04/12/2004 - Regular - MinutesPRESENT: KIM E. ABEL, MAYOR COUNCILMEMBERS: John Clauson Todd Cramer Robert Geiger -excused Rita Diienno Carolyn Powers Ron Rider Rick Wyatt, Mayor Protem CITY OF PORT ORCHARD City Council Minutes CITY HALL • 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 April 12, 2004 ALSO PRESENT: Police Chief Townsend, City Planner Wenman, Deputy Clerk Merlino, City Clerk Etgen, and City Attorney Jacoby. 6:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Fred Chang, a member of the audience, led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. JOINT CITY COUNCIL/KITSAP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING County Commissioners Jan Angel, Chris Endresen and Patty Lent were also present for the Update on the Joint Urban Planning Process Jason Rice, representing Kitsap County Community Development, thanked the City for endorsing the revised schedule for the joint planning process regarding the Port Orchard Sub- Area Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Mr. Rice also advised that the County Commissioners approved a Resolution which amends the June 2003 Memorandum of Agreement between the City and County. Mr. Rice also commented, with cooperation from the City, the consulting team of Jones & Stokes has been selected to assist with the sub-area planning effort. Fred Depee, representing South Kitsap, expressed a concern about Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) making determinations on the population allotments and stressed his belief that this item needs to be removed from the KRCC. Mr. Depee feels this has been a hindrance on the development of the Urban Growth Boundaries. Mr. Depee also expressed a concern with the timeline process. April 12, 2004 Page 2 of 7 The City Council and Kitsap County Commissioners set June 28, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. for the next Joint City Councii/Kitsap County Commissioners Meeting. At 6:55 p.m. Mayor Abel called for a 1D-minute recess, with meeting reconvening at 7:05 p.m. PRESENTATIONS Farmers Market -Event Schedule and Plans for New Community Events Pam Moyer, representing the Kitsap Regional Farmer's Market Association, discussed the opening of the Farmers Market, which is scheduled for April 24, 2004 and runs every Saturday until October 30, 2004. Ms. Moyer presented a Market Bio with upcoming events and the 2004 season schedule. Ms. Moyer advised this year the market is dedicating 85 feet of space in the heart of the Market for children's activities; music; entertainment; and art, skill or craft demonstrations. Ms. Moyer further commented this space is available to clubs, non-profit organizations, community service organizations and local schools, and encouraged the Mayor and Council to solicit organizations to contact the Farmers Market for participation. In conclusion, Ms. Moyer thanked the Mayor and Council for their continued support of the Farmers Market. APPROVAL OF AGENDA On motion by Councilmember Wyatt, seconded by Councilmember Powers, Council approved the Agenda with the following revisions: •:• Removed from agenda and placed on the April 26, 2004 Agenda o 7F. Adoption of Resolution No. 2063 Approving the Final Plat of Division 3, Flower Meadows •!• Remove from Consent Agenda and Place on Business Items: o 7B. Approval of Minutes of the March 9, 2004 Council Meeting •!• Remove from Business Items and place on Consent Agenda: o SA. Approval of Public Event Applications: Farmer's Market, Fathoms 0' Fun Carnival, South Kitsap Mall Spring Fling Carnival, Great Ball Race and Annual Collector Car Auction AUDIENCE COMMENTS Fred Chang, 319 Sidney Avenue, commented on the how the County Commissioners thank their volunteers by hosing a reception for them, and suggested the City consider acknowledging their volunteers in the same fashion. PUBLIC HEARING Identification of Locally Designated "Centers of Growth" for Future Implementation Proposed Resolution No. 2067 April 12, 2004 Page 3 of 7 Rob Wenman presented the staff report and highlighted for discussion the three centers as follows: •:• City Center{fransit Hub/Regional Governance Center •:• Tremont Avenue Employment/Community Services Center •!