07/09/1984 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington July.9, 1984 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to"order by Mayor L. Weatherill. Council members present: Clauson, Childress, Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Grable. Also present: Attorney McC.luskey, City Clerk Lloyd,'Police Chief.Mathews, Engineer Curles and Fire Chief Snow. Councilman Childress led -the Council and audience'in`.the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded and carried., Council approved the minutes of the June 25, 1984 meeting as circulated. Mayor Weatherill addressed Planning Commission'Resolution No. 045- 84 which requests Council reconsider requirement.,for frontage roads along Bethel Avenue. Councilman Grosso moved, seconded and carried, to set matter aside fo.r study session. Tom McDonald, voiced complaint relative to Fathoms of Fun control over Arts & Crafts Fair. He was informed by Fathoms, -officials all booths were restricted.to only "hand --:crafted" items'... Mr. McDonald submitted an application -for a booth and':as some of the items he wished to sell were not "hand crafted" he did not open a booth. Upon visiting the Arts & Craft Fair, he'observed several.'booths selling items which were obviously not ."hand crafted". Mr. McDonald. expressed the opinion that the City..should`have more control.:over Fathoms events, Sandy Reiter, representative °of.Fathoms of Fun, mresponded to complaint admitting a series of misunderstandings with Mr. McDonald and other vendors as to what could be sold, Fathoms officials -did not check each.booth as to,.whatexhibitors were actually selling. Ron Jennings, Scout Leader'and.Steve Denniston, Scout, stated desire to have Fathoms'of Fun,`Arts & Crafts'booth for.'"non-hand crafted items which Boy Scouts could sell Ms. Reiter stated Fathoms of Fun -goal has'been to -have a'true Arts & Crafts Fair with only "hand crafted items",however:,future Fathoms. festivals could have'two types of exhi•bits.one'.of handcrafted items and another of non -hand crafted items. Ms..Reiter extended open invitation to all. interested parties -to attend Fathoms of Fun organizing meeting to beheld in September: -f Richard Hayes of Kitsap'Transit,requested,p.ermission,to locate bus shelter and sign :on `'adjacent o! , Foot., Ferry. Councilman Clauson stated for'the record, -he is an employee of Kitsap Transit but would nevertheless li.ke.to`vote�'on matter unless.= there are any objections. No objections voiced'.by.,Councilor audience. Councilman Grosso moved to`'authorize. Kitsap Transit -to .locate a bus shelter and sign on sidewalk. adjacent %to 'foot- fe;rry. Seconded by Councilman MiIIer. During discussion of motion Councilman Wilson` questioned.ownership j of property at site of proposed bus,: shelter. Councilman Grosso moved to amend motion granting' permission for location of bus shelter and sign,, contingent upon.C.ity.'.s-ownership of subject property, carried.. j July 9, 1984 Page 2 Original motion as amended authorizing Kitsap Transit to locate a bus shelter and sign on property adjacent to downtown foot ferry contingent upon determination of City's ownership of subject property, carried. Councilman Grosso requested City ta2�� view�Ci / q y �me� t y of Bremerton'& Ord i napj'ice rel at ve to.. s . Pa4vvj 6y Peem; 4 RES+J��/hE}^C. i�'f4f!tS.�dZk.t - - Deputy Clerk opened and read aloud two bids received'in response to bid call to provide labor and materials to place an asphalt overlay on Sherman, West and Tacoma Avenues and Mitchell Road as follows: 1. Ace Paving $35,532.50 net bond attached 2. Service Fuel 45,538.50 net bond attached Engineer's estimate 37,670.00 On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded and carried, Council referred bids to City Engineer and Street/Alley Committee with. authority to award or reject the bidding in best interest of the City. At this time Mayor Weatherill opened Public Hearing relative to application for Zone Reclassification as submitted by the Corporation of Catholic Archibishop of Seattle requesting their property located on Bethel Avenue Forth of United States Post Office and South of High Point Shopping Center be rezoned from Residential -high to Commercial General to allow construction of a bark. Mayor Weatherill called for public input pertinent to Catholic Archibishop Rezone Application. Jack Fitzgerald, agent for proponent spoke•in favor of rezone request. Councilman Grosso moved to waive frontage road requirement (Ordinance No. 1158) for Catholic Church parcel of property on f Bethel Road. This particular parcel is located between Safeway i✓ which is the Northern end of frontage road requirement boundary and the post office (federal -property is exempt from local ordinances). Considering location of proner+ frrntage road requirement is not practical to enforce, stc.oNd_c A. 6 P$s.t6D, 6m�f0 7�23/14- Mayor lleatherill called for input against;rezone.application. No response from audience or Council. City Engineer recommended landscaping be required which is consistent with.adjoining properties.