06/27/1983 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington June 27 3 .l 983 Council of the City of Port Orchard,`Washington, called to order by mayor Lee Caldwell. Council members present: 'C`laus'on, Wilson, Childress, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and -Clark ' nd Clark: Also present: Attorney Sells, Police Chief Trotter, Engineer Curles and Eire Chief Snow. Councilman Childress led the Council and audience in the'`Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Childress, seconded and carried, Council'; approved the minutes of the June 13, 1983 meeting as circulated with the following corrections 1. Page 3, paragraph 4, line 3, should readthere will be some time expended on the Haynes case. 2. Page 1, paragraph. 5, line 1, spelling on name should be`Powell Mayor Caldwell administered.Oath of Police Officer to Michael O'Malley and welcomed him aboard. Pay Jones requested Council authorize closing one (1) lane 6f Bay Street on Sunday, September llth or 18th.to allow fun run to flow through Port Orchard. The fun run will commence at the USS Missouri and end in Manchester.Mayor referred Natter to Police Department and Safety Committee'.for recommendation. Dick Fulton questioned status of his request `for 'the 'creation of a handicap parking area in the.<700 Block of Sidney. On motion by Councilman 'Wilson,`seconded and carried, Council authorized a handicap parking zone to be located in `the yellow zone north of the crosswalk in the 700 Block of Sidney in the vicinity of Bethany.LutheranChurch. Mervin Schmidh requested permission to operate a cab company within the City limits. Mr. Schmidt was advised, Council permission is.not required, and he should contact the. Clerk, for an application. Police Chief Trotter announced State Highway'Department has authorized closure of Bay Street the first ;Sunday of August as requested to allow "Western Days" events.. Fire Chief Snow reported work on Publi.c.Safety.Building Grant is progressing as anticipated. On motion by Councilman.Miller, seconded and carried, Council moved to reconsider motion to approve minutes of',7une 13, 1983 meeting to include the following,add tions-arid corrections: 1. Page 2, paragraph 2, line 2 application...for additiona1'funds-'in, .amount of two million two hundred eighty four thousand dollars ($2,284,000) for the."Port Orchard Bypass... 2. Page 2, paragraph 3, 'line 3,: should read for funds in amount, of three million seven<hundred sixty one`thousand`dollars ($3,761,000) for Wastewater:Treatment'Plant. 3. Page 3, paragraph 7, should read:"On''request of Richard Fulton, Councilman Geiger moved to`create'a handicap parking area in'° the 700 Block of Sidney in the''bicinity of Bethany"Lutheran Church, seconded and carried.' Street/Alley 'Committee to determine specific location oU handicap`' parking `space. 4. Page 3, paragraph 3, should read. .naming the Mitchell Avenue bridge "William J. "Bill" Nelson Viaduct", after. his grandfather on the 100th anniversary of;the'birthdate of this`roadbuilder who supervised constructi.on.of::`this viaduct. Playor Caldwell opened Public 'Hearing relative to petition for Vacation of a portion of._Morton„Street as submitted by Richard L. Peterson. Mayor Caldwell called for public input at this -time. Richard L. Peterson, petitioner, stated Council approval:"of'`'this `Vacation would enlarge his existing;lot..creating a more desireable building lot. After much discussion as to possibility of.'future'`City'use of this property Council held matter; over, to July;-ll , 198.3meeting to allow further study. Mayor Caldwell declared hearing recessed to`duly:11, 1983 meeting.` On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1303 adopting the'six year Transportation Improvement Program for the years of- °1984,'-``1990. At 8:00 P.M. Clerk opened and read bids .received relative to pre leveling specified City Streets installing protective membrane.and asphalt overlay as per specificati.ons..;;Bids (with required bid bonds) were submitted as follows: Item # Service Fuel Ace Paving #] C]ass B Asphalt 24,840.004,360.Q0 #2 Protective membrane 3,700.00 3,000.00 Net. Bid $28,540.00 $27,360.00 . On motion by Councilman Childress," .seconded and carried, Council accepted bids as received,.and`referred>them to City Engineer.and Street/Alley Committee for:verif''ication of'conformance to specifi- cations, granting Engineer and`Committee`authorization to award bid. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1304 authorizing`the.City Treasurer to change Federal Shared Revenue allocation for Suminer'Parks'Activity Program as necessary with total budget'to"remain at -seven ' thousand dollars ($7,000.00). Mayor Caldwell opened. public hearing relative to revocation of zoning (Ordinance No. 1045) on property' located'at``13.15 West Street owned by Elaine and Wallace Smith.