• South Kitsap Mall Mixed-Use Center City Planner Wenman also presented proposed Resolution No. 2067, which identifies the three centers of growth for future planning purposes. The County-wide Planning Policies authorize local jurisdictions to recognize these centers for the purposes of allocating transportation funding. Council member Dilenno requested before the final decision regarding the "Centers of Growth" is presented to KRCC, that the Growth Management Committee discuss this item further. At this time, Mayor Abel opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone in the audience had any comments either for or against the proposed identification of locally designed "Centers of Growth." Ron Rice, 369 Sedgwick Road, asked that the wording within the document be clarified as to what services the city will provide, i.e. water/sewer, etc. With no further public comments, Mayor Abel closed the public input portion of the Public Hearing. On motion by Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Wyatt, Council directed further review of the identification of locally designed "Centers of Growth," to the Growth Management Committee, with their recommendation to come back to full Council at the April 26, 2004 Council meeting. CONSENT AGENDA On motion by Councilmember Wyatt, seconded by Councilmember Cramer, Council approved the Consent Agenda as modified: A. Approval of the Minutes of the March 8, 2004 Council Minutes C. Approval of the March 22, 2004 Council Minutes D. Approval of Claim Warrants #40985-41116 in the amount of $355,315.46 and March 2004 Payroll, warrant #137945-138164 and Direct Deposit amount $302,692.07 E. Authorization for Mayor to Sign Contract with Carollo Engineers for Construction Administration Assistance for the Port Orchard Boulevard Sewer Project G. Adoption of Resolution No. 2064 Revising the Parking Resolution to Clarify ParkiAg Pass Rules and Establish a No-Parking Zone on Lumsden Road H. Adoption of Resolution No. 2065 Approving JARPA 136-02 Regarding Maritime Business Center I. Approval of Easement at the Wastewater Treatment Facility for Puget Sound Energy J. Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Change Order with On-Ross Construction for the Frederick Avenue Sidewalk K. Adoption of Resolution No. 2066 Setting May 10, 2004 as the Public Hearing Date to Consider a Street Vacation Request for a Portion of Seattle Avenue L. Approval of RV Parking at 1533 Roland Avenue April 12, 2004 Page 4 of 7 M. Approval of Public Event Applications: Farmer's Market, Fathoms 0' Fun carnival, South Kitsap Mall Spring Fling Carnival, Great Ball Race and Annual Collector Car Auction BUSINESS ITEM On motion by Councilmember Powers, seconded by Councilmember Clauson, Council made the following corrections to the March 9, 2004 continued City Council meeting as follows: Page 1, paragraph 3 corrected as follows: "Councilmember Wyatt moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter to endorse .... " Page 1, paragraph 4 corrected as follows: "Councilmember Wyatt moved, seconded by Councilmember Geiger, to table this motion .... " Minutes of the continued March 9, 2004 Council meeting were approved unanimously. Authorization for Robinson & Noble to Provider Hydrological Services for Well #10 On motion by Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Wyatt, Council accepted the proposal from Robinson & Noble to prepare the specifications and to assist in obtaining the required permits for Well #10 in the amount of $23,500. Motion carried unanimously. Authorization to Sign Contract with Doctors Clinic for DOT /COL Physical and Certificate On motion by Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Dilenno, Council accepted the cost proposals and authorized the City to negotiate a contact with the Doctors Clinic Prompt Care of Bremerton for the Department of Transportation/Commercial Drivers License (DOT/COL} Exam and Certification in the amount of 65.00 per exam and certification and allowing the employees to go to their own physician and be reimbursed up to the amount paid to the Doctors Clinic-Prompt Care of Bremerton. This contract will expire on December 31, 2004 with the Oty Clerk seeking cost proposals each year. Authorization for Payment of One-half of Registration Fee for Attendance at the 18th Annual Downtown Revitalization Training Institute. Councilmember Dilenno moved and Councilmember Powers seconded the motion to authorize the payments of 50% of the conference registration fee, for up to three members of the PORT committee, to attend the 18th Annual Downtown Revitalization Training Institute. April 12, 2004 Page 5 of 7 Councilmember Diienno amended the motion to allow the full payment of the conference registration fee for up to three members of the PORT Committee, seconded by Councilmember Wyatt. Motion passed