationary period On motion by Councilman Driller, seconded and carried,'Council ratified the appointment of Joseph Mathews,'Sr.,'to the `position of Probational Police Chief .'with a one.year probationary period.. ending June 7, 1985. 1 ' Page 3 Councilman Geiger moved to approve Ordinance No. 1277 relating to Fathoms of Fun, establishing a procedure for issuance of a master . permit to the festival sponsor, and waiving the. ap.p.lication of certain city codes. Seconded. After much discussion Councilman Geiger moved to amend motion to include permit fee of $75.00. Seconded and carried. Notion as amended to approve Ordinance No. 1277 relating to Fathoms of Fun establishing a procedure for issuance of a master permit to the festival sponsor, waiving the application of certain city codes and setting permit fee of $75.00. Carried with four ayes and two nays. Councilman Grable and Grosso voting no. Mayor Weatherill convened Council into executive -session to discuss personnel matter. On motion by Councilman Geiger,,,seconded and carried, Council denied request submitted by Sgt. Blacknall.to be paid cash value of accrued sick leave. City Attorney McCluskey explained.it appears a decision was made by the Disability Board to place.Sgt. Blacknall on disability sick leave when he had city sick leave available. The City has no authority to change a Disability Board decision. City Clerk Lloyd presented CERB Loan Package for .Council consideration at request of absent.City Engineer.: Councilman Miller moved -to authorized'Mayor Weatherill to sign.CERB- Loan documents: Seconded and'.carr.ied. Councilman Grosso moved to reconsider,motion�authorizing Mayor Weatherill to sign CERB Loan. Package.-`,'S.econded and carried. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council authorized Mayor Weatherill to sign CERB Loan Package subject to approval of City Attorney. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved request of Pony Colt Baseball League to use a 1/2 ton pick-up load of gravel from Kendall Street stockpile and place the gravel under bleachers of the City Park located at intersection of Kendall and Cline Streets. Fire Chief Snow reported that construction•on Fire Station No. 3 has been completed to City Engineer's satisfaction. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council authorized payment of the bills in the amount of.$721,251.17 0.1arrant No. 3804 - 3878) and the May payroll in the amount of $86,628.04 (Warrant No. 103156 - 103266). Meeting adjourned at 12:00 Midnight. X, C1erkl4l.c.�� .CCCL�� c-c_.c�� 3�,ayor