` On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council moved to approve Zone Reclassification reg4uest submitted by the Corporation of Catholic' Archbishop'of Seattle reclassifying their property on Bethel (legal description -Attachment No. 1) from Residential }sigh to Commercial General contingent upon compliance with the following conditions; I.L Approval of landscaping and drainage plans by.City Engineer. 2. Approval of ingress/egress by City Engineer and Police Chief. 3. Frontage road requirement (Ordinance No...1158) is waived for this parcel of property. Mayor Weatherill declared Zone Reclassification approved and Public, Hearing closed. Mayor Weatherill at 8:30 P.M. At 8:30 P.M. Mayor Weatherill opened publ.ic-hearing relative to application for Zone Reclassification as submitted by'Granquist Construction Company for property located on Bethel Avenue (legal description -Attachment No. 2) requesting -Zone Reclassification from residential low to commercial general to allow construction of a'coin operated car wash. Mayor Weatherill called for input relative to application for Zone Reclassification. Mike McCormick representing Granquist Construction addressed ingress/egress, storm drainage, water retention and frontage road requirement and stated willingness to participate in plan to provide access between business properties in lieu of frontage road. Victor Barsay owner of two properties on Bethel Avenue approached subject of "frontage road" requirement and offered to work with City to develop. workable solution,agreeable to all concerned. Councilman Wilson moved to table public -hearing until after study session on Bethel Avenue frontage road requirement (Ord. No. 1158) seconded by Councilman Clauson and denied with two ayes and 5 nays. Councilman Childress, Geiger, -Grosso, Miller and Grable voting no. Councilman Grosso moved to approve Zone Reclassification application as submitted by Granquist Construction Company for property located on Bethel Avenue (legal description -Attachment No. 2) subject to conditions in City Ordinance regarding access and that property owner participate in two way .left turn lane for area, seconded by Councilman Miller. Councilman Geiger moved to amend motion to include condition that agreements concomitant with the Rezone, be signed and recorded,' securing to the City the right to construct and assess for; a sewer main,-water,main:with hydrants,and-road•-.improvement needed to to mitlgate.the impact of the commercial.developement, seconded and carried. Motion as amended to approve Zone Reclassification with stipulated conditions carried unanimously. Mayor Weatherill declared Zone Reclassification approved and hearing closed. At 9:10 P.M. Mayor Weatherill opened public hearing relative to Zone Reclassification application submitted by Roland & Roland Real Estate, Inc. requesting that property located on the north- west corner of Hovde and SR16 be reclassified from residential low to commercial highway for the purpose of construction of a new car dealership on approximately,3 acres.of the 6 acre site. Legal Description -Attachment No. 3 Mayor Weatherill called for pub.lic,input:on'Rezone request.. Mike McCormick representing proponent"outlined `storm drainage - water retention plans, submitted.photos (Attachment No. 4). of a new car dealership built -by KETA Construction who' -has been retained to construct new facility for'Gr-ey°Chevrolet. AIM July 92, 1984 Page'4 Sue Waller of Chevrolet Motor Division/General Motors`�outlined approval process Chevrolet dealerships must go through to re- locate a dealership. Ms. Waller stated Chevrolet Motors and.." General Motors does approve this site for relocation -of Grey Chevrolet. Councilman Grosso questioned definit ion. of"uses allowed,,under Commercial Highway Zoning.` Attorney McCluskey stated"that although a car dealership is not specifically listed as a'defined use under commercial highway and knows exactly what they -would be allowing the Council can in this situation approve a car dea,lership'within Commercial Highway Zoning. Mayor Weatherill called for public -input against -Rezone application. ,No response.`: On motion by Councilman .Grosso;: -seconded and carried, Council approved application -for Zone Reclassification as'.=submitted by, Roland & Roland Real'Estate, Inc.. requesting "that property located in the northwestcorner of Hovde;.Road'.