12/08/1980 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington December 8,,1980 Council of City of Port Orchard, Washington., called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present Wilson, Caldwell, Geiger, Grosso and Clark. Also present: Attorney Riehl, Engineer Kane,.Police Chief Mares and Fire Chief Weatheril.l. Councilman Miller and Dominguez excused. Mayor Powers led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of November 24, 1980 meeting as circulated with the following addition: On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1150 repealing Ordinance No. 17 (Section 9.16, City of Port Orchard Municipal Code). Judith Peterson, 245 Perry Avenue, spoke relative to parking problems existing on Perry Avenue due to construction and closure of street. Mayor Powers referred matter to Street/Alley Committee and Chief of Police. Clifford Jones, 2232 Eisenhower Road S.E., approached Council relative to parking citation he received. Mayor Powers questioned as to whether this matter has been heard in, 'Court. Mr. Jones answered this matter is scheduled on the court calendar in the future. Mayor Powers informed Mr. Jones that until such time as this matter has been ruled on by the court, Council can not discuss anything pertaining to it. Gary Nelson, 4165 S.E. Hortsman Road, requested City's permission to establish an ambulance service.in the Port Orchard area. Mr. Nelson stated he has had 12 years experience as an ambulance driver. He will present a resume and full details of ambulance service plans at the December 22, 1980 Council meeting. Ron Burley, 3386 Olympiad Drive S.E., representing South Kitsap Pee Wee Association requested Council clarification as to how comprehensive the Pony/Colt League lease for City property located at Givens field is. The Pony/Colt League lease requires them to -to provide liability insurance coverage and maintain the field. The Pony/Colt League is requiring other groups who utilize this field at any time during the year to also provide a certificate of liability insurance and supply fertilizer, loads of dart, etc. for maintenance purposes. Mayor Powers stated the City will review the Pony/Colt League Lease and directed the Parks Committee to meet with the Pony/Colt League and the South Kitsap Pee Wee Association to discuss this matter. Roger Morrison, South Kitsap Hospital District, outlined status of several preliminary sites for location of the proposed hospital. The old hospital site on Lippert Avenue is one of the sites being discussed. To utilize this site, a portion of Lippert Avenue would have to be .relocated several feet to the south and Mr. Morrison requested the City conisder the possibility of relocation of a portion of Lippert Avenue. Mayor Powers referred matter to Street/Alley Committee. Mayor Powers opened Public Hearing relative to petition for vacation of a portion of an alley located Southwest of Tacoma Avenue and Kendall Street as submitted by James Picinich. Councilman Caldwell, Chairman Street/Alley Committee read Committee. recommendation that petition for vacation for a portion of an alley between Tacoma Avenue and Kendall as submitted by James Picinich be denied as this alley could, in the future, be opened to service other properties. December 8, 1980 Page 2 On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council denied petition for Vacation of a portion of an alley between Tacoma Avenue and Kendall as submitted by James Picinich, 1010 Tacoma Avenue. Mayor Powers declared Petition for Vacation denied and hearing closed. Mayor Powers opened Public Hearing relative to Petition for Vacation of a portion of Percy Avenue (Garrison Street) as submitted by Richard E. Snider. Councilman Caldwell, Chairman Street/Alley Committee moved to approve Petition for Vacation of a portion of Percy Avenue L (Garrison Street) as submitted by Richard E. Snider with all utility easements to remain intact. Legal description: see attachment "A!'. Mayor Powers declared Petition for Vacation of a portion of Percy Avenue (Garrison Street - See attached legal description) approved and hearing closed. Mr. Snider is to contact Clerk for total amount due for vacated property. Mayor Powers opened Public Hearing relative to application for Special Use Permit as submitted by Jack Perilli which would allow utilization of his property located at 811 Sidney Street for professional services and non -retail businesses such as law offices, court reporter, escrow and title insurance offices, secretarial services, etc. Clerk read Planning Commission facts of finding and recommended conditions of approval as follows: 1. That no other type use be permitted without a revised permit, that is within the scope and intent of the original permit. 2. That ingress and egress be._clearly defined and approved by the City Engineer. 3. That the parking lot design including drainage thereof shall be approved by the City Engineer. 4. That the parking lot be paved. 5. That the sidewalk be replaced. 6. That screening of the adjacent property be as shown including screening on the North property Line. (See attachment "B") On motion by Councilman. Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved and adopted Planning Commission recommendations and approved application for Special Use Permit as submitted by Jack Perilli to allow utilization of his property located at 811 Sidney Street for non -retail and professional offices as listed on application dated November 3, 1980. Legal description That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, Section 26, Township 24 North, Range 1 East, W.M., described as follows; Beginning at a point 799 feet South of the Northwest corner.of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter Section 26,Township 24 North, Range 1 East,_W.M.; thence South 132 feet; thence East 330 feet; thence North 132 feet; thence West 330 feet to the point of beginninga.EXCEPT any portion thereof lying within Sidney Street. Mayor Powers declared Special Use Permit approved and hearing closed. Mayor Powers opened Public Hearing on proposed 1981 Federal Shared Revenue Fund Budget. December 8, 1980 Page 3 Mayor Powers requested public input at this time ---no response from audience. Mayor Powers accepted itemized requests from City department heads. Mayor Powers continued Hearing until December 22, 1980 Council meeting and instructed Clerk to distribute department head..re.quest lists to.Council members. Mayor Powers declared recess with meeting to reconvene at 9:20 P.M. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1153, adopting the budget for the year 1981 and levying a tax sufficient to raise $135,007 for Current Expense purposes and $72,677 for Street purposes. Mayor Powers called for an executive session to discuss personnel matters. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council amended the 1981 Budget to reinstate funds in the amount of $21,150. to allow one position to be retained in the Sewer Dept. Councilman Clark moved that City of Port Orchard join King County One -Call Service at a rate of $15.00 per month and Mayor Powers be authorized to sign agreement for this service. Seconded and carried with four ayes and one no. Councilman Geiger voting no. Councilman Caldwell moved to concur that $5,000 carryover from the 1980 Kitsap Regional Library Budget be set aside for appropriate Library services in the Port Orchard Branch. Seconded. Counciman Geiger moved to table motion to allow Clerk to obtain comparison information as to what services and facilities other entities provide for the public library system. Seconded and carried. Councilman Clark moved to grant administrative leave to all City of Port Orchard employees who are scheduled to work December 26, 1980, the day after Christmas. Seconded and carried, with three ayes and two nos. Councilman Geiger and.Wilson voting no. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council moved that "Item #4" be stricken from the unfinished business section of the City Council Agenda. Mayor Powers informed Council that the Sub -Regional Council of Governments is forming a Citizens Advisory Committee to study the need for a Public Transportation System within Kitsap County. Mayor Powers appointed Councilman Grosso to fill the City's position on this committee. Mayor Powers appointed Councilmen Geiger, Grosso and Caldwell to a special committee to study city attorney position and form recommendation as to benefits of retaining a Port Orchard attorney for this position to provide better accessibility.for legal matters and decisions. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved payment of the bills in the amount of $43,379.43 (Warrants No. 7396 - 7486) and the November payroll in the amount of $59,855.11 (Warrants No. 10986 - 11095). Meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. e r k �-� Mayor