` Proceedings have been initiated 'on a complaint filed relative to.non-conformance`of conditions set., forth in Ordinance No. 1045,;. Clerk read Planning Commission Resolution .No.027-83 setting forth facts of findings and conclusions relative"to request.for:rodification of Ordinance No."1045 relative to zoning of property owned by Wallace and Elaine Smith, 1315 West Street (Legal Description:.Block 3, Radeys Addition to Port Orchar..d°`as recorded in Volume 4,'`pace 68, with the Kitsap County Auditor`s 'Office). Arnold Norem, representing property owners, explained as presently zoned (MF-20), the subject:property-could only be developed with the construction of a six -unit`' apartment:and the existing single family dwelling would have to be demolished. The"owners would like to sell the single family, dwelling to gone` party and 'the`'back section of property to another.- For this to 'transpire ;:they' are requesting the rezone (Ordinance No. 1045) be'modified to reflect the following:.. The rear parcel retain F-2.0 zoning (plot:plan to include.a 4- plex submitted to Planning ,Commission).and'`front parcel revert to Residential High 'to ai,low `one single "family dwell ing. On motion by Councilman.Grosso.,-sec.onded.:and carried,' Council approved modification of Ordinance No':.'1045 as`requ=ested by Wallace "and Elaine Smith. Planning Commission:Resolution No.. 027-83 attached which reflectsfront parcel of property:`zoning as,%Residential High and rear parcel of property as Multiple'Family 20 subject`tv'conditions set. forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 027-83. Mayor Caldwell declared public hearing closed. Michael McCormick reported on` progress of Community Block Grant' and presented formula proposed for prioritizing applicants for this funding. Michael McCormick also reported:application for EconomicDevelop- ment Assistance Grants relative 'to. Bypass and Wastewater Facilities have been completed and submitted`to.EDA for consideration. Mr. McCormick presented letter praising Linda'Rhoton,:City Fire Depart- ment employee, for efficient and accurate.assistance which greatly aided completion of grant.applications in,a'minimum of time., Mayor Caldwell declared recess with meeting. to reconvene at 9:00 P.M. Mayor Caldwell opened Wastewater Facilities`" Project` construction' management hearing, stating this project has reached the point at .which the decision has to be made as to what concept of construction management will be utilized, l.' A"construction management firm, 2. Contracting with a`design'`firm for construction manage- ment, 3. or use of City staff. Jim Gorman`, president of Construction Northwest, outlined concept=and benefits'of`construction management firm. Marty Dirks, Kramer, Chin and Mayo, 'detailed benefits ofretaining a design firm to continue through..const.ruction phase of project. City Attorney cautioned all present 'the decision at..this point is for concept of construction.management only, not what firm will be retained. Councilman Geiger moved to proceed;with'construction management type of firm for construction,phase of Wastewater':Facilities Project," seconded and denied, with two ayes and five°nays. Councilman Clark. Grosso, Clauson, Wilson and'Childress:voting nay. Councilman Wilson moved to negotiate with Kramer, Chin and. 'Mayo relative to management of the construction phase of the Wastewater Facilities project,,seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend motion :to further state, if.`"agree- ment of construction management: contract cannot. be. reached,`other alternatives will be considered,:.seconded''and'carried. Original motion as amended carried,;w,ith six ayes and one nay. Councilman Geiger voting nay. On motion by Councilman Wilson,"seconded and carried, Council rescinded appointment of JohnBruckart to.position on Civil Service Commission, vacated by resignation of'John Clauson. On motion by Councilman Wilson seconded and carried, Council confirmed Mayor Caldwell's'appointment of .Bek Tyson to fill: vacant position on Civil`Service"-Commission created bye'resignation of John Clau.son. Term to expire `'Oecember,31, 1,938. On motion by Councilman Clark,` seconded and carried, Council confirmed Mayor Cal dwel 1 ` s 'appoi ntmerit •o f 'Sharon Pi c`i ni ch to the Port Orchard Planning Comm:issfon 104fi17 vacancy created. by resignation of Sam Taylor. Ms. Picinich`�term-to expire December 31, 1984. On motion by Councilman'Clark,`"seconded and carried,Council approved ` payment of the bills in the amount of.