10/10/1983 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington October 10, 1983 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular. session by Mayor Lee F. Caldwell.' Council members present:Ciauson, Childress, Wilson, Geiger, Miller and Grosso. Councilman Clark excused. Also present: Attorney McCluskey, Police Chief Trotter, Engineer Curles and Fire Chief .Snow. Councilman Grosso led the Council. -and Audience'in'the Pledge of, Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the September 26, 1983 meeting as circulated with the following correction: Page 1, paragraph 3,I ine 5, should read --line 2 change "Austin and Cline" to "Austin.and Dwight". Ed Pierson, 603 South Street,;requested an extension of Council authorization allowing him to reside in a travel trailer during construction of his house.: Mr.'Pierson stated hes living in the garage/shop at this time due to colder weather"and inorder.to complete some bulldozing work the travel trailer had to be moved. On motion by Councilman Geiger,'''seconded and carried,` Council authorized Mr. Pierson to reside in the garage/shop area during construction of his house, for a.period not to;exceed one year. Authorization is contingent upon issuance<of''a 'temporary -occupancy permit by Building and Fire Departments. Mr. Ed Pierson, 603 South Stre.etrequested City gravel the end of South Street.by his property. Councilman Wilson moved to refer matter to'City Engineer and Street/ Alley Committee to review.documents pertinent to portion of South Street deeded to the City`and`establish maintenance responsibilities Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend motion to empower City Engineer and. Street/Alley Committee to authorize maintenance.as required by City, seconded and carried. Original motion as amended to authorize City Engineer`°and'Street/ Alley Committee to review documents pertinent to portion of South Street dedicated as a public street and gravel that portion which is City's responsibility which is in.need..'.of maintenance. :Carried. Al.. Williams, 1810 Bay Street complained of -dust problem created by sewer line construction. Engineer Curles stated he will contact contractor and request this area be'thoroughly `washeddown Mayor Caldwell opened Public Hearing relative to application for Special Use Permit as submitted by Wilkins'Distributing. This would allow an existing building' located at `96 Water:.Street" to be' used for the purpose of designing, engineering and fabrication of aluminum work and fish boats Mayor Caldwell called for input at this time. Roger Jensen, owner ofproperty introduced Jim Scott, prospective tenant who answered various questions relative to'"operation and maintenance of proposed business. Mayor Caldwell called for further input,'either for or against application for Special Use Permit. No response. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved issuance of Special Use Permit to Wilkins Distributing allowing use of an existing building located at 95 dater.'Street.to be used for designing, engineering and fabrication of aluminum work and fish boats. Special Use Permit is to be issued with condition.that activities of this business do not block.public boat launch access ;(Resolution 1323) Mayor Caldwell closed Public Hearing Mayor Caldwell opened Public Hearing relatve:to Proposed,Uses for anticipated Federal Shared=Revenue'Funds., Mayor Caldwell requested anyone wishing to propose uses for anticipated Federal Shared Revenue Funds to. come. forward at this time. James Pero, Retsil High Steppers, a'.senior citizen square dance group requested consideration of funds. to purchase �a'loud speaker.system. Mr. Bero was advised this group'i"s>`notl located within the City` limits and therefore, can not be considered for-City'of Port Orchard Federal Shared Revenue budgeting.` On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and `carried, Council accepted written proposals of use for anticipated 1984`Federal'Shared Revenue Funds from City Police,'Fire and Public Works 'Department and YWCA/ Alive program. No further input was received,relative'to proposed uses for anticipated Federal Shared Revenue Funds and therefore, Mayor Caldwell closed_ Public Hearing. On motion by Councilman Geiger,' seconded and carried;Council approved Ordinance No. 1245 adopting a traffic''statute not `contained in the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance relative'to opened alcoholic beverage containers and consumption...of.aicoholic beverages within a vehicle upon a highway. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1246 adopting a portion of a'` traffic statute not contained in the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance relative`to'driv.ing alone on instruction permit.. Councilman Geiger presented motion..to approve' Ordinance No.'1247 aiiiending Ordinance No. 1125 (part) (Chapter 9.26 Port Orchard Municipal Code, False Information); Ordinance No. 1152 Section 5 (Chapter 10.20 Port Orchard Municipal Code, Traffic Fines); Ordinance No. 1152 Section 4 (Chapter 10.20 Port Orchard Municipal Code, Parking Violations); and Ordinance No. 1125 Section.2 (part) (Chapter 9.12 Port Orchard Municipal Code, Obstructing). j.Seconded and carried,`with five ayes and one no. Councilman Wilson voting no. On Motion by Councilman Miller, seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1321 declarina'intention to.�.include certain omitted: properties within Utility Local Improveme.nt'District No. l and to assess or reassess those properties, and notifying all persons who desire to object to the 'inclusion and the assessment' to appear and Present their objections at a;`hearing before 'the City Council to be.: held November 2, 1983. On motion by Councilman Geiger,. seconded and carried, Council proclaimed October 10, 1983 as Republic.of China Day. October'10, 1983 Pa ap 3