03/14/1983 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, 'Washington March 14, 1983 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington,,called to regular session by Mayor Lee F. Caldwell.` Council members' present:•`Clauson, Childress, Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark. Also present: Attorney McCluskey, Police Chief Trotter,:Engineer,Curles.and Fire Marshal Wernet. Fire Chief Snow -excused. Councilman Wilson led the Council and Audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried Councilapproved the minutes of the. February 28, 1983.meeting as circulated,_ Sally Rowlett, outgoing Port Orchard Librarian, introduced Peggy Hughes, who has assumed the position of'Bead'Librarian'at the Port Orchard Branch of the Kitsap County Regional Library, as of this date. Ms. Hughes profiled her educational and'personal`background for the Mayor and Council expressi..ng:her°appreciation for the opportunity to hold this position. Mayor Caldwell presented a Certificate ofAppreciation to Sally Rowlett for three years dedicated ;service to the'citizens:of the City of Port Orchard. as Port Orchard.Librarian.' Virginia Skinner requested permission_to'locate a�food concession tra i 1 er. on Sidney at Bay Street during the =Loyalty Day ;Parade` on April 30, 1983. Councilman Wilson moved .to allow Virginia`Skinner'to`locate a food concession trailer on Sidney during :,the Loyalty ''Day`rParade', April 30, 1983. Seconded. On motion by Councilman Grosso, .seconded and carried,"Council amended motion to require`concurrance of,location by Police and Fire Chiefs`. Original matio.n.as amended, car.ri°ed. Councilman Grosso moved to adopt'::Judge Gerald'`Dolan`s proposal relative to service as Municipal Court Judge as presented`. Seconded and denied with two ayes'and five nay's.' Councilman` Miller, Geiger,`' Wilson, Childress and Clauson voting?no. Councilman Geiger moved to accept Judge Gerald Dolan"s`proposal` as presented with the revision -that sick leave, vacation leave and time away for seminars be at 2 days per month and monetary compensation be set at $1,385.00 per month. Seconded by`''C.ouncilman-Wilson. After much discussion, Councilman Geiger moved:to..table`motion until March 28, 1983 meeting to allow City'Attorney to draw up contract. Seconded and carried, with five ayes and two nays. Councilman Clauson and Clark voting no. Councilman Grosso moved to reconsider:motio.n;:to`approve concept of; proposal received from Municipal,Court Judge '.Gerald Dolan and; direct City Attorney to refine contract reflecting changes requested by Council relative to vacation, sick and seminar leave and contract payments. Seconded by Councilman Clark. After much discussion', Councilman Clark withdrew second and Councilman Grosso withdrew motion. At this time, Clerk opened bid received relative`to'purchase of 1981 GM 4dr sedan as per Fire Department specifications. One (1)'.bid received from Dick Vlist Motors for a`1981`Buick Century 4dr'Sedan as per specifications in the total amount of"'$7,325.01 (including state sales tax). Bid bond in'°am.o.unt`of 5% of total bid 'included. Councilman Geiger moved to amend 'motion `'to delete 30.MPH from Section:,C (Port Orchard Blvd) and retain 35.MPH." Seconded by Councilman Wilson and denied with three ayes"and four nays. Councilman Miller Clauson, Grosso and;Clark voting..no.` Original motion as presented with Sections A,B;C:and E'reflecting 30 MPH and Section D reflecting 35 MPH.`Carried with four ayes and three nays. Councilman.Geiger, Wilson`and''Childress voting no. On motion by Councilman Wilson seconded.'and carried, Council authorized Police Chief"to purchase one-(1) 1979 Dodge Aspen from Kitsap County.in the ;amount of`$800.00. On notion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried,`Council authorized Police Chief to establish'a Fire Arms Safety Class _within the City of Port Orchard Police Chief Trotter requested a'.leave"of`absence to'allow.him to attend the FBI.National Academy'`in Quantico, Virginia from July 10-September 23,`1983. Admission to this academy`is by invitation only and would.enhanceGµhis education and be of benefit to the,City also. On motion by Councilman Gross o,:seconded and°carried, Council moved to allow Police Chief `Trotter a�'leave of"absence allowing him to attend the FBI National,Academy'in Quantico, Virginia from July 10- September 23, 1983. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded'and carried, Council declared Fire Department vehicle'#44:(1966 Ford one'''ton truck) and allow the Fire Chi.ef.to'd.ispose of this vehicle `in the best interest of the City. O'n motion by CouncilmanGrosso, seconded and carried, Council moved to authorize Fire Marshal Wernet'to attend `Arson `'School at the Portland Airport Holiday Inn'on..May 1-6,'1983. Mayor Caldwell.declared recess ..with meetingAo reconvene at 9:10 P.M- On motion by Councilman Clark,' :seconded and.carr•ied, Council authorized a $16.00 credit be issued to water account''`of'Worthie Doyle, 1020 Bethel Avenue. Doyle's experienced a leak in their water lines during City's conversion to the high pressure 1ine. Police Chief Trotter introduced Kris Wall, a, -high school student, who has volunteered her services and `is participating'in a. crime prevention program within the business and residential'area.of the City of Pori: Orchard. 0n motion by Councilman C"layk, =:seconded and carried; Council' authorized the City Engineer to negiovate a'contract for earthmoving`work. at the old, dump site with .the Sea Bees. The contract must meet the' approval of the City Clerk.. `E