05/09/1983 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington. May 9, 1983 Council of the City of Port`Orchard'called:to. regular`session'by. Mayor Lee F. Caldwell, Council members present: Clauson, Childress, Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark :: Also present:. Attorney McCluskey, Police Chief Trotter,.Engineer`Curler and'Fire Chief Snow. Mayor Caldwell led the Council ':and audience in Pledge`of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded andcarried, Council approved the minutes of the April 25,` 1983 meeting'. eeting as circulated with the following correction: Page 2, paragraphs 6 and 8;"RCW reference should reflect RCW.35.13.180. Mary Felts, 1050 Hull, presented and read letter objecting to the ,formation of 'ULID and ': requested"a . formal `and' public :,accounting of the value of the Port Orchard and Sewer District #5 ULID to determine if 600 of the ULID's value have protested to -its. -formation. Pat Glascow, chairman of citizens -group requested Council extend deadline for submitting forms protesting formation of ULID. City Attorney advised Mr. Glasc.ow.the;time,,limit .for submitting protests is set by RCW and is '30 days : from date Hof "pa:ssage, of..Ordinance forming ULID Mayor Caldwell declared recess with 'meeting`'to`-reconvene at 9:15.P.M. Ro,:r Mosley, City of Bremerton'Council'member presented film presentation relative;to'Wastewater .Facili.ty•Sys.tem in City of Yakima. At this time, Mayor Caldwell opened "Public'Hearing relative to Comprehensive. Park Plan. City Engineer Curles outlined ;proposed Comprehensive Park:Plan and summarized utilization of;existing parks. Mayor Caldwell called for public input..at�,this time. One citizen spoke: Leda Heng expressed concern of,potential''loss of parking' areas if waterfront parks are planned.' On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded'and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1292'approving and certifying the Comprehensive Parks, Recreation.and Open Space Plana On motion by Councilman Wilson,' seconded and carried, Council set May 23, 1983, 8:00 P.M. as date and:time of:':Public Hearing relative to petition submitted by Richard 'L.: Peterson''request.ing vacation of a portion of Morton .Street. On motion by Councilman Wilson,`s.econded' and'carried,'Council moved to reject offer submitted by Kurt,Mayer=to donate`a private. road to the City of .Port - Orchard for use as a' -public' street.' On motion by Councilman'Clark, seconded and carried, Council moved to disallow request submitted.by Worthie and Maxine Doyle for additional credit on their water"bill'(1120 Bethel Ave.). On motion by Councilman Clark,° seconded'a.nd carried, Council moved to concur with action taken by Wastewater Facility Advisory Cor�~rli ttee relative to retention of Attorney Logerwell's services through the bid opening process for thewastewater facility project. Councilman Wilson moved to amend Port.Orcha.rd Municipal Cade 5.60. 04 0 to allow seven ' (7) ' fireworks .'stand ,licenses. be .: issued annually. Seconded and carried.