04/25/1983 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 25, 198.3 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to`regular: session by Mayor Lee F. Caldwell ::Council members present::'Clauson, Childress, Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark. Also''present: Attorney McCluskey, Police Chief;Trotter, Engineer Curles'and'Fire Chief Snow. Councilman Geiger led the Council and audience .in the 'Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the April 4, 1983'meeting.as circulated and the minutes of the April ll, 1,983 meeting as circulated with the following correction: page 2, paragraph 4,should.read.:.and that the selection of the committees be made as'of the.'first of each legislative session and remain permanent. Irene Heninger, Director, Kitsap Regional Library, presented t information relative to possible '':federal funds available for library building construction through the Library.Services and Construction Act. Mayor Caldwell referred matter to -,Finance Committee for study. Upon request submitted by Fathoms 0' Fun General Director, Esther Sicks, Councilman Geiger 'moved to `�al'.low the:following: `(a)closure of parking area between waterfront and Peninsula_Feed'from,the evening of June 23 through July 4, 1983,`'for the'carnival (b) closure of the parking area between theF`water.front`and the liquor store on July 2-4, for the" Art `& Cr'aft .`exhibits', and (c) closure of Bay Street from Port Orchard Boulevard to Westbay..Intersec.tion on July 2, for the parade. Seconded a:ndcarried. Tom Warren, City resident questioned Kitsap County's use of property located at the corner of Division and Austin as a bus depot. Mayor Caldwell reported Kitsap Transit officials are arranging to relocate the bus depot behind the Kitsap County Cou,rthouse.within a week. Jim Frazer, of Kitsap Youth Homes introduced Hal Ambalm,''Chairman. of the Private Industry Council, who presented a Certificate of. Service to Jay Cookson, a city employeey:'for his service`to the.youth of the community- Roberta Prince, Summer Parks Program Director, outlined schedulesf and activities proposed for.the summer youth fitness"camps, which are scheduled for ages 5-15. Registration is limited to 75 per session, with city residents havirng.,priority.' Fees, if any, will be for craft items only. Mayor Caldwell read letter from Department of Social and Health Services, Water Works Certification Board announcing Larry Curless City Engineer, has been certified as a Water Distribution Manager 2.` Councilman Childress moved to approve Ordinance No.'1232, amending Ordinance No. 755 (Port Orchrd Municipal Code 2.04.220) setting forth duties of .the presiding officer. Seconded by Councilman Clauson. Councilman Wilson moved to amend 'motion"to reflect Item" 7 as` follows: appoint to committees, remove".from``committees",with Council majority concurrence. Motion died`for lack of 'second. Councilman Geiger moved to amend.motion' to reflect Item'#7 as follows: appoint to committees,'remove,from committees, with unanimous Council concurrence. Seconded"by Councilman Miller. Motion denied with three ayes and four nays. Councilman Clauson, Childress, Wilson and Clark voting nay. Councilman Geiger moved to table motion, seconded by Councilman Miller. Motion denied with three ayes and four'nays. Councilman Childress, Wilson, Clark and Clauson voting nay.' Original motion to approve. Ordinance No. 1232`',as`'presenteds carried, with four ayes and three nays. Councilman Grosso, Miller, and Geiger voting nay.' (Councilman Geiger requested to change his vote on Ordinance No. 1232 .from nay.to;:aye,`as reflected'on page3. paragraphllofthese minutes)• On motion by Councilman Wilson,seconded and carried`Council accepted Fire Works stand permit applications from -the following organizations and authorized the Police and Fire Chiefs to`process'permit applications and issue permits,.,subject to conditions set forth by Fire Department and State Law; 1. So. Kitsap Athletic Assn. Westbay 2. Port Orchard Lions Vlist Motors' 3. Scout Troups #1523 Fast Parking ,Lot So. Kit. Mall 4. Port