07/11/1983 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington July 11, 1983 Council of the City of Fort Orchard, Washington, called to order by Mayor Lee Caldwell. Council. members present;. Clauson, Childress, Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark A1so�resent: Attorney Haberly, Acting Police Chief: .Bl,acknall, Engineer"Curles and Fire Chief Snow. Councilman Wilson led the Council and audience in the Pledge`of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded andcarried, Council approved the minutes of the June 27,..198.3`meeting as circulated. Jim Gorman, Constructioneering Northwest,:.addressed`Council relative to construction management. Ron Wilds, 612 Hull reported problem'of vehicles.':speeding'`in his neighborhood. Mayor Caldwell ;referred.matter`to Police Department. On motion by Councilman C1auson,'seconded:and carried, Council authorized closure of parking strip on north side of Bay Street from Kitsap County Bank to",Peninsula Feed on'September 11,1983, allowing a fun run through the,.downtown,area. Councilman Clauson voiced..concerns of."Police/Fire/Safety Committee, relative to unsafe use of fireworks'`within'`the city limits. Mayor Caldwell referred matter to City ;Attorney, requesting report on. restrictions the city can:impose on`'sale and use.of fireworks. On motion by Councilman Clauson`, seconded and carried,'Council authorized expansion.of the Police Reserve Unit to..15 positions from the existing 11 position:.unit. On motion by Councilman Clauson,-`seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1235'amending Ordinance No. 507, Section 2 (Port Orchard Municipal Code 5.56.020).eliminatincd the '`restrlction of the'- necesslty:�of:'need. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council authorized the Mayor to proceed with;preparation`of`Ordinance relative to annexation of Wastewater'Treatment Plant 'site (Kitsap County Sewer District.#5 property, Olney'Road and Beach Drive). Councilman Wilson moved to `authorize Mayor to finalize agreement with Kramer, Chin and Mayo relative to- construction management of Wastewater Treatment i=aci1 ties Project `Seconded by Councilman. Clark. Councilman Geiger stated as point of order, Committee Report' relative to negotiations for construction`mianagement should be given prior to Council. action. Councilman Clark withdrew sec.pnd `a.nd"'Councilman Wilson withdrew motion. At this time Mayor Caldwell reconvened Public Hearing relative to petition for vacation of.-apgrtion;of'Morton Street as requested by Richard L. Peterson Mayor Caldwell called. for. public.input Page 2 Petitioner Richard Peterson stated his reasons for submitting petition were voiced at June 2.7, ;1983 niee,ti,ng and had no further comments at this,time On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried,Council'' approved petition for Vacation of a Portion of Morton Street as requested by Richard L. Peterson with provisions as 'follows., 1. City retain 15 ft. easement for.ut.i:lites centered`on existing sewer main. 2. No building is to be place' on: easement area.. 3. Petitioner is to obtain'survey'setting forth property lines and location of sewer easement. Legal Description: 30' K 111.62' fronting lot 11, Block 6,`Plat of Annapolis described as follows Commencing in 'Section 25, Township 24 North, Range l East, from the Southwest corner of Government Lot 2, proceed easterly along the southern line of Government Lot 2 380 ft. ,to 'the; true' pointof beginning; thence North 28047'40" E 30 ft. thence South'88°42'42'' E.111`62 ft;. thence South 28°47'40." W 30 ft;,,.thence.N.,88°42'42"'`W:Iil .62 ft to the true 'point of beginning Mayor Caldwell declared Vacation of a port..ion of Morton Street approved and Publ i c Hearing ;cl o,sed Councilman Wilson presented motion authorizing Helpline'to park: semi -trailer on Bay Street 'in front`'of the`H'owe Building from July 15 - August 7, 1983,`.,with `supervision of Police Chief.' Seconded. Councilman Grosso moved to amend motion to state location be designated by Police Chief. 'Seconded and carried. Original motion as amended authorizing Helpline "donation" semi -trailer be parked on Bay Street:from July 15 - August 7, 1983 with the location designated by.Police Chief:, carried. Councilman Geiger reported on Committee meeting with City Engineer`` and KCM, design firm for the Wastwater Treatment:Facilities Project. The purpose of this meeting was to negotiate construction management responsibilities and set financial costs.' osts Mr`. Geiger reported no new construction price was settled upon. On motion by Councilman.Grosso, seconded and carried, Council..moved for ten minute recess. Councilman Childress moved to'advertise:for personnel required for city to manage sewer treatment plant construction.' Seconded and denied with one aye and six mays. Councilman Clauson, Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark voting,,nay After much discussion as to date' construction'contract'must be awarded, and time required to institiute`various"concepts of,. construction management.' d Councilman Clark moveto'go with design firm, Kramer, Chin and Mayo,' Inc'.'. for Construction ,Management phase of Wastewater Treatment Facili.ty'and to':continue with negotiations to detail responsibilities,.and.financial' costs. Seconded. Councilman Clauson moved to amend motion to authorize Mayor to sign contract for Construction Management relative to Wastewater Treat- ment Facilities upon finalization of`negotiations. Seconded and carried with six ayes and ;one nay.. ,Councilman Childress`voting nay.... Original motion as amended carried, unanimously. July 11, 1983 Page 3 Howard Minor voiced opinion that city should'go for overall package of design and inspections for.construction management'of Wastewaster Treatment Facilities. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, .,Council approved agreement with;City of Bremerton relative Ito the City of Port Orchard purchasing water, as presented by City Engineer, subject to Water/Sewer'Committee review and approval. Motion further authorized Mayor to sign said contract.upon committee. approval Fire Chief Snow reported on status of Pubiic'Safety"`.Building Grant and requested'a Committee be appointed to meet with `grant writer James Pace to discuss design, property and `objectives involved with application of grant application. Mayor Caldwell appointed Special Committee .to meet with Public Safety Grant Writer, James Pace.and Fire Chief to discuss details of Public Safety Building grant application. Mayor Caldwell also requested this Committee review all'`City'properties and make recommendations relative to`future use." Spec'ial`'Committee`consists of Councilman Clark, Chairman;'.Councilman Miller '`and Councilman Wilson. On motion by Councilman_ Grosso,` seconded and carri-edl Council approved Ordinance No. 1234 amending:Ord.inance No. ''`1045 and Zoning Ordinance No. 899 by 'amending the zoning map thereof, modifying the reclassification of property owned'by'Elaine'and Wallace Smith. (Legal Description: Lot 7, Block 3, Radey's Addition to Port Orchard 'as recorded'in Volume 4, Page 68, with the Kitsap County Auditors Office.) On motion by Councilinar� Clauson, seconded, and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1300 amending the rules and regulations for tow companies operating: with n the -ci.ty •`:limits . On motion by Councilman Grosso,'seconded'and carried, Council moved to approve concept of Port Orchard Pipeline Tavern request to remodel rear deck and stairway area into a beer garden; subject to conformance with state and local.codes. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried, Council authorized payment of the bills in the amount of $88,089.98 (Warrant No. 02161 - 02240) and `"the 'June payroll<'(Warrant No 101899 - 102006) in the amount of $82,917.40, Meeting adjourned at 10:20:P.M.