04/28/1980 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 28, 1980 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: J. Wilson, Caldwell, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark. Councilman M. Wilson excused. Also present: Attorney Olbertz,,Engineer Kane, Police Chief Mares and Fire Chief Weatherill. Mayor Powers led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the April 14, 1980 meeting as circulated with the following correction: Page 2, para. 10 should read; "Police Chief Mares expressed concern for safety of members of Cedar Heights and South Kitsap High School marching bands. Both bands have been allowed to practice marching on City Streets (Mitchell & Pottery Ave.). Chief Mares stated that with increased traffic and the carelessness of a few drivers, marching on these City streets is hazardous. Councilman M. Wilson moved to authorize Police Chief to write letter to school officials withdrawing per- mission to march on Mitchell Avenue and Pottery Avenue.` Seconded. Councilman Grosso moved to amend motion to state marching on Mitchell Avenue and Pottery Avenue will be prohibited unless safety precautions can be provided that are agreeable with.City Attorney and Police Chief. Seconded and carried with 4 ayes and 3 nos. Councilmen J. Wilson, Clark and M. Wilson voting no. Original motion as amended denied with three ayes and four nos. Councilmen Caldwell, M. Wilson, Clark and J. Wilson voting no." Mayor Powers opened Public Hearing relative to application for zone reclassification.as submitted by Ray Pace, Wilhelmi Construction, owner of record, for property located Lots 4 & 5 Etta B. Jones Addition to Port Orchard according.to Plat recorded in Volume 9 of Plats Pages 26 & 27, Kitsap County, Washington. Council will at this time also hear appeal of Planning Commission recommendation to City Council for denial of this zone. reclassification application. Ray Pace, Wilhelmi Construction addressed concerns voiced at the Planning Commission meeting by interested citizens relative to potential impact this development could have on neighborhood. Problems addressed were traffic congestion, storm drainage, life style and quality of neighborhood and actual ownership of subject property. Mr. Pace also stated this type of low income housing was needed within access to public utilities, potential public transportation, schools and .stores. Dorothy Williams, 1401 Sidney; Nate Holeman, 1415 Bill Avenue; Mrs. Daniel Mueller, 712 Jones drive; Arne Skaugset, 707 Jones Drive; Duane Blowers, 1461 Bill Avenue; and Marilyn Jones, 711 Jones Drive voiced opposition to proposed rezone stating the neighborhood would suffer due to increased traffic, population, loss of view enjoyed by area, potential decrease in property values, loss of quiet single-family dwelling type atmosphere and this area has experienced problems with the sewer system.. Jim Miller, Red Carpet Realty; James Janasak, Realtor/Developer; LaDonna.Kingery, Associate Broker, Red Carpet Realty; Ace Comstock, Realtor and Jim Millard, Realtor addressed need for high density in the City limits due to energy shortage, ready availability of public utilities, police and fire protection. Ms. Kingery stated she has been affiliated with Wilhelmi Construction for approximately 2 years and attested to the high quality construction they do and offered to show concerned citizens completed construction done by Wilhelmi to ease their minds as to quality of workmanship which would be done on this development. Mr. Comstock also spoke relative to high quality workmanship performed by Wilhelmi.Construction Company. After much discussion as to storm sewers, adequacy of existing sanitary sewer lines and impact to neighborhood, Councilman Grosso moved to continue hearing relative to zone reclassification appli- cation as submitted by Ray Pace, Wilhelmi Construction until May 12, 1980 meeting. Appeal filed by Mr. Pace to Planning Commission recommendation to City Council for denial of this rezone request to be continued. Seconded and carried. Clerk opened and read bids received as per specifications for installation of fence at Port Orchard Fire Station II. Bids were as follows: H & H Fencing, (bid bond included): Net $4,757.96 + $237.89 tax for a total of $4,995,85. Vern's Fencing, (Postal Money Order included for bid bond): Net $4,400.81+ $220.04tax for a total of $4,620.85. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council referred bids to Engineer, Fire Chief and Police/Fire Committee and granted authority to approve or disapprove bids. Mayor Powers reported on meeting held with South Kitsap High School officials, Cedar Heights Junior High officials, Police Chief Mares and Street/Alley Committee to resolve problem of band members practice marching on Pottery Avenue (Cedar Heights) and Mitchell Avenue (South Kitsap High School). Mayor Powers stated the High School band members will march single file to St. Gabriel Catholic' Church parking lot, then onto residential streets in East Port Orchard School area. Chief mares reported on Cedar Heights Jr. High School band stating that the proposed route in a residential area (Goldenrod/Fireweed/best Avenue) was not totally satisfactory. After much discussion on proposed routes for Cedar Heights band, Councilman Miller moved that Cedar Heights band director and Chief Mares be authorized to block the southbound lanes of Pottery from Lippert intersection to Cedar Heights School, barricades, cones and traffic flag -persons will be used. Seconded and carried. Mayor Powers declared recess with meeting to _reconvene at 9:10 P.M. Councilman J. Wilson moved to authorize Kramer, Chin and Mayo to complete the design phase of the Secondary. Sewer Treatment Project. Seconded. Councilman Grosso moved to amend motion to state that incrumental design portion.of project be contingent upon 90% funding avail- ability. Seconded by Councilman Geiger. After much discussion Councilman Geiger withdrew second and Councilman Grosso withdrew motion to amend. Original motion carried. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council instructed Mayor to write letter to Mr. Spencer, DOE, regarding letter of April 25, 1980 (Written by Rosemary Walrod, Project Officer, Municipal Division, DOE) which did not substantiate assurances given to Council at meeting held April 7, 1980. Council would like, in writing, assurances Mr. Spencer stated he would give, if requested. Councilman Caldwell read petition signed by 20 foot ferry pattons requesting City Council remove "No parking from 7AM-8AM" regulation from 9 hour waterfront parking lots to allow them time to catch the 8AM ferry to Bremerton. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council denied petition to eliminate "No parking &AM -HAM" regulation from 9 hour waterfront parking lot. Council stated there is a 12 hour waterfront parking lot which will allow ferry patrons ample time to utilize the 8AM ferry to Bremerton. Page 3 of 3 April 28, 1980 On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council authorized Port Orchard Kiwanis to barricade Kendall Street from Sidney to Cline for the Soapbox 500 Derby during Fathom's 0' Fun. Kiwanis is to provide the City of Port Orchard with a Hold -Harmless Insurance Policy, Councilman Caldwell reported that Kitsap Veterinary Clinic (Seattle Street) has requested City of Port Orchard to change Seattle Street from "No Parking" to limited time parking. Mayor Powers referred matter to Street/Alley Committee, Engineer.Kane and Police Chief Mares for recommendation. Engineer Kane reported that sludge pits at City of Port Orchard dump site are full and other means to dispose of sludge will be necessary. Engineer Kane submitted figures showing costs comparison of transporting sludge to 8rem-Air Disposal compared to dumping at dump site. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council referred matter to Water/Sewer/Health Committee and City Engineer for investigation and recommendation as to feasibility of enlarg- ing existing sludge dump pit area or transporting to 6rem-Air Disposal site. Mayor Powers announced City of Port Orchard is sponsoring a "Spring Clean Up" May 4-10, 1980. Kitsap County Dump will provide free dumping on Saturday May 10, 1980. Meeting adjourned 10:25 P.M.