$33,565.91 (Voucher Nos. 2125 2160) . Meeting adjourned.at 1.0:35 P. ,r ERK" MAYOR Port Orchard, Washington June 13, 1983 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called�to order by Mayor Lee Caldwell. Council members present:Clauson, Wilson, Geiger, Grosso and Miller. Councilmen Clark and::Childress.excused. Mayor Caldwell led the" Council and audience."in'the'Pledge `of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of 14ay,23,>1983 meeting as circulated..' Mr. Edward S. Pearson, W. 281 Lake Isabella Loop, Shelton, WA, requested that the Council approve that he occupy a travel trailer for a period of ninety (90) days at 603 South Street while he builds a new home on the property at 603 South. :'On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved the request with the following conditions: (1) all assessments be paid prior to occupancy and (2) that when trailer is no longer being used, water/sewer connection is to be removed. Mr. L.W.�Pau 011 Tacoma Street,' informed Council that cars are parking in the driveway of his residence and that they ignore his requests to move. 1,4atter.referred;to Police Chief.' Dick Brown, Realtor, presented further information to Council on the parking spaces at the new K Mart'`at the South Kitsap Mal1, stating that they have more than 'is''required`by the City Ordinance. Councilman Grosso moved to remove,';' from the table, ``motion made at the May 23 1983 meeting accepting the proposal for parking sub- mitted by K Dart. Seconded andcarried After' discussion on the matter, Councilman Wilson moved to' amend the'motion°that` the parking pattern shall. meet the require.ments'of`:the City Ordinance. Seconded and carried. Original motion ,as .amended 'approved `on'motiaon by Councilman Wilson, seconded'= and"carried. Mr. Nobuo Kawasaki, 5750 Hillcrest,."Drive, has the one hour race allain this year during the`Fathoms,'of'Fun. Mr. Kawasaki will coordinate the traffic problems and other items with the Chief of Police. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved the running which will start at 1.0:00 A.M.''July 4, 1983. Mr. Robert Maesner, president of L' Kab Enterprises, 1118 Navy Yard Hwy., Bremerton, presented himself to the Council and informed them that he was considering the purchase of the'Blue.and Gold Taxi Company. .He stated that he was a little concerned about a new company coming into the area when there is.not enough business for"both. The Council informed the gentleman that the City could;:not issue`:.a franchise for taxicabs, but neither would the Council do'anything'to jeopardise his business as long as he runs a good.operation. Meeting adjourned at 8:07 P.M...until:9:10`P.M..for 'executive session. Councilman Wilson moved that the Council approve the Mayor to appoint a Committee of the Council 'to"sit'on the hearing board "for the protests of the residences with the U.L.:I.D. #1 w and:the Committee shall set the hearing schedules beginning June 23, 1983 and continu- ing until, all the protests have<been'completed. Seconded and carried Mayor Caldwell appointed Councilmen James Wilson, Margaret Jane Miller and Leonard Clark to the Special Committee. Representative from the office of Roberts & Shefelman is to act as'Committee-'Counsel and a representative from.the City Attorneys office to:act as moderator. Hugh Spitzer, Roberts & Shefelman spoke to Council`as'to the conduct of the hearings saying that those who"have filed shall be heard and there will be no debate or questions"'and` answers.` The protester.. shall only present his case and no more. An agent may represent the protester,1'but a'letter shall be written to and filed with the City Clerk.priorto the hearing, Pat McCullough, Entranco Engineers, presented to the Council an application for additional funds for the Port Orchard By -Pass for the Mayor's signature and a Right of Way affidavit:,for the signa- ture of the City attorney.On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council, approved the Mayor ta,sign the application for additional -funds. Mike McCormick presented a grant application directed to the Economic Development Administration under the Public Works Program for funds for Wastewater Treatment Plant and=statement of assurances for the signature of the; Mayor and on motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved the 'Mayor`to`sign 'grant application. On motion by Councilman, Grosso, seconded and'.carried, Council approved the Mayor to sign grant application for additional funds from the Economic Development Administration under the Public Works Program for the Port Orccard By -Pass, Phase,;:TT. