05/27/1980 - Regular - MinutesPage 1 of 2 Port Orchard, Washington May 27, 1980 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: J. Wilson, Caldwell, Geiger, Miller and Grosso. Also present: Attorney Riehl, Fire Chief Weatherill, Police Chief Mares. Councilmen M. Wilson and Clark excused. Mayor Powers led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the May 12, 1980 meeting as circulated. Anita Sanford presented the 1980 Little Britches Royalty to the Council. The Little Britches Rodeo will be June 13 thru June 15, 1980 at the Thunderbird Stadium. Councilman Caldwell moved that the contract with South Sound Sanitation be renewed for five (5) years for garbage pickup in the City. Seconded. Councilman Geiger moved to amend the motion to state "subject to additional amendments for the purpose of fixing clean up days and other allied items if feasible". Seconded and carried. Original motion as amended carried. Clerk read letter from attorney Jerry Case, of Perrine, Casey, Davis and Gross, relative to their client, Ms. Florence Orcutt, relative to her complaint that the Blue and Gold Taxi Co. would not provide her taxi service. Don Clark, owner of Blue and Gold Taxi Co., stated that his drivers had gone on call at her request and that she had refused to ride in the taxi. Matter referred to Police, Fire and Safety Committee. Petition submitted by Mr. Paul Strapac, 2349 Garden Drive, re- questing a Caution -Children at Play sign be located at the corner of Fireweed and Garden Drive. Matter referred to Street and Alley Committee. Letter protesting the karate school located at the property owned by Attorneys, Bell and Toole, located at 811 Sidney Ave. was read by Engineer Kane. Kenneth Hacker, 807 Sidney Ave., stated that the people in immediate area were concerned about the noise, parking and conditions in general. Also stated that the Special Use Permit granted by the Council in August 1979 has lapsed and that the Permit only allowed attorney offices. Councilman Caldwell moved that Mr. Bell be advised that he shall terminate the karate classes. Seconded. Councilman Grosso moved to table until the meeting of June 9, 1980. scurided .'and carried. Mayor Powers opened the hearing requested -,by Mr. Al Craig, 810 Bay Street, on the letter from the Fire Marshall declar- ing his building a nuisance and shall be vacated and abated. After considerable discussion as to working with building and fire inspectors and the apparent willingness of Mr. Craig to bring the building up to code, Council continued the appeal on a bi-weekly basis. Mayor Powers opened the hearing on the application of Bonnie Lemon, 1457 Sidney Ave., for approval of a Special Use Permit to hire a non -related beauty operator at her home occupation residence at the above address. Planning Commission recommended approval of the request with the condition that additional park- ing be developed if necessary. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the recommendations of the Planning Commission and approved the issuance of a Special Use Permit. Chief Weatherill reported on the Activity Report for the year 1979 and the Annual Fire Department Report for 1979. Copies will be sent to all Councilmen. 0 a 0 Page 2 of 2 Port Orchard, Washington May 27, 1980 Engineer reported of turn back streets (Sidney and Pottery) referred to Street and Alley Committee. Chief Mares reported a new police officer, David Loflin, is aboard. Loflin will be sworn in at the meeting of June 9, 1980. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the closing of Sroufe Street during the Little League tournaments. Letter from Mr. George Lucas, 304 Farragut Ave. N., requesting reimbursement for funds expended by him to clear a faulty sewer line from the main to his home in the amount of $265.02, referred to Water/Sewer Committee. Request for rezone from RL to CG on property located in the SE of the NE, SEC 35 TW 24 R lE (3/10 of mile on west side of Bethel Avenue, south of Bethel Y., submitted by B-K Enterprises set for hearing on June 9, 1980 at approximately 7:30 P.M. on motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried. Ordinance #1136 amending the Federal Shared Revenue Budget to include the amount of $1,000. of interest earnings and author- izing the additional expenditure for appurtenances on the new patrol car, approved by Council on motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved contract regarding Emergency Communications and other Services. (CEN-COM) Council on motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, directed the Mayor to convey to the appropriate government officials their disapproval of the proposal to relocate the Post Office from the business center of the City to an outlying area and state that the City will not settle for any less service than now exists. Adjourned a_t._i0:05 P.M. �� wf CLERK MAYOR