01/14/1980 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington January 14, 1980 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: James Wilson, Mary Wilson, Caldwell, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark. Also present: Attorney Riehl, Engineer Kane, Fire Chief Weatherill and Police Chief Mares. Mayor Powers led the Council and Audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved minutes of the December 27, 1979 meeting as circulated with the following correction to the December 10, 1979 minutes: P.2, para. 12, add; Council requested Federal Shared Revenue Budgetary items to be given a priority rating to establish purchasing sequence. Mayor Powers administered the Oath of Office to Councilman -elect Geiger. Harry McConnell, 1441 Flower Street, reported his neighborhood is having a problem with dogs running at large, barking day and night, chasing children on bicycles and in general being a nuisance to the neighborhood. Mr. McConnell stated he has contacted the Kitsap County Humane Society on this matter and has received unsatisfactory cooperation. Mayor Powers requested City Attorney contact Humane Society and if no action is taken, Mayor Powers is to be notified of situation. At this time City Clerk opened bids received for the purchase of a portable air compressor. All bids were accompanied by a bid bond or check in the amount of 5% of total bid. Bids are as follows: Portable air compressor: Ingersoll-Rand $5,552.47 Star Equipment 5,896.00 Wilkins Distributing Co. 9,822.63 Fray Equipment 6,686.55 On motion by Councilman M. Wilson, seconded and carried, Council referred bids to City Engineer for his consideration and recommendation. Clerk opened bids received for the purchase of an asphalt spreader box. All bids were accompanied by bid bond or check in the amount of 5% of bid. Bids are as follows: Asphalt spreader box: Olympic Machinery, (factory rebuilt) Sahlberg Equipment, Fray Equipment Inc. $6,831.25 Inc 8,623.89 7,318.85 On motion: by Councilman M. Wilson, seconded and carried, Council referred bids to City Engineer for his consideration and recommendation. Clerk opened bids received for the purchase of an asphalt storage/warming container. All bids were accompanied by bid bond or check in the amount of 5% of bid. Bids are as follows: Asphalt storage/warming container: Olympic Machinery, Inc. $11,619.82 Midland Machinery, Inc. 8,383.00 (+ sales tax) On motion by Councilman M. Wilson, seconded and carried, Council referred bids to City Engineer for his consideration and recommendation. Mayor Powers opened Public Hearing relative to application for a non - project rezone as submitted by Esther Turvill, for his property located on the west side of Pottery 200' north of Cedar Heights Professional Center and adjoining the Cedar Heights Village apartment complex on the north, approximately 1700' south of Tremont. Clerk read recommendation of Planning Commission, as presented to Council, rel.ative to application submitted by Esther Turvill for a non -project rezone. Dean Blount, representing applicant, outlined future plans for this property and offered to answer any questions the City may have. Councilman Grosso moved to approve non -project rezone application as submitted by Esther Turvill and to adopt Planning Commissions findings and recommendations (attached) as presented. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Beginning 301 west of SE corner Sec 34 T 24 N, R 1 E, W.M., thence 89*W 1290 feet, thence NO* 23' E 331 feet, thence S 89* E 1290 feet, thence S 0* 23" W to point of beginning. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Powers declared non -project rezone approved.and hearing closed. Pat McCullought, Entranco Engineers, spoke to Council regarding proposed update to the low water pressure at various areas within the City of Port Orchard. Mr. McCullough outlined reasons this matter was not addressed the the Comprehensive Water Plan prepared for the City of Port Orchard by Entranco Engineers. Councilman Caldwell moved to refer proposed update of Comprehensive Water Plan relative to low water pressure areas to Water/Sewer Committee. Committee is to meet with Entranco Engineers to discuss scope of proposed study and make recommendation to Council. Engineer Kane informed Council he had reviewed bids presented at bid opening and made the following recommendations: 1. Portable air compressor: 2. Asphalt spreader box: Ingersoll-Rand Bid $5,552.47 Fray Equipment Bid 7,318.85 3. Asphalt storage/warming container: Olympic Machinery Bid 11,619.82 (low bid submitted by Midland Machery did not meet specifications required) On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council accepted bids as recommended by Engineer Kane. (Listed above) Mayor declared recess with meeting to reconvene at 9:30 P.M. Councilman Grosso moved to declare Police Department old copy machine surplus and authorized Chief of Police Mares to dispose of it. Seconded and carried. Councilman Grosso moved to remove bags from parking meters downtown and return to metered parking until such time as the parking ordinance governing metered parking is amended. Seconded and carried with 4 ayes and 3 nays. Councilman Grosso, Miller and James Wilson voting nay. Clerk read proposed Ordinance No. 1124 establishing a salary schedule for the Mayor as provided in the 1980 Budget. On motion by Councilman Mary Wilson, seconded and carried, Council tabled proposed Ordinance No. 1124. Mayor read a resignation from Planning Commission submitted by Jim Paine. Mr. Paine thanked the Mayor and City Council for appointing him to the Planning Commission but due to the increased volume of his business he is not regularly available for Planning Commission business. Mayor requested nominations for the position of Mayor Pro -ten (1980-1984). As no nominations were received, Mayor Powers held matter over until January 28, 1980 meeting. Mayor Powers read draft resolution declaring support of ti Council for the Kitsap Subregional Development Plan as a general guide .or growth management in the Kitsap Countywide Area. On motion by Councilman James Wilson, seconded and carried,_Co,incil tabled matter of proposed resolution declaring support of the Council for the Kitsap Subregional Development Plan as a general guide for growth manage- ment in the Kitsap Countywide Area. (Clerk to obtain copies of draft resolution for Council). Council set date of February 27, 1980 for Public Hearing relative to Port Orchard By -Pass draft EIS. Hearing is to be held at the Act've Club Building, Room 1, 1027 Tacoma Avenue, February 27, 1980, 8:00.P.M. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved payment of the bills, Vouchers No. 6386 - 6451 and the December payroll in the amount of $55,413.33. Mayor Powers announced the appointment of Myron Freyd as Port Orchard Municipal Traffic Court Judge and Attorney Joan Case as Port Orchard Public Defender. Port Orchard Traffic Court will convene on February 4, 1980. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council concurred with Mayor Powers appointments of Myron Freyd as Part Orchard Municipal Court Judge and Attorney Joan Case as Port Orchard Public Defender. Councilman Caldwell, Chairman Street/Alley Committee recommended to Ceuncil not to replace the stop sign located at the SE corner of the BeL.hel "Y" with a yield the right of way sign. Meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.M. r, - f Cl erl� - ,, Y_ , Mayor .