unanimously. Original motion as amended, passed unanimously, authorizing full payment of the registration fee, for up to three members of the PORT Committee, to attend the 18th Annual Downtown Revitalization Training Institute. Adoption of Ordinance No. 1937 -Revisions to the Noise Ordinance Councilmember Cramer moved and Councilmember Wyatt seconded a motion to adopt Ordinance No 1937 amending Port Orchard Municipal Code Section 9.24.050 relating to Noise. Councilmember Wyatt moved and Councilmember Clauson seconded a motion to table the adoption of Ordinance No. 1937 to allow for further review by the Public Safety Committee to come back to full Council with a recommendation by May 10, 2004. Motion carried. Councilmember Wyatt moved and Councilmember Powers seconded a motion to remove from the table the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1937. Motion passed unanimously. Councilman Clauson moved and Councilmember Rider seconded a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1937 amending Port Orchard Municipal Code Section 9.24.050 relating to noise. Motion passed unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilmember Diienno reported the Growth Management Committee will continue their review of the "Centers of Growth" issue at their next meeting. Councilmember Dilenno also requested Mayor Abel to determine what venue is being used to make sure all the jurisdictions comments regarding the Countywide Planning Polices are submitted to KRCC in a timely manner. Councilmember Wyatt -no report. Councilmember Clauson, Water/Sewer Committee Chair, reported on the continued discussion regarding water rights. Councilmember Clauson advised that the City and McCormick Land Company are cooperating with the Department of Ecology's Cost Reimbursement Program to have Water Rights processed. Phase One of the process is completed and the Department of Ecology is ready to begin Phase Two. McCormick Land Company and the City have been discussing how to share the cost. The Water/Sewer Committee is recommending the cost be shared on a 50/50 basis with each paying half of the consultant's fee of $88,930. April 12, 2004 Page 6 of 7 On motion by Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Powers, Council authorized the City to commence with Phase Two of the Ecology's Cost Reimbursement Program with McCormick Land Company with the cost shared on a 50/50 basis with each paying half of the consultant's fee of $88,930. Motion carried unanimously. Councilmember Clauson, Water/Sewer Committee Chair, reported that McCormick Land Company is preparing to develop McCormick North. This is the residential area north of Old Clifton Road next to tihe northwest Corporate Campus. McCormick Land Company needs a Well-Serve Letter from the City for sanitary Sewer. On motion by Councilmember Clauson, seconded by Councilmember Diienno, Council authorized the Mayor to sign a Letter of Commitment for sanitary sewer service for McCormick Woods North, contingent upon annexation. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Clauson reported on a Health care Forum that he and Commissioner Endresen are co-chairing. This forum is open to all jurisdictions and will explore what options are available to local jurisdictions regarding health care insurance and liability insurance. Councilmember Clauson also informed the Council he will be representing Kitsap Transit as well as the City at this forum. Councilmember Powers -no report. Councilmember Rider reported the Port Orchard Revitalization Team (PORT), is currently developing criteria for hiring a consultant for the economic development of the downtown Port Orchard area. Interviews will be held on April 21, 2004. Councilmember Cramer advised the Public Safety Committee has been discussing the City's noise ordinance. On motion by Councilmember Rider, seconded by Councilmember Powers, Council excused Councilmember Cramer from the April 26, 2004 City Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. On motion by Councilmember Cramer, seconded by Councilmember Clauson, Council excused Councilmember Geiger from this Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION: For the Purpose of Discussing Labor Negotiations and Personnel Issues RCW 42.30.110(g) - 1 Hour At 9:00 p.m. Council went into Executive Session. At 9:29 p.m. Mayor Abel reconvened the meeting. ADJOURNMENT At 9:29 p.m. Mayor Abel adjourned the City Council meeting. '~-; )c~£0 \7t&L Michelle Merlino, Deputy City Clerk KIM E. ABEL, MAYOR April 12, 2004 Page 7 of 7