02/09/1981 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington February 9, 1981 Council of the'City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Dominguez, Wilson, Caldwell, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark. Also present: Attorney Riehl, Police Chief Mares and Fire Chief Weatherill. Engineer Kane excused. Mayor Powers led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the January 26, 1981 meeting as circulated with the following correction: Page 1, paragraph 3, should state; On Motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried....... Helen Kearny, 719 DeKalb, spoke to Council relative to problems she and her neighbors have experienced with all day parkers on the 700 Block of DeKalb. This portion of DeKalb is a narrow, dead-end street. When cars are parked near driveways, it is very difficult to get cars out of the yard., On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council moved to institute a parking time limit of three hours for the south side of the 700 Block of DeKalb Street. Three hour limit to be effective Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. Esther Sick, Chairman FathomsO' Fun, requested City's permission to hold Fathoms 0' Fun parade, June 27, 1981 at 6:00 P.M. On motion by Councilman Miller, seconded and carried, Council moved to approve Fathoms 0' Fun Parade being held June 27, 1981 at 6:00 P.M. Mayor Powers informed interested parties that the Street/Alley Committee has met relative to future stop light on SR 160 at South Kitsap Mall. It is the Committee's recommendation and Council concurs that the City will continue support for this light. Councilman Geiger moved City alter its support for traffic control light to be installed on SR 160 at South Kitsap Mall to state that light not be installed until traffic warrants justification of the installation. Motion died for lack of second. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council moved to petition State Highway Department to extend two-way left turn lane on Bay Street from Harrison to Westbay intersection and transition third lane which runs from Westbay intersection to the Bethel "Y" to a two-way left hand turn. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council authorized expenditure of approx. $800.00 for safety equipment to be used by departments as needed. Departmental funding is to be used of department receiving equipment. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried, Council moved to deny request for reimbursement of $150.00 Shorelines Management Application Fee as submitted by Gary Thresher. (Mr. Thresher and associates withdrew application and requested fee be refunded). Councilman Clark, Chairman Water/Sewer Committee, reported on quote by the Kitsap County Humane Society for cost of one employee spending one day a week in the City of Port. Orchard to work on animal control. Cost per month is $300.85. Councilman Clark moved to accept offer of Humane Society to have an employee spend one day a week working animal control within the City limits of Port Orchard at a cost of $300.85 per month. Seconded. Councilman Caldwell moved to amend motion for Humane Society employee spending one day a week animal control service to include a three month trial period to evaluate merit of extra service. Expenditure to be from the Federal Shared Revenue Budget. Seconded and carried, with five ayes and two nos. Councilman Geiger and Wilson voting no. Motion as amended to accept offer of Humane Society to have an employee spend one day a week working animal control within the City limits of Port Orchard for a trial period of three months at an additional cost of $300.85 with expenditure to be from Federal Shared Revenue Budget-1981 carried with six ayes and. one no. Councilman Geiger voting no. Mayor Powers designated the week of April 13-17, 1981 as "Clean- up Week" for the City of Port Orchard. Citizens who wish may put out extra garbage at no cost. No appliances or large heavy items will be allowed. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council moved to deny claim for additional monies as requested by Kitsap County Commissioners for Alcoholism Services. Letter from M & S Body Shop relative to request for a review of zoning violations referred to Finance, Public Buildings Committee. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1155 creating an Emergency Medical Services Six Year Special Levy Fund-1980. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council moved to grant Temporary Use Permit to Alberta Mayer to allow installation of mobile home on property located at 1028 Bethel Road. Temporary Use Permit to be on an annual renewal basis as needed and installation of mobile home must be in accordance with -conditions as specified by the City Engineer. At this time, Mayor Powers reopened Public Hearing/held over from the December 22, 1980 Council meeting. Councilman Geiger read proposed Federal Shared Revenue Budget as prepared by Finance Committee. Councilman Clark moved to approve Federal Shared Revenue Budget as presented by Finance Committee. Seconded and carried, with six ayes and one no. Councilman Grosso voting no. On motion by Councilman Dominguez, seconded and carried, Council designated the week of March 9-13, 1981 as Girl Scout week. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council authorized payment of the bills in the amount of $46,287.22 (voucher Nos.7572-7694) and the January Payroll in the amount of $91,779.55 (voucher -Nos. 11211-11359). On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council voted to cancel service maintenance agreement on the 3M copy machine located upstairs City Hall. Meeting adourned at 10:10 P.M. 1 � '" Clerk Mayor