06/14/1982 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington June 14, 1982 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present, Childress, Wilson, Caldwell, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark. Also present: Attorney Riehl, Police Chief Trotter, Engineer Curles Fire Marshal/Deputy Chief Wernet. Fire Chief Snow excused... Mayor Powers led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried,'' Council approved the minutes of the May 24, 1982 meeting as circulated with the following correction: Page 2, paragraph 8, line 3, change $7,000.00 to $7,500.00. Mayor Powers introduced Mike Hanson and presented:a "Certi-ficate of Merit" to him for brave and courageous actions. On April 19, 1982 Mike entered a burning house and extinguished the flames, thus . averting further damage to the residence and possible injuries to the children wlio were at home. John Kleinbach and members of the Library Board presented proposed plans for expansion of the Port Orchard Library facilities on Prosnect Street. Mayor Powers referred matter to Parks, Playgrounds and Public Building Committee and the City ngi.veer:for further investigation. Nobe Kawasaki, Chairman Fathoms O` Fun Run requestedpermission to block traffic on Mitchell Street from South Kitsap High School to the southerly city limits on July 3, 1982.for a'period of;approxir!ately 20 minutes. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council moved to allow Mitchell Street to be blocked on July 3, 1982 from the South Kitsap High School to the southerly citylimits to facilitate the Fathoms O' Fun Run. Larry Hertzberg, 290 Granat, submitted complaint relative to a neighboring family blocking driveways, living in travel trailers without sanitation. facilities and other general harrassment of residents of Heritage Mobil Home Park. Mayor Powers.referred matter to...Police Chief 'trotter and Engineer Curles.. Mayor Powers opened Public Nearing relative to application for Zone Reclassification and Special Use Permit as submitted by David T. Loftus. This request would allow a congregate care facility onSidneyacross from Goldenrod. Clerk read Planning Commission Facts of Finding as presented to the Cite Council recommending approval of the Zone Reclassification. and Special Use Permit fora congregate care facility. Mayor Powers called for public input at.this time. Mike McCormick, respresentative to proponent outlined project as planned and explained that this facility would be a boarding house for elderly citizens. Councilman Wilson moved and Councilman Caldwell seconded motion to approve application for Zone Reclassification from Pesidential Low to Multiple Family 20 and issue a Special Use Permit to allow the residence to be used as a boarding house with the following condition,. 1. That a letter from the present owner of.r_ecord be submitted as part of the application, acknowledging the requested action. That the developer obtains an easement from adjoining property. owner granting another 5 feet, <for a . total..:' of.: 20 feet as an easement for ingress and egress Councilman Caldwell moved to amend original motion.to include condition 3, that adequate fire protection be installed on site. Seconded and carried. Original motion as amended to approve application for Zone Reclassifi- cation and Special Use Permit carried. Legal. description (Sidney Avenue across from Goldenrod) NW4 NW47 SEC 2, TWN 23,:RLE; BEING LOT A OF SHORT PLAT RECD UNDER AUD #7706240169. Mayor Powers declared public hearing closed, On motion by Councilman Wilson,: seconded and carried, Council approved the South Kitsap Shriners Circus sign located in the Bethel "Y" triangle. Councilman Geiger, Chairman Finance Committee reported on meeting with Awareness Express. Mr. Geiger stated that some appropriation is warranted and would like additional time to study the budget for possible funding sources. Councilman Miller, Chairman Parks Committee reported Loni Burley has withdrawn request to use Active Club Building for.a pre-school this fall. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved expenditure of $450.00 to fumigate Fare Station #2 to eliminate flies. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council authorized the creation of a second Sargeant position within the police Dept. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1203 amending Ordinance No. 1125 relative to fireworks. Police Chief Trotter and Acting Sargeant Blacknall presented report on Police radar units and requested City Council consider authorizing" replacement of present radar system which does not meet the specifications set forth by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and will most likely be decertified when the new rules are adopted. On motion by Councilman Caldwell., seconded and carried, Council moved to issue a call for bid for the purchase of two new radar units. On motion by Councilman Caldwell,seconded and carried, Council moved to grant Jack Fitzgerald a credit of'$30.00 water charges assessed against property located at 1343 West Street (Account 1-232). This will remove turn off charges. On motion, by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council authorized purchase of new chair .for Fire Chief. Clerk presented "Claim for Damages" submitted by James A. Miller for damages caused to his building at 601 Dwight Street by Building inspector's van jumping curb, rolling down Dwight Street and landing on roof of carport under construction by Mr. Miller. On motion by Coundilman Caldwell",'seconded and carried, Council rejected Claim for Damages and referred matter to insurance carrier for investigatior On motion by Councilman Grosso,seconded and carried,"Council moved to adopt Ordinance No. 1202 amending' Section 6 of Ordinance No. 647 relative to burning or dumping of.refuse and setting forth.'penalties for violations. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carr:"ed,'Council approved Resolution No. 1267 authorizing the City Treasurer to obligate $75,000.00 from Water/Sewer Operating fund for the potential purchase, from the State of Washington, of Joint Sewer Treatment Plant,property, with 80 interest accumulating from April 20,'1982.