09/26/1983 - Regular - MinutesPort.Orchard, Washington September 26,1983 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington,` called to regular session by Mayor Lee F. Caldwell.' Council members present: Clauson, Childress, Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark. Also present:. Attorney McCluskey, Police Chief Trotter,'.Engineer Curles'and Fire hief Snow. Mayor Caldwell led the Council and Audience,,n the.Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the September 12, 1983 meeting as circulated with the following corrections: (a) Page 1, paragraph 5, line 2 change "easterly end of De Kalb" to "westerly end of DeKalb",:(b) Page 1,'paragraph 6, line.2 change "Austin and Dwight" to "Austin and Cline". Police Chief Trotter introduced James "Mark" Duncan to Mayor Caldwell and Council members. Mayor Caldwell administered Oath of Police Officer to Mr. Duncan, and.welcomea'him to the.City and Police Department. Pastor, Fred Creel of`Landmark`Baptiszt.,.Church,`803 Sidney, questioned usage policy for Active Club Building which;;states no religious,. fraternal or political organization may use facilities. After much discussion, Councilman''Clauson moved`"to allow religious, fraternal or political organizations to use facilities. of Activity Club. Building, 1027 Tacoma, for "social events" but not'meetings: Seconded and carried.' Parks Committee. to'revise usage policies. Elmer Hodgen, Secretary of.Knights of'Phythias, spoke relative to lack of access for a portion of `their ceme.taryproported to be caused by the City's vacating a;,portien of Haple Street:to:Pendleton- Gilcrest (Sunset Lane). Mayor referred matter to Street/Alley Committee for investigation and'recommendation`at October`°10, 1983 Council:meet.ing. ..James Millard, 900 Block of Sidney, stated water press,ure`-in his immediate neighborhood is 20-22'pounds and questioned`:if'the City anticipated an increase of pressure in `this area City Engineer stated he will discuss matter with Water/Sewer`Committee On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded ;and"carried, Council adopted Resolution No. 1318, petitioning Washington State Department of Ecology, to give the highest`` priority to development of an interchange at Tremont and Highway 16. Councilman Grosso requested clari.fication`on`history'of Wastewater Treatment Facilities project funding.There have been several conflicting stories and sources of information circulating and he stated it is important to clarify this matter for everyone. Mayor Caldwell and Councilman Geiger, who were on board at beginning of project, outlined `development °'from`conception to current status. Councilman Geiger ,further `stated`'he has documentation of all phases.and would make'it availabe'to anyone interested, Councilman Clark moved to`create two new full`time"positions: Court Clerk, salary seven`dollars ($7.00)'`per`hour.and Fire . Department secretary, salary'five`dollars ($5.00) per hour' effective October 1, 1983. Seconded by `Councilman Clauson. After much discussion Councilman Geiger moved to'amend motion to delete hourly salary, seconded.and carried with'five.ayes and two nays. Councilman Clauson`and:Clark"voting"no. Councilman Miller moved to further amend motion to delete Fire Department Secretary position:`from motion, seconded and carried, with five ayes and two nays 'Councilman Clauson and Clark voting no, Original motion as twice amended ,lost unanimously. Councilman Clark moved to adjust hourly`salary'of.exi'sting temporary positions as follows::;Court Clerk seven"dollars ($7.00) and Fire Department Secretary"five dollars-::`($5.00). Seconded and denied with three ayes and four°nay.s. Councilman Geiger, Miller, Wilson and Childress voting no. Mayor Caldwell called for executive session to discuss land purchase relative to Wastewater Treatment Facility (Veterans Home property)." On motion by Councilman Geiger,' seconded and carried, Council: authorized Mayor Caldwell to sign contract:with Mel Holgerson for his services as Assistant Engineer for Wastewater Facilities Construction Project. —.(Resolution No..1319) On motion by Councilman' Wilson, "seconded and carried,Council approved transfer of four thousand four hundred ninety seven dollars ($4,497.00) within, Federal Shared Revenue -Van lee Restroom to Improvements other` than buildings as requested by City Engineer. (Resolution No. 1320) On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1244 fixing the amount of Ad Valorem Taxes to be raised for the year;1984. Clerk read Claim for Damages as submitted by L.' V...Russell Hallsted, III for damages to his bicycle -`incurred on 'SR 160 across from S. K.. Quick Stop Grocery. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council denied claim submitted by L.V. Russell 'Hallsted `for `damages incurred to his bicycle on SR'160. Claimis`to'be returned to Mr. Hallsted with the eXprlanation,' this is :a"state high day, not a city street, therefore, claim for damages should be directed to the Washington State. Highway :Department. Clerk read claim for Damages -as submitted by Teresa L. Seling for damages caused to her vehicle,:by a City''truck. (Three (3) estimates attached to,c].aim..} On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council referred claim for damages `submitted `by.:Teresa' L'.. Seling`to City insurance carrier... for recommendation,. On motion by Councilman' Clark, seconded:and carri`ed,.Council' approved Resolution No. 1316 authorizing a' budgetary'change within Federal Shared Revenue Fund, in amount of,three hundred dollars ($300.00), to allow Civil,:Service Commission members` to attend a Civil Service Workshop. On motion by Councilman. Geiger, seconded'and"carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1317'authorizing a`'budgetary change within Federal Shared Revenue`in'amount of'sixty five dollars ($65.00) to provide for additional `expense`of'Vetter Bags On motion by Councilman Wilson,'''seconded and `carried, `Council set October 10, 1983 as date 'of 'Public Hearing` on application for Special Use Permit.as submitted. by Wilkins` Distributing Co.,,. Inc. which would allow fabrication of aluminum boats presently being used as a boat repair"''shop, on site located at 95 hater, Street. Councilman Clark moved to remove" from table amend'i`ng motion to change City Hall personnel -working hours 'to 8:00 `AA. to 5:00 P.M. Seconded and carried. After discussion on matter Councilman:"Grosso., withdrew motion to amend original motion setting official City hall -`hours as 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P.M. Councilman"Clark withdrew original motion setting official City hall. hours'`at 8:00 A.M. to`4:30 P.M. Councilman Grosso withdrew second.`