10/11/1982 - Regular - MinuteseN- Port Orchard, Washington October 11 ,`' 1982 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washi ngton,`cal l ed to :regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers,',Jr. Councilmen present: Wilson, Caldwell, Geiger, Miller,`Grosso.and Clark.. Councilman `Childress excused. Also present:` Attorney Riel,-Police'Chief 'Trotter, Engineer Curles and i=ire.Chief'Snow. Piayor Powers led the Council and audience in the'Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Caldwell,' seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the September 27,1982 meeting:as circulated. Neda Meng, 1400 Retsil Road S. E., expressed desire to have her property annexed into Port Orchard City limits and requested information as to procedure to follow. Mayor.and'Clerk outlined petition procedure. Mrs. Heng stated for health reasons she and her husband are unable to circulate petition` amongadjacent' property owners relative to annexation.' Mayor Powers"instructed City Engineer to prepare maps depicting proposed.annexation areas for further consideration. At this time Mayor Powers opened Public Hearing relative to Proposed Uses of 1983 Federal Shared Revenue,Funds,. Mayor Powers called for public input. Leona Cottrell Adkins, Jerry 'Bruckart.and Howard Mi-nor requested Council consider allocating a portion of anticipated 1983 Federal Shared Revenue Funds for the South Kitsap:.'.Performina Arts, Guild. As there was no further input of proposed uses submitted at `this time Mayor Powers closed..public hearing { Dudley Perrine, John Bruckart,'Howard Minor., Stan Dunn, Neda Heng and other unidentified citizens.questioned status of Joint Sewer - Treatment Plant. They expresseC opi ni on tha.t'Ahe'.C1 ty ; should take a "wait and see what 'happens attitude'and.`no.t commit to construction of a plant which would create `a.:sewer'rate out of the financial capability of the majority of the citizens of Port Orchard. Mayor Powers assured concerned.citizens'the.City-wi11 take their input into consideration. Mayor Powers declared recess with'.meeting to'.reconvene at 9:40 P.IM. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and.carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1280 establishing an intergovernmental funding agreement relative'to the:,Port Orchard Bypass project, which will be presented to'.Kitsap'County;Commissioners.for their approval. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council authorized Mayor to affirm to the Department of ,Transportation that an intergovernmental funding agreement with`Kitsap`County relative to the Port.Orchard Bypass will be 'reached. Councilman Grosso moved to accept Northwest Firearms offer to trade seven (7) #19 Smith & Wesson hand guns for:seven (7)"'stainless steel Smith ' Wesson guns at.no.cost to'the`Police Department, seconded' and carried. Councilman Grosso reported the proposed`Amusement Game Device Ordinance is in the hands of the City, attorney and is expected` "to be presented for.Council consideration sometime in November. On motion by Councilman` Caldwell', seconded''and carried, Council approved Resolution No,1279A`=authorizing cancellation of Claims.. Warrant No. 00479 in the amount', of $76.50. On motion by Councilman 'Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No 1215 amendjng `Ordinance 11lo." 1211 to correct legal description:therein,, Mayor Powers presented proclamation designating the `'. week of 24 30, 1982 as Toastmasters International;We.ek On motion by Councilman Mi11"er,'seconded and.' carried," approved May proclamation designating the week'of'October 24 30, 1982 as Toastmasters International Week, John Clauson, Chairman of Port Orchard Civ.i.1 Service Commission, informed Council a hearing is scheduled`for,October 21 relative. to the termination of an employee.Mr.'Clauson requested Council authorize funds to retain an attorney to represent the Civil Service Commission at these proceedings. The 'City Attorney will be representing the Police Department and therefore.in the appearance of Fairness should not also represent the Civil Service Commission. 'Councilman Wilson moved to approve expenditure of funds to retain an attorney to represent the Civil Service Commission on'matters.relative to this hearing. Councilman Geiger moved to remove from table motion' relative to proposed Ordinance No. 1196 decreasing the Utility Business and Occupation Tax upon the business of selling' electric light and power within the City limits from 8/ to 61/0. Seconded.and carried. Councilman Geiger moved to amend original motion to reduce `tax from 8% to 7,% effective November 1, 1982. .Seconded and carried. Original motion to approve Ordinance No.1196'as amended decreasing the Utility Business and Occupation Tax upon `the business of selling electric light and power within the City limits.from 8% to 7,,% effective November 1, 1982, carried unanimously. On notion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and `carried,`Council removed from table notion relative to proposed Ordinance `No. 1197 decreasing the utility Business and Occupation Tax upon`3the telephone business" within the City limits. from 8% to'6I.` Councilman Geiger moved 'to amend original motion to reduce tax from 8% to 71-,,% effective November 1, 1982.: Seconded and carried.. Original motion to approve Ordinance No. 1197. as amended to decrease the Utility 3usiness and Occupation tax upon the telephone business within the City limits from 8% to .72%, effective November l 1982, carried unanimously. Mayor Powers announced proposed amendments to intergovernmental contract for wastewater facilities management has been received from Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 for council consideration. Engineer Curles outlined Sewer. District No..5`s.proposal. Councilman Wilson moved to not renegotiate contract with.Kistap County Sewer District No. 5. .Seconded. Councilman Grosso moved to amend motion to:,stick with original agreement as much as possible. Seconded. Councilman Geiger roved to.table motion'; for further' consideration Seconded and carried. After much discussion Councilman Geiger moved to approve proposed amendments to Joint Sewer Treatment Plant Management contract as submitted by Kitsap County. Sewer District No 5. Seconded and denied unanimously. Councilman Grosso moved that Mayor"Powers and Engineer Curles be authorized to prepare counter proposal=which will'be'submitted to Kitsap County Sewer District 'No. 5. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend motion, to include concept of Alternative #2 as final offer. If this:is'not`acceptable`to°`Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5 the City will —seek 'alternate."methods of 'complying with requirements relative '`to secondary treatment. Seconded and carried with five ayes and one no.. Councilman Wilson voting no. Original motion as amended authorizing Mayor Powers and Engineer Curles to prepare counter:proposaI reflecting alternative #2 to be submitted to-Kitsap County'Sewer District No 5 carried with five