02/11/1980 - Regular - MinutesCouncil of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: James Wilson, Mary Wilson, Caldwell, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark. Also present: Attorney Haberly, Engineer Kane, Chief Mares and Weatherill. t, Mayor Powers led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the January 28, 1980 meeting as circulated. Ed McFate, representing S.K. Fire District #7, presented 1979 Financial Report and summary of usage of services provided to the City of Port Orchard. Ed Boucher, Batallion Chief of Aid Department explained their newest piece of equipment, shock pants, which are used to control bleeding in shock victims. Council voiced appreciation of District #7 Aid Department service. Diane Clements, representing Moody Hooser, owner of 834 Bay Street, questioned Water/Sewer billing statement for November & December, 1979. Mayor referred matter to Water/Sewer Committee. Leonard Cyphers, representing Michael Strand, approached Council relative to sewer connection for 1109 Morton. In 1962 this property was hooked to city sewer lines and a hookup fee was paid, however, proper easements were not obtained to provide access to sewer service lines which crossed adjoining private property. Mr. Strand is now experiencing sewer problems and would like to connect to city sewer directly from his property into Morton Street sewer main lines. i.Mr. Cyphers requested the City of Port Orchard waive the $750.00 tap fee for transferring his service connection to the Morton" Street sewer main lines, in view of the fact that a hookup fee was paid in 1962. Mayor Powers and Council agreed that the hookup fee would be waived but Mr. Strand will have to pay expenses of City employees making this tap connection. John Bannon, Entranco Engineers, reported on By -Pass Project statis and requested Public nearing relative to By -Pass EIS scheduled for February 27, 1980 be rescheduled March 19, 1980. Mayor Powers and Council approved rescheduling Public Hearing on the Location and Environmental Impact Statement.(EIS) for the proposed By-pass of Port Orchard, March 19, 1980, 7:30 P.M. Hearing to be held at Frank Givens Elementary School in Port Orchard. Councilman Geiger moved to instruct the Consulting Engineers to design the sewer pump station to be located in such a location so as not to usurp existing parking area or to create an obstruction to view on the edge of the parking lot waterfront; and if possible to locate the facility in a place which would eliminate the lift station presently located on Bay Street by Thriftway Store. Seconded. . Randall Samstag and Clayton Evans, Kramer, Chin and Mayo, Consulting Engineers for Join; Sewer Treatment Project stated there are four alternative ideas to modify present pump site location; 1. Rearrange parking -sacrificing only 10 spaces utilized by Port of Bremerton. 2. Move pump station 20--25 ft. West which would save City parking spaces. 3. Remodel existing structure to position pump station underground, which could present a potential flooding danger to electrical equipment. 4. Look for another site to locate pump station. Mr. Samstag stated he would call State DOE to determine if a new EIS would have to be submitted if site was moved to east end of parking lot. Original motion as presented by Councilman Geiger carried with four ayes and three nos. Councilman M. Wilson, Caldwell and Clark voting no. Mayor Powers requested clarification of motion presented by Councilman Geiger. Councilman Geiger stated his motion did not include 10 parking spaces owned by Port of Bremerton only City owned parking areas. Mayor Powers declared recess with meeting to reconvene at 9:20 P.M. Councilman Grosso moved to construct new sewage pump station building in such a manner as to;minimize obstruction of view from area, Seconded and carried with 6 ayes and 1 no. Councilman Geiger voting no. Mayor Powers set date of February 14, 1980 P.M. for a study session for the Council and Joint Sewer Treatment Project Advisory Committee to discuss the location of the proposed pump station. Councilman M. Wilson reported estimates have been obtained for the Library Building.drapes. $100.00 has been allocated for this expenditure. Estimates for the drapes have been received in the amount of $239.63. Therefore, if they are to be purchased, additional monies will need to be allocated. Councilman Wilson moved to approve an additional $139.63 be allocated for purchase.of drapes for the Library Building. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend motion to state, additional $139.63 allocation be approved provided monies are in the budget. Seconded and carried. original amended motion to allocate addition $T39.63 for purchase of drapes for Library, provided monies are available with the budget,. carried with 6 ayes and 1 no, Councilman Geiger voting no. Councilman Geiger presented Federal Shared Revenue priority expenditure list. Chief Mares informed Council estimates for the patrol car listed in the 1980 Federal Shared Revenue budget have been received, low bid was from Grey Chevrolet, Inc., 1216 Bay -Street; Port Orchard, WA in the amount of $7,434.00. $6,500.00 was budgeted for the car. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved additional $934.00 for purchase of Police patrol car from Federal Shared Revenue Budget Funds. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved 1980 Federal Shared Revenue Priorities List as presented. (attached) Councilman Geiger moved that proposed ordinance relative to Mayor's salary be removed from table, seconded and carried. Councilman Geiger moved that proposed Ordinance No. 1124 establishing a salary schedule for the Mayor as provided in the 1980 budget be approved. Motion lost with 7 no votes. Councilman Geiger moved that Mayor's salary for 1980 be $250.00 per month base pay plus $4,000.00 for extra administrative duties (part time in City Hall and meetings commencing August 1, 1980) Seconded and carried, with 5 ayes and 2 nos., Councilman Clark and M. Wilson voting no. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council authorized Building Inspector Snow and Police -Detective MacPherson to attend a seminar on "Task Force Team Approach to Fire Investigation" to be held February 25--29, 1980 at the Criminal Justice Training Center in Seattle, Washington. l : On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council"; authorized Terry Bontrager, Volunteer Fireman, to attend the Washington State Fire Training Officers Spring Conference & r i Workshop to be held March 4, 5 & 6. 1980 at the Holiday Inn, Bremerton, Washington. Tuition for this workshop is $55.00., On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council authorized Gary Wernet, Fire Inspector, to attend Interview & Counseling Fire Setters Area Workshop, February 21-22, 1980 in Seattle. City will pay cost of transportation and lunch expenses. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried, Council rescinded penalty fees billed to Port Orchard Convalescent Center, 2031 Pottery Avenue. Port Orchard Convalescent Center's payment apparently was lost in the mail. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council authorized Kramer, Chin & Mayo to open preparation of construction documents phase of Joint Sewer Treatment Project contract to allow additional design development. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1128 amending Ordinance No. 1125, adopting the City of Port Orchard Criminal Code Definitions and Provisions, relating to Peace, Safety and Morals. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved findings of the Joint Sewer Treatment Project -Value Engineering Team, relative to Force Main location and authorized Engineer Kane to forward report to Olympia for DOE & EPA approval.. Police Chief Mares informed Council of letter from V.F.W. requesting Bay Street be closed for a parade May 3, 1980 Loyalty day. On motion by Councilman M. Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved the closure of Bay Street May 3, 1980, for the V.F.W. Loyalty Day Parade. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council set February 25, 1980, as date of Hearing relative to petition submitted by Deborah R. and Bill Noerenberg for vacation of a portion of Sroufe Street. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved payment of the bills, Voucher No. 6452 - 6542 in the amount of $129,095.08 and January payroll in the amount of $58,169.09 (Warrant No. 9814 9868). Mayor Powers set date of February 20, 1980, 8:00 P.M. for a study session on the Subregional Plan and personnel matters. Meeting adjourned at 11:35 P.M. Cl e r k Mayor .. .. . _.. ,:.. t January Recommendation of Finance Committee to`:Council Re: Revenue Sharing Priorities on. Budget of`$90,998 r, $ 22,500 Per Quarter lst Quarter 1. Municipal Court (20,000/12 moss x 3 Qtr.=.,5,000 2. Legal Services - (23, 492/12: mos. x 3 = Qtr.. -"" "_6, 000 3. Items"already expended or`authorized a.,Carpet". ] ncgr. Dept. 900 b. Fence.- Fire Dept...2,054 c. Fence: - Park (Near, ia Fire Hall) . 1 , 000 4, Copier (Police Dert.) 4,000 7, 954 5. Radi0s 1,8001 6. IBM Typewriter 1,000' 7, Mini-triever Sweeper 400 22,14 2nd Quarter . . 1. Municipal Court 5,000 Legal.` Services : 3.. Patrol Car."" 6.500 4. Lite Bar 600 5,. RiL�1n.q MC3Yv'�'� , 1 6. Flat file (Fng) 60C �. Base station.'(Police) 525 ; 8. Shot Guns (Police) 441 27,666 3r'd Quarter-., 'unicipal:-;.Court 5,000 2 Legal" Services 610.00 3. ' Water. -Sewer Utilities ,'(1/:3 of : Truck) 2,500 4. Street Dept.'.:: '(1/3 of, Trucks 2,500 5, 4-/3" Passenger. Gar - Engineer, 4,000 ,.6: Park lmproVements ' (10r 000) 2, 5O) 22,500 :. S R Revenue Sharing: Priorities cn Budget of`$90,998 Page Two 4th Quartex 1. Municipal Court ..541.000 2. Legal Services.. 6,000 3. ParkImprovements . 61,500 4: Rest. Rooms Improvement, active Bldg. 3, 000 5. File Cabinets (Financial) 1 600 6. Law Enforcement -Items'(Balance) 658 7. Fire Dept,:. Trauma Kit 400' First Aid Kit 360 Tax allowance.:on .FD requests 160 , 8. D,esk...& Chair (Mayor's of f.ice) & Equip.:; 1,000 23,678 TOTAL.:. I..980. B€JDGE'i $ 90,998