° and SR16 be.reclassified from Residential Low to Commercial Highway fo:r use.as;"car . dealership" with the followin `r p g Bondi ti ons :� 1. Zone Reclassification wil'.Y encompass entire`6 acre tract -for use as car dealership. "Any proposed change of' use, -for southern :3:acres ;must be :sub mitted to the City Council for approval 2. Conditions of approval as recommended in Port" Orchard Planning -Commission Resolution No..044-84, (Attachment No.' 5) be complj ed with and i s. hereby made part of this rezone. Mayor Weatherill declared Rezone.approved .and hearing closed. Mayor Weatherill at this time opened public hearing relative to proposed change in the Comprehensive Pian.:"Map to Commercial General as requested by Roland & Roland for their property located.in the northwest corner of Hovde,Road and SR16 (legal description, Attachment No. 3). Mayor Weatherill called for public input for or against proposed change in Comprehensive Plan. Mike McCormick spoke in favor of proposed change in Comprehensive Plan Map as requested by Roland &-Roland,-.`and urged..Council to vote in favor of request. On motion by Councilman Miller, seconded and carried, Council moved to approve change in -Comprehensive Plan as requested by Planning Commission Resolution No.."043-84 ,(Attachment''No. 6). Mayor Weatherill addressed'le.tter to Police Chief from Ernestine and Nicolo gtallone praising two Port Orchard Police personnel, Officers Myers: and Reserve Officer Molin'.for giving assistance to two senior citizens who had been detoured June'30.during Fathoms of Fun Parade and could not -locate -where they had parked their vehicle. Mayor -'Weather ' il-l" stated' our'.Patrol people responded in an admiral manner and should be commended.. Doug Clark, voiced complaint'rel"ative to-si-tuation'which arose during Fathoms of F_un. The carnival personnel parked vehicles, " trucks and private vehicc1es':for '.sleeping and ea,ting'.at•. Mitchell Street Shed. �._�.- rs. •e - ..._... v �_., .. ._.. ....�ra_..he F..__�Ca+.:3Y- ...� .w.. _._._.�_-a... _. .....� _� ��"�'�':p64 _._ _- __ _ .. ..,r - July 9 1984 Page 5 _. When the Carnival closed around midnight there were loud cars, fireworks, hollering and a general ruckus, and the neighborhood was awoken every night they were parked at this site. Several calls were made to CEN-COM reporting this.disturbance. Mr. Clark. requested the City Council seriously consider requiring Carnival Personnel to be located in a non-residential area in future years. Mayor Weatherill thanked Mr. Clark for his information and stated the City will keep this in mind for future consideration. Councilman Grosso moved to remove proposed Ordinance No. 1278 from the table, seconded an.d carried. Councilman Clauson moved to amend proposed Ordinance No. 1278 to change bail for certain offenses, seconded and denied with two ayes and five nays. Councilman Clauson and Wilson voting aye. Councilman Clauson moved to table motion to approve Ordinance No. 1278 for furthur research, seconded and denied with two ayes and five nays. Councilman Clauson and Wilson voting aye. Original motion as presented by Councilman Grosso at June 25,. 1984 City Council t;eeting, carried, with six, ayes and_one nay. Council- man Clauson voting nay. Councilman Grable moved to allow the hiring of an Interium Police Officer for a period of approximately two months to•fill in during vacations scheduled by permanent police officer personnel.. Seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Geiger,. seconded and carried, Council authorized payment of the bills'in the amount of $548,671.44 (Warrant No. 3921 - 04041) and the June payroll -in the amount of $126',950'.51;,(Warr.ant-'No 103267-- 1034_5). On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried; Council authorized the Mayor to sign Washington State Department of Transportation Change Orders'l and 2 for work on the,Port Orchard By -Pass Resolution No. 1362. Change #1 - New Item #95 Special gravel backfill for foundation - $5,000_0.0. Change #2 - New Item #96 - Unsuitable Foundation -Excavation including hauling - $12,825.00. Engineer Curles advised Council that steps are being taken to close West Street off from the Sidney/Tremont/We.st Street intersection for safety reasons. On motion by Councilman Geiger., seconded and carried, Council authorized the Mayor to sign Kramer, Chin and Mayo,ChannP ;)rder No. 1 - Schedule C - Treatment Plant in amount of $5,.568.0.0. and Kramer, Chin and Mayo, Change Order No. 4 - Schedule A - Pump Station in amount of a reduction of cost of $2,103.70 (Resolution No. 1363). On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded and carried,' Council authorized a modification of parking on Sroufe`Street.'as requested by South Kitsap Western Little'League'on weekends of''July 13th, 20th and 27th 1984. City Engineer Curles requested`Council consider -amending two conditions imposed upon a Rezone approval'for Hanson/Schilling for: property on Kendall Street.•.•City Attorney advised owner of property.. ATTACHMENT NO. 