Orchard J.C.'s West Parking lot So.:Kit. Mall_ 5. Missouri Sea Cadets Vlist Motors 6. Scout Troups #1521 Port'Orchard Armory 7. Rotary Club; Safeway On motion by Councilman Wilson ,'seconded and carried,'Counci:l authorized City Engineer to collaborate with Kitsap Transit' office, establishing proposed bus stop locations within the City limits for Council concurrence. Councilman Wilson roved to annex into City'limits as provided by RCW 35.15.180 Tracts B,'C,`and D (see''.attached.plot plan). of Municipal property located on'Beach Drive, purchased from Washinqton State Veteran Administration, for.. the.purpose'of constructing a sewer plant. Councilman Grosso moved to amend motion to include City property ' located off Old Clifton Road.(S2 SW ,SIIC34, T24 R1E) seconded and carried. Original motion as amended to annex into the City limits'property owned by the City of Port Orchard :(as al),owed by RCW 35.15.180). carried with 7 ayes and 0 nays. Piayor Caldwell adjourned Council into executive session to discuss employee sick leave and appraisal requested relative to proposed construction of public safety building. On,motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded'and carried, Council moved to adopt proposed parking lot changes, as depicted on attached exhibit B. 0'n motion by Councilman Wilson :;`seconded and carried, Council moved to approve petition submitted by Knights':of Pythias requesting City vacate a492.66 portion'of.'Fir Street that lies between Block 6 and'7= and the 604.12 alley that runs the length of Block 6 (Map."attached Exhibit C) Mike McCormick outlined propos.ed`criteria`for prioritizing applicants for Block Grant funding, and"'projected'`scheduling of application and appeal -:processes.' On notion by Councilman ,Wilson;...seconded and 'carried, Council authorized City Engineer: .to`negotiate conf.tract, for Mayors signature, with PacWest, relative to''purchase of land for Port Orchard Bypass right of way. 1 On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded`''and`carried, 'Council moved to concur with Joint Sewer;'Treatment"P1ant'Advisory Board motion to retain an attorney, Do.n:l.ogerweli, as construction claim consultant. Councilman Geiger moved to"approve dispursal of $20,500 from the Wastewater Facilities Construction"`Fund for the City's share in cost of relocating Sewer.Distri.ct No. 5 office.as'.set.forth by contract, seconded, Councilman Geiger moved to amend motion to includerequesting transfer of property owned by Kitsap County Sewer`District No. 5 to City of Port Orchard as called :for-'.. in Wastewater Facilities Intergovernmental Contract prior to May':1, 1983. Seconded and carried. Original motion as amended,'carried. Attorney McCluskey presented letter from Kurtis Mayer relative to his desire to dedicate a private roadway within an_:apartment. complex owned by himself to the City of. Port Orchard. Mayor referred matter to Street./Alley Committee' -for further study. On motion by Councilman Miller, seconded and.carried, Council authorized expenditure of.approximately`$1,000 for 'postage to mail Block Grant Survey. Councilman Grosso moved to authorize Mayor to sign Contract with City of Bremerton relative to the cleaning and televising of City sewer lines at a cost of approximately $.70 per foot for the purpose of locating and.correcting`infiltration. Engineer Curles announced public -hearing has been scheduled for May 9, 1983 relative`to Proposed Comprehensive'Parks Plan. On notion by Councilman`Clauson, seconded and carried, Council`'' authorized a 240 day extension of Contract. with'Entranco Engineers relative to By —Pass Project'at'"noadditional cost. On motion by Councilman Miller,, seconded,and`carried, Council approved expenditure of..$300 to repair, and paint ford station wagon. Councilman Geiger stated he would like'to`change his vote on Ordinance No. 1232 from nay .to aye, and reflect in'the record as such. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council authorized payment of the bills (Voucher :Nos. 1874 1.91.2) in the amount of $42,658.33.' Meeting adjourned at.11:30 P.M. C I e mayor