08/13/1984 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington August 13, 1984 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill. Council members present: Clauson, Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Grable. Also present: Attorney McCluskey, City Clerk Lloyd, Police Chief Mathews, City Engineer Curles and Fire Chief Snow. Councilman Childress excused. Councilman Geiger led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the .July 23, 1984 meeting as circulated. Anita Sanford introduced 1984 Kitsap County Fair & Rodeo Royalty Court, who outlined scheduled events and invited citizens of Port Orchard to attend. Deputy Clerk opened and read aloud bids received in response to bid call for purchase of firewood from the.City of Port Orchard. Three bids were received, each accompanied by required bid bond/ check. 1. Leo Remenak, 223 Fireweed Street- $ 60.00 2. Richard Wyatt, 983 Olney 161.00 3. Doris Clauson, 1028 Tacoma Ave 500.00 Councilman Wilson moved to accept the bidding and award the bid to high bidder, Doris Clauson, seconded. Councilman Clauson announced a relative of his was participating in the bid process therefore' he was abstaining fom voting on motion. Motion. carried with five ayes. Michael McCormick representing the Port Orchard/South Kitsap County Business Community requested City's moral support on an application for Economic Development Program Grant funds... On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council moved to support the Port Orchard/South Kitsap Business Community in their application for Economic Development Council Grant funds. Mayor Weatherill stated testimony will be taken at this time on the matter of Perry Avenue North traffic flow, with those in favor of one-way traffic speaking first and those opposed to one-way traffic being heard second. John Spielman, 401 Perry Avenue North, cited narrow traveled way heavy traffic volume, limited parking availability, vehicles parking in travel way portion of street, access problems experienced by emergency vehicles, pedestrians wlaking and children playing in street as potential safety problems and reasons to warrant Perry Avenue being designated one-way traffic.. Airs Marshal Schoenrock, 453 Perry Avene, affirmed prior statments by Mr. Spielman and added that density growth of this area must be faced. Mrs. Schoenrock voiced support of one-way traffic designation for Perry Avnenue. Marty Rank, 515 Perry Avenue, also affirmed prior statements of Mr. Spielman and Mrs. Schoenrock with emphasis on heavy traffic volumnes and concerns for pedestrian safety. Wayne Demick spoke in favor of one-way traffic voicing concerns relative to traffic volumes and safety of children in area. August 13, 1984 Page 2 Mayor Weatherill invited those in opposition to Perry Avenue being designated one-way traffic to come forward.,at th.is time. Donald Cowdery, mail carrier serving Perry Avenue and Lawrence Street spoke against one-way traffic stating during his travels on these streets no problems have occurred and added if traffic is oneway, . northbound all the mailboxes would be required to be moved to the opposite side of the street. Renee Riedel, 127 Perry Avenue North presented petition requesting Council reconsider action making Perry Avenue a one-way street northbound. Jean Williams, 320 Perry Avenue voiced concern that changing to a one-way traffic flow would increase speeds not decrease speeding. Mrs. Blanche Fein, 111 Perry Avenue, suggested additional mainentance such as trimming overgrown vegetation and adding more signs could reduce problems incurred with two way traffic. Mrs. Fein also stated that the extra mileage involved with one-way traffic would create a hardship for many residents of Perry Avenue. Kenneth Benes, 251 Perry Avenue, spoke as "a kid living on Perry Avenue" stating in his years of walking to school and playing on Perry Avenue, he has never experienced any -problem with traffic. Gary Riedel, 127 Perry Avenue stated his driveway is situated in such a manner that it would be inaccessible if traffic is one --way northbound. Gerald Carpenter, 490 Perry Avenue spoke against one-way traffic but added if it must be one-way, it should be southbound. Mary Ann Venice affirmed prior statements'.against one-way traffic on Perry Avenue and informed Council that several signs including stop sign at intersection of: Lawrence and Tracey•ar;e obscured by blackberry vines. Lee Jliber, 311 North Perry requested Perry Avenue remain a two- way street. Mayor Weatherill requested input from Police and.Fire Chiefs on Perry Avenue matter. Police Chief Mathews informed Council he and Fire Chief Snow have measured portions of Perry Avneue and determined emergency vehicles would not be able to pass another vehicle on certain portions of Perry Avenue and Lawrence Street. It is Police Chief Mathews belief that Perry Avenue should be a one-way street. Fire Chief