09/12/1983 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard,Washington. September 12, 1983 Council of the City of.Port Orchard, Washington, called to.regular session by Playor Lee F. Caldwell Council members'present: Clauson, Childress, Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and' "Clark. Also present: Attorney McCluskey, Acting`Police,:Chief Blacknall Engineer'Curles and Fire Chief Snow. Mayor Caldwell led the Council and audience in. -,the Pledge of allegiance. On notion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried,'Council'approved the minutes of the August:22, 1983,Council meeting as circulated, and the minutes of the August 29, 1983 Special:Council meeting'as circulat- ed. Mary Roy Wilson, 1 306 West Street`' and Wi l l'i am Kal i na 'addressed problems of handicapped persons relative to"parking areas and requested City consider creating additional "handicapped parking spaces" !dill 1enfo 508 De Kalb, spoke`of'traffic flow and parking problems on the a.s ray end of DeKal b created ' by .deli very `trucks .loading and unloading in street; right; of way'.and :parking areas. Ray Franko, 503 Austin, reported attornies office located'on corner` of Austin and Cl�ne have not complied with provision of Special Use Permit relative to providing on site parking. Engineer Curles re- ported City is in contact with property owners''and'a building permit is scheduled to be issued on September 14, 1983. Terry Thompson, City's financial advisor and"John`Moore of Foster and Marshal outlined potential effect..of'appeal of'court decision relative to formation of°,U.L..I.D..:#1 Mayor Caldwell opened PublicHearing relati,ve`to application for Variance and Zone Reclassification from Residential'Low°to Resi- dential High, as submitted by. Charles McGuire, owner. of property located on Mitchell. Mayor Caldwell called for public input at, this'time. Mr. Charles McGuire stated he wasavailable°toan'swer''any `questions which public or council members.,.may have. On motion by Councilman Miller, ,seconded''and carried, Council approved application for zone reclassification from"Residential Low to Residential High and 'variance°'as submittedby''Charles McGuire contingent upon compliance with Planning Co€nmission'Fact Finding as set forth in Planninq Commissia`n`:Resolution` No.'030-83. (Legal Description: Lots 7 & 12 of Block'10, Plat of Annapolis according to Plat, recorded i n 1lo.l ume 1 , .:;Page � 64 :''i n'' Ki tsap County, Washington. (Ordinance No. `124:3 Mayor Caldwell.closed.PublicHearing At this time, Mayor Caldwell opened Public Hearing relative to Community Development. Block 'Grant: 1983 application. Mayor Caldwell called for public input. Deborah Schmidt, Director of Helpline, outlined benefits available under Helpline programs and requested this organization be con- sidered for any funding whichmight`be available through the City. Engineer Curles briefed Council on Energy Conservation Program for low and moderate income property'`owners-plannedlfor application of 1983 Community Blcok.Grant,Funds, On motion by Councilman Grosso, 'seconded and carried,'Council approved Resolution No. 1313 authorizing the f4ayor-to sign' application for 1983 Community Block Grant Funds to provide'for'`an E.nergy`'Conservation Program to assist low and moderate income" propertyowners'` within the City limits of Port Orchard Mayor Caldwell closed Public Hearing on application for 1983, Community Development Block Grant.'Funds. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded and carried,`Council moved to terminate temporary secretarial positions within the Fire Depart- ment (9/21/83) and Municipal Court (9/2$/83). Councilman Clark moved to reinstate temporary secretarial positions within the Fire Department on September 28,`1983 and the Municipal Court on October 5, 1983 with both positions to be at present salary and to terminate December 31, 1983. Councilman Clauson moved to re.quest Mayor•,Caldwell,>contact"Kitsap Transit Authority relative to utilization of° free'useage..da,ys" on upcoming elections days. Mayor Caldwell declared recess with meeting to reconvene'at`9:15 P.M. Clerk opened and read aloud.'one'bid ''received for``sale of''recently replaced water distribution telemetry system.' Bid"is'in`amount of $50.00 from Ray MacPherson accompanied by;.,appropria.te bid bond. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and 'carried, 'Council moved to accept bid for sale of recently replaced water distribution tele- metry system received. from. Ray MacPherson'.Jn amount of $50.00. Councilman Grosso requested City Attorney s opinion concerning use of City facilities for campaign purposes. Attorney McCluskey stated no City property, equipment, 'supplies or.employee during. working hours can be used to further:anyones political position., Councilman Clark reported request has been received from Teamster Local No. 589 to open uniformed officers union contract negotiat- ions and he will contact appropriate people to.schedule meeting. Councilman Clark reported on receipt of letter from Kitsap County Prosecuting Attorney relative to renegotiation of Kitsap County/ City of Port Orchard contract for the us.e,of.detention/incarceration facilities. Councilman Miller moved to approve Ordinance No.1240 adoptinq certain traffic statutes not contained in the Washington Model Traffic Ordinances relative to leaving children unattended in parked automobile, seconded and carried, 'wi.th;six,ayes and one nay. Councilman Nilson voting no. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1241 adding a new section to Title 10 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code, "Vehicles and Traffic relative to unlawful operation of motor vehicle by habitual.offender penalty. Councilman Grosso presented motion to approve Ordinance No. 1242 amending certain section of Title 9 of the Port Orchard.Municipal Code "Public Peace, Morals and Safety"relative to deadly weapons. Seconded and carried, with six ayes and one nay. Councilman Wilson voting no. On motion by Councilman Clark,'. seconded and carried, Council approved Change Order No. l-Schedule.B.;.(Force.Main) in the amount of'$995.00. (Resolution No. 1314) On motion by Councilman Miller,` seconded and`.carried, Council authorized Mayor to sign contract.. pertaining to landscaping'City approved proclamation declaring October 1, 1983 as St Jude's Children Research Hospital Day and -authorized publication of proc- Iamation. On motion by Councilman Grosse, seconded and carried -,Council authorized Mayor Caldwell to submit notice of application for . liquor license requested by Jim and.Hazel Checkel--Sutton with City's approval Mayor Caldwell read letter from City employees, Cory Smith and Kit Gardzelewski, requesting Councilconsider changing City Hall hours to 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Councilman Wilson moved to'approve change..of.City Hall working hours to 8:00 A.M to 4.30 P.M., Seconded. After much discussion, Councilman. Grosso moved to amend motion to reflect 8:00 A.M. to.5:00 P..M. Seconded, On motion by Councilman Miller, seconded and carried, Council tabled matter until September 26, 1983 Council meeting and direct- ed Mayor Caldwell to take survey of employees.in all City depart- ments to establish hours needed to best. serve:th.e public. On motion by Councilman Miller, seconded and carried, Council denied request to hold dog obedience classes at the Active Club Building in September as submitted by Cynthia'Picha and Nancy Wright. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved payment of the bills in the amount of $317,620.83 (Voucher No. 02387 - 0.2497) and the August Payroll in the amount of $83,956.93 (Warrant No.:102163''-'102273). Mayor Caldwell presented a painting offered by Mrs.` :Jerry Bruckart for use as a City logo and official Port Orchard insignia for bus- inesses. This painting dipicts many well `known City of Port Orchard landmarks. Several councilmen expressed concern"of potential con- fusion if City and private businesses use the same "Port Orchard logo or insignia". Mayor.Caldwell was directed to contact Mrs. Bruckart and request City have.complete.control'over use of picture." Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Clerk Mayor