07/25/1983 - Regular - MinutesCouncil of the City of Port Orchard, Washington,.called`to order by Mayor Lee F. Caldwell. 'Council members present Clauson,`Childress, Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark. -'Also present: Attorney Haberly, Acting Police.Chief Blacknall, Engineer Curles and'Fire Chief Snow. Councilman Geiger led the Council and :audience' in the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilman Geiger reported on meeting; held with Finance Committee,, Kitsap County Commissioner Bill Mahan, and Mayor Caldwell in attendance. Purpose of meeting was to discuss proposed methods to finance construction.of Phase 2 of.:the Bypass.Projec.t. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved resolution authorizing Mayor to sign'Agreement with Kitsap County relative to payment of City':s one million dollar share of three million dollar County Bond package. Motion further requested letter be composed requesting Kitsap. County Commissioners submit ballot title for. September 20 election relative to three ''million "dollar levy to finance Phase 2 of Bypass project. On motion by Councilman Gieger, seconded and`carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1307 authorizing the inclusion"of the.`coporate'city limits in a South Kitsap County Service area 'for Funding a capital expendiuture for construction of roads and bridge``commonly'known as the By-pass Project. Councilman Miller reported on lack of utilitizati,on of Summer`Activity Program within the Parks Department'. City Engineer Curles proposed restructuring the existing Summer Activity Program to allow use.of.s.taff for .study of City properties as to potential. Parks -use. On motion by Councilman Miller`,;se`conded and carried, Council authorized City Engineer to restructure the'Summer Activity Program as follows:' (a) Combinemorning and afternoon session into one morning session. (b).`Utilitize Summer`Activity'",Pro.gram.staff in afternoon to effect parks study of all City properties. Councilman Grosso spoke relative:<to_status and history ofWastewater Facilities Project. At this time Clerk opened Bids relative to: -Port Orchard Bypass Construction access road and temporary bridge.as per~specifications. Bids were received as follows: 1. Ace Paving .$104,150.00 2. Jack Johnson Construction 95,796.00 3. Select Ventures 77,494.00 4. Hartstrom Brothers Const. .1145978.00 5. Dan Makoviney Construction 116,150.00 6. Bainbridge Landscaping 71,893.60 7. Peninsula Excavation 96,267.00 8. Dale Madden Construction 97,691.00 Engineer's estimate, 89,430.00 On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council accepted eight bids as received relative to construction of Port Orchard Bypass construction access road and temporary bridge and referred them to City Engineer and Street/Alley Committee for vertification of`conform ante to specifications and further empowered engineer and committee to award or reject bids. July 25. 19€ 1 Page 2 Clerk opened and read bids relative to road. repairs by excavating selected areas and replacing the road baseand'asphalt wearing surface. Bids were received `°as follows: ]. Service Fuel $16,605.00 2. Ace Paving 23,625.00 Engineer's estimate 16.,200.00 On motion by Councilman Wilson, :seconded and"carried, Council accepted bids received relative to road repairs by excavating selected areas and replacing the road base and asphalt wearing surface as per specification and referred them to City`Engineer and Street/Alley Committee for vertification of conformance to specifications and further empowered engineer'and.committee to award or reject the bids, Clerk opened and read bids received relative to pre -leveling and placing a one and one-half inchasphalt overlay°on.South Flower and other streets as..per, specif.ica.tiohs. '`Bids were;received as follows: 1. Ace Paving A. 24,000.00' 2. Service Fuel 25,480.00 Engineer's estimate. 25,000.00 On motion by Councilman Wilson,` seconded and carried ',.Council accepted bids received relative .to pre -leveling and placing a one and one-half inch asphalt overlay on South Flower and other streets as per specifications and referred them to City Engineer and Street/ Alley Committee for vertification oU conformance to specifications and further empowered engineer and'`commi'ttee to'award or,reject the bids. Councilman Clark spoke 'to'1.etterfrom`Douglas.`Fox.offering his services as an inhouse city 'attorney'`Clark as Chairman of the Finance Committee recommended a:study.be`made of all aspects of the concept of an inhouse city attorney.'' Finance'`Committee also requested a letter of appreciation be directed to Mr. Fox.for his interest. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried, Council 'moved to advertise City's interest in retaining inhouse`city attorney and explore all aspects of change.. Councilman Clark moved to. pay additional $52.30in excess of $75,000 for City's share of cost in relocation of Sewer -`District No".`5 offices, seconded and denied:with:seven nay Ivotes. On notion by Councilman CIauson„ seconded and `carried, Council' moved to deny any request for payment of any amount irj excess of amount of $75,000 approved as'cityEs.s.hare of'`cost in relocating Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5.0fficcs On motion by Councilman Miller, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1237 modifying, approving and-conf.irming the assessments and assessment rollof Utility Local. Improvement District No. 1. (Councilman Grosso,,Geiger,and Childress stepped down and did not participate -in -this matter.:due to conflict of interest Acting Police Chief Blacknall reported on'resignation of `Officer Anderson effect as of July ,31,1983. Councilman Grosso moved to authorize City Engineer 'and'"Police Chief to investigate alleged hazardous conditions created bytwp parking spaces situated on east side ofSidney:between`Bay'Street and the waterfront parking area;and.further authorized engineer and police chief to take necessary steps' to alleviate any existing problems seconded and carried, with -'six 'ayes and one no. Councilman Wilson voting no. July 25, 1983 Page 3 On request of City Engineer, Councilman Clauson movedto surplus the old telemetry system"and authorize disposal of"it in best interest of the City, seconded'and.carried. Engineer Curles requested the appointment of a committee to review availability of energy grants for`low income citizens. Mayor Caldwell appointed a a special committee of Councilman Miller, Chairman, with .Councilmen Grosso and:''Childress' as members. On motion by Councilman Clauson,`seconded and 'carried, Council authorized the City Engineer to hire a' person ;for``not more than thirty days at minimum wage to assist in preparation of energy grant application. Mayor Caldwell declared recess"w.ith meeting to reconvene at 9:15 p.m On motion by Councilman Wilson,' seconded and carried, Council moved to set August 15, 1983, 5 p.m. as date and -time `of <special council meeting to consider petition°for vacation..of°a portion of an unnamed alley as requested by Michaei,.S. and Claudia`Capeloto. On notion by Councilman Clark 'seconded and 'carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1306 authorizing a budgetary'transfer'`of'appropriations within Current Expense Fund -Police. epartment. On motion by Councilman Wilson,'seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1236 relating to'°and providing for.the annexation of territory (Wastewater'Treatment'Plant site)"tothe City of Port Ochard pursuant'to`RCW 35.13'.180. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded'and 'carried,"Council set August 8, 1983, 8:00 p.m. as date and time of Public Hearing' relative to petition for annexation of territory on, Bethel Avenue as submitted by Victor Barsay, provided Boundary Review.Board 'tenders their approval. Joe Simpson spoke in rebuttal of Councilman Grosso's earlier statement.`' Mr. Simpson outlined what he`saw as potential alternative funding. sources for the WastewaterTreatment Facilities' other,, than the formation of a U.L.I.D." Councilman Grosso moved to disallow Voucher'submitted'in the amount of $ 778.32 on behalf of the firm of` Hodge,' Grosse, Logerwel l & Farley for payment of services rendered on June 21, 24 and'27>of 1983, relative to Wastewater Facilities Improvements project. ° Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend motion to hold payment of voucher to allow City Clerk to research legality of.expense,'seconded.and carried. Original motion as amended to disallow voucher `in``amount of $778.32. subject to results of City Clerk's research-into"legality of claim for services rendered, carried with six ayes and one no.' Councilman Wilson voting no. Councilman Clauson moved to 'approve Mayor's signature on.letter to Kitsap County Commissioners authoriz'ing:the inclusion'of"the:City in a study relative to remodeling of county facility"and the feasibility of a combined City -County building. Letter is.to specify that the city is under no.obligation at.any.time to:c"ontinue with their study or participate financially "t.o'the study. Mayon Caldwell announced a`study session is -to beheld August 1 1983 7:30 p.m. with Foster &.Marshal`relati,ve"to`bonding and sewer rates. On notion by Councilman "Clark, seconded and carried, Council approved payment of the Voucher No..02241-02282 in the amount of $146,891.64. Councilman Geiger moved to deny request submitted by Maxine Doyle for reconsideration of application for additional credit on water