Snow concurred with Police Chief's statement and listed accidents which have occurred at a variety of places on Perry Avenue. Councilman Wilson moved to designate Perry Avenue and Lawrence Streets two way traffic. Seconded. Councilman Clauson moved to amend motion to direct City Engineer to look at Perry Avenue/Lawrence Street to evaluate traffic flow problems and recommend alternative solutions at next council meeting, seconded and carried, with five ayes and one nay. Council Wilson voting nay. Original motion as amended carried with five`ayes.'and one nay. Councilman Miller voting nay. August 13,.,1984 Page 3 Mayor Weatherill declared recess with meeting to reconvene in ten' minutes. Terry Ostenberg, attorney representing Harold Drive Community Assn.. requested City cease development of Lundberg Park until legal requirements are fulfilled. City Attorney McCluskey informed Mr. Ostenberg that all legal requirements.have been met. Darrell Piercy, Harbor Master, Port of Bremerton, presented site plan which has been submitted with application for IAC Grant funds to construct transient moorage facilities adjancent to the Port Orchard Marina and foot ferry facilities. Verde Nichols, 706 Kitsap informed Council neighboring property owner has allowed hedge and vegetation to grow and obscure his view, and questioned if any provision is provided within the Municipal Code prohibiting blockage of view. City Attorney advised Mr. Nichols no laws exist requiring trimming of vegetation unless a health or safety hazard exist. Dorie Shobert, Downtown Waterfront Committee requested City's moral support on proposed landscaping plans for Bethel/SR160 intersection. Councilman Clauson moved to approve proposed plan, presented by Downtown Waterfront Revitalizaion Committee for landscaping triangle at Bethel Road/SR160 intersection, seconded and carried.. Lee Caldwell, Downtown Revitalization Committee presented plans for landscape curb proposed for the vicinity of'Bank and Bay Streets. Mr. Caldwell requested City install curb portion of plan. Engineer Curles estimated cost of curb.to be approximately $800-$1000. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved proposed landscape curb for vicinity of Bay and Bank Street with City providing curb portion of plan at'a cost of $800-$1000. Councilman Wilson moved to approve proposed rate increase submitted by Olympic Cable TV, seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend motion to include change of Section 2(c) Ordinance 821 to include any and all city buildings, seconded and carried. Original motion as amended to approve Olympic Cable TV rate increase and change Section 2(c) Ordinance 821 to include any and all city buildings, carried with five ayes and one nay. Councilman Grosso voting nay. Paul Li.ao, Kramer, Chin and Mayo requested additional costs incurred in Step 1 and Step 2 stages of Wastewater Treatment Facility be allowed. An overhead adjustment of $38,501.43 and additional design revision efforts done during summer of 1983 in the amount of $51,686.13 are requested. Councilman Geiger moved to approve additional cost -submitted by Kramer, Chin and Mayo in the amount of $51,686.13 for additional design revision efforts done during the summer of 1983. seconded. Councilman Wilson moved to amend motion to allow Kramer,. Chin and Mayo claim for $51,686.13 subject to approval by granting authority and City Attorney's researching payment requirement with Washington State Auditors Office, seconded and carried. Original motion as amended to approve payment of additional $51,686.13 for additional design revisions subject to the granting authority's approval and City Attorney researching Washington State Auditor's requirements on payments, carried. 4 August 13, 1984 Page 4 On motion by Counclman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council moved to authorize payment of claim submitted by Kramer, Chin and Mayo for Wastewater Treatment Facility project overhead adjustment in amound of $38,51.43 subject to approval of granting authority and City Attorney's researching payment requirements with State Auditors Office. Mayor Weatherill called recess with meeting to reconvene at 10:45 Councilman Grosso presented motion to reconsider previous motion to approve payment of claim submitted by Kramer, Chin and Mayo in amount of $51,686.13 for additional design revision efforts contingent upon approval by granting authority and City Attorney's researching payment requirement. Seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council moved to table motion approving payment of claim in,amount of $51,686.13 submitted by Kramer, Chin and Mayo. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council adopted Ordinance No. 1284 amending the budget for the year 1984 by authorizing reappropriation of encumbered funds and ordering appropriation from unencumbered portions of fund balances to,provide for additional remodeling of new library facilities. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded and carried, Council adopted Ordinance No. 1285 relating to and providing for the annexation of territory into the City of Port Orchard (legal description: South half of the Southwest quarter, Section 34, Township 24 North, Range 1 East, W.M.,) On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council adopted Resolution NO. 1364, authorizing segregation of properties with ULID#1 (Account #4609-000-008-0207, Parcel #2446D-Parkwood Community Club) Councilman Wilson moved to accept petition for annexation to the City of Port Orchard, Washington as submitted by Royal G Aubrey, Chairman of the Trustees, First Christian Church and Marshal and Grenda Beach, owners of property contiguous to existing city boundaries in the Northwest quandrant of SR16 interchange, seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council moved to accept gifting of property offered by Myron Ablowitz, property borders city park property in Blackjack Creek area. Legal description- Sweany's 2nd Addition to Sidney Block 003- Lots 39-48, tax account #4060-003-039-0008. Mayor Weatherill submitted letter from Jordan Cohen requesting Frederick Street, between Bay Street and waterfront parking lot be closed on September 9, 1984, from noon to five p.m. to allow a community wide party to celebrate Jordan's Department Store's 75th Anniversary. Councilman Grosso moved to closed Frederick Street as requested by Jordan Cohen, seconded and carried. Councilman Grosso announced his appointment as a delegate for an international archaeology conference to be held in Europe, and requested to be excused from Council duties until the first week of October. Councilman Geiger moved to excuse Councilman Grosso from Council duties until the first week of October to allow his participation as a delegate to an International Archaeology Conference, seconded and carried. August 13, 1984 Page 5 Deputy Clerk read letter from Alex Roos concerning water/sewer service charges on his property at 409 Cline which were incurred by previous owner. Mr. Roos stated he paid the charges and has not been able to recoup cost from previous owner and requested the City refund his $191.95 and then look to the previous owner for payment. Clerk's Office instructed to contact Per. Roos to advise water/sewer utility bills are a lien against property, therefore the owner of the property is utimately responsible. This would be a civil matter between himself and the previous owner. City Engineer Curles informed Council the Bypass bridge contractor has presented offer to construct bridge to full four lane capacity for an approx. $500,000 over two lane bridge bid. Council requested City Engineer schedule meeting to discuss matter with Finance Committee. Councilman Geiger presented motion to eliminate Alternative A Wastewater Treatment Facility Project (landscaping) at a savings of $15,000, seconded and carried. Engineer Curles announced a telephone survey has been made relative to block grant assistance programs and a Public Hearing has been scheduled for August 27, 1984 to discuss areas which block grant funds are needed. Engineer Curies presented Kitsap County proposal,to change Taylor Street to one-way traffic with diagonal parking on the North side of the street and institute one hour parking.on the West side of Cline between Division and Taylor Streets. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council moved to authorize City Engineer to work out plans with Kitsap County relative to traffic flow on Taylor Street (one way traffic with diagonal parking on North side of street) and eliminate proposed parking restrictions on the Test side of Cline. Councilman Clauson, Police Committee, reported.Municipal Court Judge Dolan has questioned City's intent on moving Municipal Court to new location. Councilman Wilson moved to authorize City Engineer to commence preliminary work to convert old library building on Prospect, Street into Municipal Court Facility,' seconded. Councilman Grosso moved to amend motion to include funds in amount of $7,700. for building renovations,'seconded and carried. Original motion as amended authorizing~ City Engineer to commence preliminary work to convert old library building on Prospect Street into Municipal Court Facility and reallocate $7,700. within Federal Shared Revenue Funds for building renovations, carried. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded and carried, Council directed City Attorney to draft ordinance relative to recent legislation on offensive conduct on public buses. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council authorized payment of the bills in the amount of $432,266.35 (Warrant No.'s 04087-04200) and the July payroll in the amount of $89,300.37 (Tarrant No.'s 103416-103521) Meeting adjourned at 1.2.10 A.M. .' ��� eCl k ti:`-CL ���• %� G�-L/ M a y o r