05/23/1983 - Regular - MinutesPort' Orchard,Washington:. May 2:3 , .' 1 983 Council of the City of Port Orchard, ;Washington,°'�cal`led to 'regular session by Mayor Lee F. Caldwell. Council 'members.present: Clauson, Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark;. Also' present:` Attorney McCluskey, Police Chief Trotter, Engineer''Curles and Fire Chief Snow. Mayor Caldwell led the Council and audience in the Pledge`of. Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Wilson seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the (day 9, 1983 meeting as circulated. S.S. Lin and Paul Liao of Kramer, Chin•and`Mayo,`-Consulting Engineers. reported they have examined bids which were opened and read May 16, 1983; 3:00 P.M. relative to the.Wastewater.Treatment Plant Project. S.S. Lin further reported KCM and Attorney Lagerwell have reviewed: all bids for computation and conformance to specifications.'. KCM's recommendation is that the City accept low bids for each of the three schedules of specificati.ons..'.and submitbid' documents to DOE for approval. On notion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried,' Council accepted recommendation of Kramer,.Chin and Mayo, relative to'low bids received for Schedule A & C (pump station/treatment plans;); B (force main) and D (outfall), (see attached schedule of bids) to effect an inhouse review of bids and. submi.t,required documents to Department of Ecology for approval Anita Sanford introduced Little Britches Royalty. Court, who outlined events and invited the citizens' of; Port Orchard',to attend the 1983 ' Little Britches Rodeo June 10, 11 and 1.2, 1983. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved Planning Commission Resolution No. 026-83,'recommending approval of the K-Mart .Park.ing. proposal.-as"`submitted On motion by Councilman Wilson,"`seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 12331'amending Section-1 of Ordinance No 692 (Port Orchard Municipal Code Section 5..60.040)"increasing the number of Fireworks Stand Licen,ses;issued''`annually"to''seven (7). On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1295, authorizing"application for funding" assistance for an Outdoor Recreation'' Project to-..=the`lnteragency Committee for Outdoor Recreation as provided by the Marine Recrea-` tion Land _Act. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council moved: that Public Hearing relative to petition for Vacation of a portion of Morton Street as submitted by Richard L.'Peterson 'scheduled for this meeting be set over to June 27, 1983 meeting to allow time for required posting of property:and notification:process. :`(Resolution No. 1297). Councilman Geiger reported on Wastewater Project' Advisory Committee meetings held May 16 and 19 and also announced an"additional meeting has been scheduled for May 26 1983 to continue review and discussion of protest's relative to.this project. Councilman Geiger moved to approve $6,396370 as 'total 'local cost to be borne by assessment levied<:against the''property within the„ proposed U.L.I.D.:#1,_seconded." i After much discussion and Consulting Engineers cautioning against under estimating amounts for contingency fund, Councilman Geiger moved to amend.figure to state $6,636.,A60,:seconded and carried.' Original motion as.,amended to approve tota.l',local cost of U.L.I.D.#1 to be borne by assessment levied against the property within the proposed U.L.I.D. #1 area as;$6,636,4.60 ,carried:' S.S. Lin reported on continuing efforts of Michael McCormick to formulate eligib.ilj ty guidelines relative to, Community Block Grant Program and presented draft of application form relative to Block` Grant Assistance. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved draft of application form for.U.L.I:D #1 Block. Grant .. financial assistance. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and'carred, `Council authorized an expenditure not to exceed $5,500 for acquiring a computer software program toprocess,..U,,L.j.D. billing. Councilman Clark moved to allow theCity Treasurer to transfer the following monies from the Contingency Fund: $100. to Executive (Mayor) Misc (001--513 10.49) and: $300."to'`'Executive (Mayor) Travel (001-513.10.43), seconded and carried (Resolution and/or ordinance to`be prepared for June`13, 1.983 meeting.) Police Chief Trotter announced Police Officer Frank Connelly's resignation from the department as of`Ma'y`24,:1983 and requested Council authorization to fill vacancy created by'this:'resignation On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and `carried`Council ' autorized Police Chief Trotter fill vacant"policeofficer position effective June 12, `1983: pay'per,od. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded `and' carried, Council confirmed the appointment of Pol iceChief Darrell :Trotter to permanent status. His probationary peri.pd;was completed May 13, 1983. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council confirmed an allocation of $2.0,000.for Harrison Water Main pressure improvements. Councilman Miller moved to remove Resolution No 's`'1293`and 1294 from the table, seconded and:carried. On motion by Councilman Miller,'seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1293 authorizing a budgetary transfer within Federal Shared Revenue Fund:to purchase service revolvers for police department. On motion by Councilman. Miller, seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1294 authorizing a budgetary transfer within Federal Shared Revenue Fund to install Parks Dept -tennis court lights and Downtown, Revitalization Plan -landscaping. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council granted a one year extension (expire May '28,`19'84) on Shoreline Development Permit issued .to Derald'E. Martin on May 28, 1981 for the development of a wet boat 'morrage,facility located at Say Street and DeKalb Street Waterway, .Port'Orchard,'within Lots 1 & 2, Block 4, Sidney Tidel.ands of Section 26 of Township 24 NOrth, Range 1 E W.M. On motion by Councilman Miller, seconded and' carried,' Council approved Resolution No.,1296 authorizing an application to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) for funding assistance from fund'provided'the°State of Washington through the Small Business Administration,>Parks and Recreation'Area Develop- men't Grant Program as part.of the Emergency Jobs Bill, Public Law 98-8. On motion by Councilman Wilson,' seconded and carried, Council authorized Mayor to review, with Council `"'concurrance, and sign amendment to agreement with Pac-West rel at'ive'' to By-pass land acquisition. Mayor Caldwell declared recess, with=mee incg t'o reconvene at 9:20 pm: Councilman Grosso moved for reconsideration of Council 'action relative to K-!dart Parking Plan proposal, seconded'"and` carried. Councilman Grosso moved to'accept K-Mart'Parking proposal as submitted, seconded.'.. sAfter much discussion`as,to established "shopping mall" parking area requirements,}'Counc"ilman Wilson moved to table. matter until.. Jqune 13, 1.983 meeting to allow further study, seconded -'and '.c,arried Engineer Curles presented. :._proposals f,or, re..quired'storage.of Lanier Record,,ing Sy -stem, On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried, Council approved "Alternative No. 3"for.'storing'Lanier'.Recording System in metal storage cabinet located in Council Chambers. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded'and'carried, Council approved payment of the bills ';(Warrant No.' 01993-02036) in the amount of $41,385.88.. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P,M.. SCHEDULE A & C (A -Pump Station/ C-Treatment Plant) Engrs Est. 10,200,000 1. George Sollitt Const Co. 2. Gall Landau -Young 3. Coast Marine Const. 4. Will Const. 5. Kiewit Const Co. 6, Pease & Sons, Inc. 7. Pacific Ventures, Inc. 8. Humphrey Contractors, Inc SCHEDULE D (Outfall) 1. American Const Co. 2. Coast Marine 3. General Construction Co. 4. Jackson Marine dba Paoifie Marine 5. Manson Const. & Engineers 6. Hurlen Constuction Co. 7. A H Powers, Inc. 8. Jensen & Reynolds A 877,500 C 7,073,700 Al -2,000 7,951,200 A. 880,000 C 7,400,000 Al -7,l30 8,280,000 A 970,000 C 6,724,000 Al -7,500 7,676,500 #4 A 700,000 C 7,400,000 Al-10,000 8,110,000 A 816,000 C 7,162),000 A -8,000 7,978,000 A 800,000 C 6,790,000 A -15,000 7,590,000 #2 A 768,990 C 6,685,281 Al 39,500 7,634,271 #3 A 840,000 C 6,720,089 A -15,000 #1 6,912,089 apparent low bidder Engineers Est. 500,000 528,100 1,045,000 447,800 #1 687,171 584,000 524,750 #3 640,000 510,510. #2 SCHEDULE B Force Main Engineers Est. $700,000 1. Ducolon Mechanical B 688,482 unit 3.85 C 9,625 698,107 2. Massart Co B 500,000 unit 4.50 C 11,250 511,250 3. Como Contractors B 649,000 unit 4.00 C 10,000 659,000 4. C. L. Haaen Const, Inc B 452,805 unit 4.75 C 11,875 464,583 (464,680) #4 5. O.R. Alia & R.L. Alia Co. B 428,736 unit 5.50 C 13,750 442,485 #2 6. Hos Bros. Const. B 421,461 unit 5.30 C 13,250 434,711 #I 7. Dyad Construction B 444,222.22 unit 8.00 C 20,000 464,222.22 #3 8. Shelton Plumbing B 892-,785 unit 12.00 C 30,000 922,785