03/24/1980 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington March 24, 1980 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: J. Wilson, Caldwell, M. Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark. Also present; Attorney Haberly, Engineer Kane and Fire Chief Weatherill. Police Chief Mares excused. Mayor Powers led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the March 10, 1980 meeting as circulated. Mayor Powers opened discussion relative to reported reduction of Federal and State grant monies for the City of Port Orchard/Kitsap County Sewer District #5 Joint Sewage Treatment Plant (JSTP) from 90% to 50%. Marty Dirks, Kramer, Chin and Mayo Consulting Engineers for JSTP project addressed speculation regarding reduction of funds.and how this will affect status of project. Norm Thomas, representative of Department. of Ecology stated that 1980 federal funds have been frozen as per President Carter, The Federal agencies are going through process of determining which programs will be cut and what effect this will have on the 1980 budget. Mr. Thomas also stated that the 15% State funding has been withdrawn in favor of re -allocating available funds among more grantees. Councilman Grosso questioned the feasibility of improving/upgrading City of Port Orchard existing primary treatment plant and inquired as to money/grant programs available to assist in this type of project. Councilman.M. Wilson addressed Norm Thomas, DOE, relative to penalties which could be imposed on communities who find themselves in the position where the Federal Government is saying, "You shall have secondary treatment by 1983," and not being financially capable of constructing a secondary sewage treatment plant by that date. Councilman Wilson further questioned, would DOE extend water standard requirements until an entity was financially capable of complying. Mr. Thomas stated the DOE is administering the Federal Clean Water Act - 1972, amended in 1977, which as he understands it is predicated upon receiving funding as you come up on the priority list and there are waivers and things of this nature which allow you to wait until you receive funding. Howard Minor expressed his opinoin that water standard requirements are being dictated by an agency which does not know the conditions of our area. Dr. Minor stated during World War II, population of South Kitsap area was as much or more than present population, sewage was pumped directly into the bay without benefit of any treatment and there is not one recorded case of illness or death related to th.is. Dr. Minor further stated that Puget Sound has a natural way of cleaning itself to a certain degree and should not be subject to the same requirements as a lake or river with no natural way of cleaning itself. Dick Brown, Neda Heng, Leonard Kruse and other citizens voiced opposition to potential high user cost stating this area can not afford up to $40.00 per month sewer charges. Councilman Clark questioned what alternatives are there or what alterations could be made in proposed project to alleviate some of the cost. Kitsap County Sewer District #5 Commissionor',."Lloyd Granquist requested Consulting Engineers be allowed to proceed with design work without stopping for further study to enable this project to stand a chance for construction funding in case funds are made available. If the project has been stopped or slowed down we would not stand a chance of receiving construction funding. Kramer, Chin and Mayor requested time to contact politicans to obtain picture of future funding, attempt tosecure firm committment for funding and look at alternative sources of funding. KCM would like to further investigate the phased construction alternative and arrive at a realistic cost estimate to perform phased construction. KCM was questioned as to how much time they would require to prepare design alternatives to this project. Marty Dirks stated they would need a minimum of two weeks to prepare this data. Councilman Caldwell moved to set over to April 14, 1980 meeting, a discussion relative to Joint Sewer Treatment Plant project to allow KCM chance to evaluate what alternatives are. KCM is not to proceed with preparation of contract documents until April 14, 1980 meeting. Seconded and carried, with five ayes and two nos. .Councilman Grosso and Geiger voting no. Lloyd Granquist, KCSD #5 questioned how will cost of extra study be distributed. Marty Dirks stated he will absorb costs. Mayor Powers recessed meeting to reconvene at 9:30 P.M. Councilman Grosso moved that Public Hearing relative to application for zone reclassification submitted by Wm. Bloomquist for his property located at 303 Perry Avenue be held over until April 14, 1980 meeting. Seconded and carried. Gerald Bricker, 1035 Garrison, requested petition for vacation of a portion of Sroufe Street submitted by Bill and Deborah Noernberg, be held over to allow him an opportunity to discuss matter with applicants. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council continued hearing relative to application for vacation of a portion of Sroufe Street as submitted by Bill and Deborah Noernberg until April 14, 19$O meeting. Councilman M. Wilson read letter from Bernice M. Nokleby, Sec. to the South Council, requesting permission to use the Active Club Building for a garage sale. Monies received at the sale will be used for charitable purposes. On motion by Councilman M. Wilson, seconded and carried, Cou.ncil authorized the South Council to use the facilities of the Active Club Building for a garage sale. Scheduling is to be made with the Clerk's Office. Clerk read letter from Joyce E. DeFord, representative of Women for Columbia, requesting permission to use the Active Club Building for a rummage sale to raise money for scholarships and other help to Columbia Christian College. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council granted Women of Columbia permission to use facilities` at Active Club Building, 1027 Tacoma, for a rummage sale, subject to applicable fees. Scheduling to be arranged through Clerk's Office. V 4 N March 24, 1980 Page 3 On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council authorized expenditure of $416.85 to send Volunteer Fireman Mary Parks to Fire Command School in Yakima in April, ($201.85) and Joe Snow, Fire Marshal to Northwest Fire.Arson"Seminar to be held in Eugene, Oregon in May, ($215.00). Fire Chief Weatherill requested City make reimbursement to Volunteer Fireman Terry Bump for tuition to E.M.T. training which he had requested Mr. Bump to attend in September, 1979, at Olympic College. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council authorized reimbursement to Terry Bump for tuition paid to attend E.M.T. training at Olympic College, September, 1979 in the amount of $76.65. Engineer Kane reported on letter from Richard G. Williams, Sidney Road, requesting permission to install a mobile home on his property temporarily during which time he will remodel his house. Mr. Williams requested $750.00 tap fee for water service be waived as he will be using existing tap and meter for mobile home. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried, Council waived $750.00 water connection charge to allow Richard G. Williams, Sidney Road to utilitize existing tap and meter for his temporary mobile home on the condition that remodeling work on existing house be completed within 6 months and mobile home be removed from property, or Mr. Williams would be subject to connection charge. Councilman Clark moved to adopt resolution to approve text of Kitsap Sub Regional Development Plan. Seconded and carried, with four ayes and two nos. Councilman Grosso and Geiger voting no. (Councilman J. Wilson excused due to illness) Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. C l e r k I ( �11-'—O-r--" ///,7 -"1 Mayor