12/06/1982 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washinaton December 6, 1982 Council called to order by Mayor Paul'`D.'Powers, Jr., at 7:30 P.M. for hearing on the 1983 City '.Budget. Councilman present: Childress, Wilson, Caldwell, Geiger, Miller,' Grosso and Clark. Mayor Powers turned the meeting over to Chairman of Finance Committee, Robert Geiger, to presentthe recommendations'on the adopting of�the 1983 budget.' First matter of business presented by Chairman Geiger was to adopt Resolution No. 1284 authorizing a budgetary`transfer within the Federal Shared Revenue Fund. 0n motion" 'by Geiger, seconded and carried, Counciladopte.dResolution`ho. 12t34, Chairman Geiger informed the Council and the general public' of the contents of the 1983 proposed.budget and itemized:the: appropriations for both the revenues'°and expenditures and­j. gave the Council a brief_r.un down on various .adjustments Chairman Geiger moved 'that'the'1983 Budget..be approved as presented. Seconded. On discussion`Nayor:Powers spoke'to the following matters and requested that reconsideration be given to each: (a) The natter of the Committee>`reducing`the`salary of the Mayor. That the Mayor does -have' several areas other than being Chairman of the -Council and that the salary should be compenserate;with the position, (b) The elimination of a'Sergeants position in the'`police department. Thiswas anew; position requested by the Chief and should be left within `the Civil Service posi ti on whether '.i t is fi 11 ed or:. not.. (c) The elimination of `the.,' Parking Control Officer'. With the elimination of'the Parking ControlAfficer there will be no continual checking of the parking lots or of the parking`boxesor of the ticket containers. This means that the City will not"get the'` revenue` which is needed. Recommended that'the Council amend the `parking ordinances accordingly. Mayor Powers at this time informed the Couneil'`that he will retire at the end of December. Chairman Geiger stated that the Committee had decided that the Mayor's salary should be -increased to $500.00 per month. On motion by.Chairman Geiger, seconded and carried,,Council approved the increase of the Mayor's salary to $500.00 per month and to adjust the proposed 1983 budget 'accordingly. 1983 Budget as amended approved by Council unanimously. On motion by Chairman.Geiger, seconded.and carried, Council adopted Ordinance No. ' 1 222,, .setting ;the 1983 salaries for the, employees of. the City. Meeting adjourned at 7 P M.