04/11/1983 - Regular - Minutesi Port Orchard, Washington Apr i 1 11 1983 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to'`regular session by Mayor Lee F. Caldwell.''at 7:30 P.M. in the Cedar Heights Junior High School at 2220 Pottery`Avenue.` Council members' present: Wilson, Childress, Clauson, Geiger,`Grosso, Miller, and'Clark. Also present: Attorney McCluskey,Police'Chief Trotter, and Engineer Curles. Fire Chief Snow excused. Councilman Grosso led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance, On :notion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and'`carried, Council approved the minutes of the.Ma.rch 28, 1983,meeting'as`circulated. Firm of Kasprisin Pettinari Design presented the:plan for the revitalization of the downtown waterfront to the public and Council. At 8:30 P.M. Mayor Lee Caldwell opened to the public the opportunity to add additional protests to the formation'of U.L.I D. #1, stating that each party will have three (3).minutes to,present`'their. case and that at.9:30 P.M. the City` Council' would take action``'on Ordinance No. 1231 ordering the carrying out of the''plan'for additions to and betterments and extensions of the Waterworks Utility of the City as specified and adopted ;by Ordinance No. 1220, a.11'in`accordance with Resolution No. 1290 of the City 'Council, and establishing Utility Local Improvement District. Those speaking to the issue were taped and such tanes.are..;in the files of the City. Councilman Clark moved that Ordinance No. 1231, ordering the carrying out of the plan for additions to"'and betterments and exten-' sions of the Waterworks Utility of the: City'as.specified and adopted` by Ordinance No. 1220, all in accordance with Resolution No..1290 of the City Council establishing Utility Local Improvement' District: #1.be adopted. Motion died for lack of second. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Wilson, voting on Ordinance No. 123..1 tabled. until April 25,'1983 meeting. Discussion on time schedule of program, :bid' openings, delay problems as well as time limit set by Department of Ecology were considered. On the vote motion to table.lost with three ayes and four nayes.'` Councilman Grosso voted to adopt Ordinance No. 1231, seconded by Clark and carried with Councilman Wilson voting nay: Mayor Caldwell requested the Council`to,approve his appointment of John Bruchart to the Civil Service Commission to'replace John.: Clauson who has been appointed to vacancy on the City .Council,. approved by Council on,mot;ion by. Miller,;seconded and carried. Mayor Caldwell opened hearing on. the request of Mr. Ronald Olson, 105 Lippert Drive, Port Orchard,�'to-increase the`MS-20 classification to MS-30 on his property to construct conventionally financed apart- ments located in the northwest quarter of.Section 2, T23N, R1E to be called Fox Run Apartments. Commission`of Planning recommended the change in classification. On motion by` Wilson,` seconded and carried, Council approved the request. On motion by Clark, seconded and carried Council approved the expenditure of $75,052.30 to Sewer District'#5 for the purpose'of relocating the office of the District which.is being replocated-with the plant, with the restriction,that payment be:arranged for at a later date. Wilson moved that the City Jet an appraisal of the Dudley`Perrine property which is for sale,':seconded.and`carried.