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved the Mayor to sign an agreement between the County of Kitsap and the City of Port Orchard by which the County will. provide the engineering services to produce plans and specifics tions so the City can put this project (By -Pass) -out to bid. The service provided by the.County,will be cost plus';15p for over- head and administration,` and the;,,,total'" cost to.` the` City will not exceed $15,000.00 without';prior°;written app.roval,by`the,.City Council Mr. James Gorman P.E. President:of Construc:tioneering N.,W."Inc., presented their services to 'the'Council`stating,that they had just finished doing an inspection job on a' wastewater treatment plant with Humphrey Contractors, Inc. and kept under 50 overrun which is normal. Paul Liao, Kramer, Chin & Mayo presented their. .pitch to'obtain the inspections of the proposed wastewater plant. On motion by Councilman Clauson,'` seconded:and carried, Council approved the passage of Resolution'#1298 authorizing the transfer of $978.00 from Shared Revenue'- Fire Department (Radio) to Shared Revenue - Fire Department.(Rescue), for the purchase'of Vetter bags. Councilman Clauson asked Councili.f something could be'done relative to a burned residence at'270 Granat''Street, that all'appare.nt avenues have been exhausted. Matter,`,referred to'City attorney. Councilman Clauson advised the Council. that'Pay N Save Corp. owes the City in burgular alarms,:$.800.00 dollars''=and they'want the City to waive the penalties in an amount of $800.00. Council, on motion by Clauson, seconded and carried, denied the request and instructed the Clerk to send a bill to .Pay ',N, Save for` the full amount.'`' On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded and carried,` 'Council approv- ed passage of Resolution #1299 authorizing a:,budget transfer :in the" amount of $500.00 from Current Expense '-_Police Communications '(Repair) to Current Expense Police Comzmunications`Capital Outlay for purchase of typewriter. Resolution #1300 regulating the operation of tow companies within the City set over until a more favorable time. On Motion by Councilman Wilson,"seconded''and carried, Council.` approved the Shriners sign placed at'the`int.ersection`of SR-160 and Bethel. r Councilman Geiger informed the Council of.,the proposals for City coverage as solicited by City's insurance broker, stating that the coverage will be, $10,000 or more, less than `'the current cover- age. On motion by Councilman Geiger, secondedand carried, Council approved the City Clerk to inform the broker,<`to proceed with the above liability coverage. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council ` approved the request of Mr. Ed Anderson to have an Old 'T'ime, Fiddlers program on Frederick Street (adjacent to Jordan's)'from after the parade on the 25th of June and will'`last into the .late afternoon. There are no conflicts with others :at this time. .. . On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved the passage of Resolution #1302 naming the,Mi chell', Avenue bridge "William J.. „Bill'.'. Nelson Viaduct"' Attorney McCluskey informed Council that trials are beginning to slow up and that due to the City's being named as dditional assur-� '6 �A ed there will be some time expended on that;=case�Fj'°:,. On motion by Councilman Geiger, 'seconded and carried; Council approved Resolution #1301 authorizing interfund transfer from any unbudgeted funds in Current Expense Fund in'the.amount"of $100.00 to Current Expense -Executive Miscellaneous (001.513.10.49) and $300.00 to Current Expense --Executive Travel ;.(001.513,10.431 On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried,:Council approved the date of June 27, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. for a hearing on the request'of Mx. Richard Peterson, 117.Farragut, Port Orchard for vacation of portion of Morton Street. YI On request of Mr. Richard Fulton to install handicap ,area 'in the vicinity of Bethany Lutheran Church in`the 700 Block of Sidney, Council referred matter to Street/Alley Co=aittee'as to regulations on handicap spaces. Matter.will be complete at the next Council meeting. On the appointment of Bek Tyson to replace the vacancy of John. Clauson on the Civil Service Commission, Mayor continued the appointment until the next meeting i.n.order for'`the Mayor to discuss the position with Ms.:Tyson., On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded.and carried, Council approved payment of the bills (Warrant No.02037-'02124) in the amount of $69,204.87 and the May,::.payroll (Warrant No. 101790 - 101898) in the amount of $78,847.36. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. df.17