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: CORPORATION OF CATHOLIC ARCHIBISHOP OF SEATTLE - Zone Reclassification Public Hearing -July 9, 1984 Section 36, Township 24.North,'Range ],East", W.M.; Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Section 36; thence South 1°09'24 West along the West line of, said Section 665.54 feet'to'the Northwest corner of said South half of the NWQ of the NWi; thence South 88°07'48" East along the North line of said South half 325.75 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, being a point on the Easterly right-of-way margin of Bethel Road; (formerly State Highway No. 14, Kitsap County, Port Orchard to Gig Harbor, Sheet 2 of 9 Sheets, approved April 11, 1924); thence along"said margin South 31°48'34" West 49.44 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 1402.5 feet; thence continuing along said -margin and along said curve an arc distance of 70.94 feet ; through a central angle of 2053'52"; thence South 88°07'48" East 193.51 feet; thence North 1°28'14" East 105.18 feet to the North line of sai& South half of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter; thence along said North line North 88°07'48" West 134.27 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO easements of record. ATTACHMENT NO. 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: GRANQUIST CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Granquist Zone Reclassification Public Hearing -July 9,'1984 SEC 36 TWP 24 RGE OlE TH PTN OF SWa NWa DAF BAAP ON W MGN OF MITCHELL RD WH IS SO*08'17E 1330.97 FT & S89*1.9'.E 71.5.00 FT:FR THE NW COR OF -SD. SEC 36 TH FOL THE W:MGN OF MGN.OF MITCHELL.RD IN A SWLY DIR. A DIST OF 814. 71 FT TO .THE NE COR. OF -PROP. DEEDED .TO SK ' DEV CO PER AUD NO 604790 TH N89*19W'225.00FT.ALG THE N LN OF SD PRTY TO NW COR THOF & POB THE CONT.N89*19'W 200FT°V L TO ELY MGN OF ST RD NO 14 TH SELY ALNG E MGN OF SD ST RD 225FT TH.S89*19'E 143FT TH N 75FT TH S89*1 9' E.-39 FT M/L',TAP ,OR' 'A LN WH LIES PLL TO & 225FT,W,OF. THE W•MGN OF MITCHEL.L.,RD TH NELY ALG SD W-MGN OF MITCHELL RD TO POB.SD PAR•BEING LOT`A PER SHORT PLAT NO 1433 RECD UNDER AUD NO'78030701.45 LM ATTACHMENT NO. 5 Roland & Roland Real Estate, Inc. Zone Reclassification Public Hearing July 9, 1984 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 044-84 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE A REZONE TO COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY AS REQUESTED BY ROLAND & ROLAND REAL ESTATE, INC. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST, W.M, EXCEPT THE WEST 12 RODS, THEREOF, TOGETHERWITH THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER LYING NORTHERLY AND EASTERLY OF COUNTY ROAD, EXCEPT HIGHWAY. WHEREAS, the applicant has requested a rezone of 6.02 acres from RL to CH xnr the purpose of siting a new car dealership on approximately 3 acres of the sit4. The balance of the 6 acre site will be held for future development and, WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on June 19, 1984, and that the planning commission considered the findings of fact, the testimony and material presented at the hearing... FINDINGS OF FACT Neighborhood: The land surrounding the proposal site is rural in nature and sparsely developed with residences. There are no commercial developments in the area at this time. Site: The topography is a low rolling field at an elevation of about 150 to 175 feet, containing a small wooded area. The southern portion of this parcel is cut by Blackjack Creek. The property is presently undeveloped. - Zoning: Currently the area is zoned residential -low and open space: Within the open space zoning designation Is an area designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as both a flood plain and a floodway: Development within this area should meet the requirements established by FEMA. The floodway portion of the stream should be kept free of encroachment. The requested CH zoning permits only those uses which primarily serve the traveling public Comprehensive Plan Map designation for this area is residential -low and greenbelt. Transportation: Because of the varibility of uses in a new car sales facility can only be estimated. The Institute of Transportation Engineers have estimated the average daily trip (ADT) rate to be 79.5 vehicle trips per day for the size facility proposed. Access to the site will be mainly from Sedgwick Road to Sidney Raod and then to Hovde. Signing will need to be utilized to establish circulation. Kitsap County has stated that at this point in time'.Hovde Road has neither the capacity nor the structural ability to carry the increased traffic that a car dealership would generate and recommends that the applicant be required to join in with the County on a 50-50 basis to bring Hovde Road up to the current County Standards. Surface Water runoff will be contained by a detention pond located at the north end of the site. Oil separators will be required to remove foreign substances from the water. Police Protection will be required where none is required