04/04/1983 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 4, 1983 SPECIAL MEETING: Hearing on Resolution No. 1290 establishing Utility Local Improvement District No. 1 City Council called to order at 7:30 P.M. in the South Kitsap High School Auditorium by Mayor Lee F. Caldwell. Councilmen present: John Clauson, ChLck Childress, Jim Wilson, Robert Geiger, Margaret Jane Miller and Leonard Clark. Also present Sewer District No. 5 Commissioners: Lloyd Granguist, Chairman, Peter Gudger and James Hart. Mayor Caldwell welcomed those present (approximately 450) and made introductions of City Councilmen and Sewer District No. 5 Commissioners. Lloyd Granquist, Chairman of Sewer District No. 5 informed the public of the agenda. Hugh D. Spitzer, Attorney with the firm of Roberts & Shefelman, City of Port Orchard Bonding Firm, spoke as to the purpose of the hearing, legal requirements of forming U.L.I.D. by Resolution and time scheduling of the project. City Engineer Larry Curles spoke to the Project Background. Richard Warren, P.E. Consultant spoke to the funding of the project, method of assessments of the project and other allied items. Mike Pelpko, Department of Ecology, spoke on the role of the depart- ment and the necessity of the construction of a secondary treatment plant. Raymond A. Richards, property appraiser, spoke to the relatives benefits of the properties to be included within the boundaries of the proposed U.L.I.D. No. 1. Mayor Caldwell declared a recess for fifteen minutes and asked those who wished to speak for or against formation of the District to sign in on the tablets at the tables in the hall. Mayor Caldwell opened the hearing at 8:30 P.M. One Hundred nine citizens presented themselves to the microphone and spoke on the matter. Complete tape of the hearing on file with the City Clerk. Adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Clerk Mayor