12/13/1982 - Regular - MinutesA Port Orchard, Washington December 13, 1982. Council of the City of Port Orchard", Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers,'Jr. Council members present: Wilson, Childress, Caldwel;.l, Geiger, Grosso and Clark. Also present: Attorney Riehl, Police Chief"`Trotter,; Engineer Curl es and Fire Chief Snow. Councilman. Miller- excused. Mayor Powers led the Council and`Audience°in.the"Pledge°of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and "carried , Council approved the minutes of the November'22,' 1982`meeting as circulated. On motion by Councilman Caldwell; seconded'and carr.ied;Council approved the minutes of the December G,,198.2':.meeting on .the -1983. City Budget with the following correction 'On' motion'by`Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Ordinance No.'1221 adopting the: budget for the year 1983 and levying a tax sufficient to `raise. $130,024 for Current Expense-purposes'and126;576 for'<S'treet purposes carred, with five ayes and one no. --Councilman Grosso voting no. Mayor Powers opened public hearing relative to application for Special Use Permit, to allow a law office at'`823 Dwight, as submitted by Robert & Claudette`Schiaefli. Clerk read Planning Commission Resolution No. 023-82'setting forth finding of facts and recommendation. Mayor Powers called:for public:input.at.thistime. Mike McCormick, Planning Consultant`representing'proponent of Special Use Permit application,' br?-efed` Council on `objectives``and plans of this project. Mr..-McCormriick also discussed parking configuration and proposed"`sign On motion by Councilman Caldwel'l,`'seconded andcarried, Council approved application for Special Use Permit as submitted by Robert and Claudette Schiaefli contingent upon conformance with Planning Commission Resolution No. 02.3-821and`.the following conditions: 1. Proponent upgrade alleyway,as. per' Engineer's office requirements. 2. Sign to be unlighted. Mayor Powers closed public hearing. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded'and.carried, Council approved contract with Pac West Land and,Field`Services for services to prepare a � True Cost Estimate and a:"Relocation Plant". on behalf of the City of Port Orchard for -the Port Orchard Bypass Project and authorized mayor'`to sign this`docume-nt.' On motion by Councilman Geiger, `seconded "and carried, Council authorized transfer of medical insurance coverage:to Washington Physicians Service provided,l.eoff I retired personnel will be included in coverage. On motion by Councilman Grosso;` 'seconded and carried, Council declared surplus, one (1) Model `97,Winchester 'Shotgun and authorized disposal of it in best. interest of`City. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried Council approved'Ordinance No. 1223 amending Port Orchard Municipal Code section 2.08.010 to require confirmation vote of not'less than four (4) council members for the appointment or removal''°of City,Clertk'.- City Treasurer, City Engineer, Fire Chief and City' Attorney.` On motion by Councilman Geiger,'seconded and 'carried, Council approved and authorized Mayor`to negotiate and sign contract with Kramer, Chin and Mayo, Inc. to do ne.c_essary'redesign of Joint Sewer Treatment Plant. E El On motion by Councilman Clark, 'seconded `and -carried, Council authorized retaining Analysts International. Corporation, a computor consulting firm, to perform a thorough evaluation of City's computor hardware and software for capability ofexisting system. Mayor Powers appointed special committee to scrutinize use of space within City Hall and make recommendation as to'potential alternatives to provide additional space for the Municipal Court,`fire, police and building departments. Special Committee consists ofCouncilman Janes Wilson, Chairman and Councilman Childress and Councilman, Grosso. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and ,carried,'='Council confirmed Mayor Powers re -appointment of Herman Nelson" to the Kitsap County Library Board for a term of five years. Mayor Powers declared recess with meeting..to reconvene at-'9:00 P.M. Council reconvened at 9:00 P.M. chaired by Mayor 'Protem'Caldwell. Proposed Ordinance No. 1224 relative to amusement centers, mechanical or electronic amusement devices and operators,was'presented for discussion. Several sections and items°were``addressed. ':After much deliberation, the City Attorney:.recomi-nended further study to obtain department head input. On motion by Councilman Geiger,seconded and carried, Council approved payment of the bills (Voucher Nos. 01157 - 01252, in the amount of$187,587.90and the November payroll. :(Warrant Nos. 101175 - 101280) in the amount of $77,132.36. City Attorney James Riehl informed Council and Mayor this would be last City Council meeting he will be attending due to his election .as District Court Judge. Terry McCluskey will be acting as City' Attorney at future meetings. "Mr..Riehl expressed gratitude for support and assistance received from ,all within,the'City. Mayor Protem Caldwell extended best wishes`f'or Attorney Riehl in his new endeavors and thanked him for all he''has done on the City's behalf. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 P M �41 ` Cl erk Fiayor