now. The area will have to be included in the patrol area. A security fence may be required. Fire Protection: The owners have agreed to provide an 8 Inch watermain under the highway connecting to the City water supply. This line will provide a fire flow of 400 gallons per minute. If future development requires a greater fire flow, it will be the responsibility of the developer to provide same. Sewer/Septic Tanks: On -site sewage disposal can be used for the proposed use. The applicants have agreed to participate in any future sewer LID and to hook-up to the City sewer system when it is available. CONCLUSION: Based on the findings of factsi the testimony and materials presented at the public hearing, we therefore conclude that the granting of the rezone as requested, to be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of Port Orchard hereby respectfully requests that the City Council approve the zone reclassification from residential -low and greenbelt to commercial -highway, based on the findings of fact and subject to the following condition of approval. CONDITION OF APPROVAL: That an 'agreement, concomitant with the rezone, be signed and recorded, securing to the City the right to construct and assess for a permanent sewermain; assuring that "No Protest" will be made by the owners, their heirs and assigns, against the formation of a U.L.I.D. to provide same. Passed on the 18th day of June 1984. CITY OF PORT ORCHARD PLANNING COMMISSION . John Hokanson, Nairman ATTEST: Tom Wong, Secretary i ATTACHMENT NO. 6 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 043-84 Roland & Roland Real Estate, Inc Zone Reclassification Public Hearing -July 9, 1984 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE A CHANGE IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP TO COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY AS REQUESTED BY ROLAND & ROLAND REAL ESTATE, INC. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE I EAST, W.M. EXCEPT THE WEST 12 RODS, THEREOF, TOGETHERWITH THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER LYING NORTHERLY AND EASTERLY OF COUNTY ROAD, EXCEPT HIGHWAY. WHEREAS, the applicant has requested a change in the Comprehensive Plan Map designation of residential low and green belt to commercial highway, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on June 19, 1984, and that the Planning Comission considered the findings of fact, the testimony and material presented at the hearing:.. FINDINGS OF FACT Neighborhood: The land surrounding the proposal site is rural in'nature and sparsely developed with residences. There are no commercial developments in the area at this time. Site: The tpography is a low rolling field at an elevation of about 150 to 175 feet, containing a small wooded area. The southern portion of this parcel is cut by Blackjack Creek. The property is presently undeveloped. Zoning: Currrently the area is zoned residential -low and open space. The requested CH zoning permits only those uses which primarily serve the traveling public. Comprehensive Plan Map designation for this area is residential -low and greenbelt. The proponents have requested a change in the plan to commercial - highway: Both the southwest and southeast corners of the intersection of Sedgwick and SR 16 are now designated as commercial highway on the Comprehensive Plan Map. Transportation: Access to the site will be mainly from Sedgwick Road to M n�"3 ey R _ d and then to Hovde Road. Hovde Road is a dead-end road. Kitsap County has stated that at this point in time Hovde Road has neither the capacity nor the structural ability to carry the increased traffic that would be generated by commercial highway development. Surface Water runoff will be contained by a detention pond location at the north end of the site. -Oil separators will be required to remove foreign substances from the water: Police Protection will be required where none is required now. The area vvill Fave to be ncluded in their patrol area. - Fire Protection The owners have agreed to provide and 8 in watermain under the highway connecting to the City water supply. Utilities Sewer and water are not available to the site at this time. The applicant has agreed to participate in any future U.L.I.D. to provide utilities. 0 r CONCLUSION: Based on the findings of facts, the testimony and materials pre- sented at the public hearing, we therefore conclude that the change in the compre- hensive plan map to be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of Port Orchard hereby respectfully requests that the City Council approve a change in the comprehensive plan map designation of RL and OS to commercial -highway, based on the findings of fact and the testimony and material presented at the public hearing. Pased on the 18th day of June 1984. ATTEST: Tom ong, Secretary CITY OF PORT ORCHARD PLANNING COMMISSION John Ho anson, Chairman