09/22/1980 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington Page 1 of 2 September 22, 1980 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Wilson, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark. Also present: Attorney Riehl, Fire Chief Weatherill and Police Chief Mares. Councilman Caldwell and Engineer Kane excused. Mayor Powers led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the September 8, 1980 meeting as circulated. Mayor Powers administered the Oath of Office to appointed Counc,i,l- man John Dominguez and seated him at the Council Fire Chief Weatherill presented Al Bieber, Dan Bowdoin and their wives to Mayor and Council. Mr. Bieber and Mr. Bowdoin are re- tiring after 21 and 27 years service to the Port Orchard Volunteer Fire Dept. Mayor Powers expressed City`s sincere appreciation for their many years dedicated and faithfull service and thanked Mrs. Bieber and Mrs. Bowdoin for their cooperation and support of their husbands service to the City of Port Orchard. Connie and Raul Gonzalez, who own property on Old Clifton Road adjacent to the Kitsap County Juvenile Home approached Council to request they be allowed to obtain water service from the City of Port Orchard. Mayor Powers referred matter to Water/Sewer Committee. Leda Heng informed Council that drain tiles installed under her driveway by the City of Port Orchard are deteriorating and collaps- ing. Mayor Powers assured Nos. Heng he would investigate this matter. Jim Tracy of Dick Tracy & Assoc., representing Iliad, Inc., approached Council concerning appeal filed by his clients relative to Council decision (Sept. 8, 1980) to approve Rezone Application on property located at 1730 and 1750 SR 160 with the condition that applicants must obtain domestic water from the City of Port Orchard and may have fire flow provided by Annapolis Water District. Mr. Tracy stated adequate water for domestic and fire flow is presently available from Annapolis Water District and Iliad would have double expenses if forced to obtain water from the City of Port Orchard and Annapolis Water District. Mr. Tracy stated a precedent has been established (Aug. 11, 1980) allowing City of Port Orchard property owners to obtain domestic water from Annapolis Water District if the City of Port Orchard does not have water service available to their property. After much discussion as to matter, Councilman Grosso moved to allow Iliad, Inc. to obtain domestic and fire flow water from Annapolis Water District contingent upon Iliad, Inc. entering into an Agreement with the City of Port Orchard stating Iliad or its assigns will hook up to Port Orchard water at such time adequate fire flow and domestic water is accessible to their property located at 1730 and 1750 SR 160. Iliad, Inc. will also agree to pay all applicable fees at time of hooking up to City of Port Orchard water. Seconded and carried, with 5 ayes and 1 no. Councilman Miller voting no. Clerk opened bid submitted by Haselwood-Buick Pontiac as per specifications as set forth by the City Engineer for 2 pickup trucks for Public Works in the amount of $14,414.88 (including State Sales Tax), Bid Bond attached. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council rejected bid submitted by Haselwood-Buick Pontiac in the amount of $14,414.88 for 2 each 1981 GMC pickup trucks. Port Orchard, Washington Page 2 of 2 September 22, 1980 Fire Chief Weatherill reported to Council, Hazel Simmons has presented the Port Orchard Fire Department with a $1,000.00 check as a donation to express her appreciation for the clean-up work done by the Port Orchard Volunteer Firemen. Mayor Powers declared recess with meeting to,reconvene at 9:00 P.M. Councilman Clark moved to notify Port Orchard Marina charges which were assessed due to high flow through their meter will remain on the account and have to be paid. Seconded and carried with five ayes and one no. Councilman Wilson voting No. The City's policy is that water customers have to pay for all water which passes through their meter unless it is found to be faulty. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried, Council moved to credit Port Orchard United Methodist Church water account the amount of $12.33 which is late charges assessed against the account. Port Orchard United Methodist Church has a good payment record and has stated their payment was apparently lost in the mail. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1142 fixing the amount of $216,565.14 to be raised by ad valorem taxes for Current Expense and Street purposes for the year 1981. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council set date of October 13, 1980 as date of Public Wearing on Proposed Uses of Federal Shared Revenue funds to be received by the City of Port Orchard in the fiscal year 1981. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried, Council set date of October 13, 1980 as date of Hearing relative to applicat- ion for Special Use Permit as submitted by Goodman and Guber to permit the Church of Nazarene and the Church Parsonage to be converted into a Day Care Center. The property is located at the corner of Jones Drive and Sidney Avenue (601 Jones Drive). Mayor Powers at this time appointed Mr. Stan Dunn to the Port Orchard Civil Service Commission, Mr. Tom Clauson to the Port Orchard Parks Commission and Mr. Sam Taylor to the Port Orchard Planning Commission. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council moved to concur with Mayor Power's appointment of Stan Dunn to the Port Orchard Civil Service Commission, Tom Clauson to the Parks Comm- ission and Sam Taylor to the Planning Commission. On motion by Councilman Miller, seconded and carried, Council moved to post a three hour parking time limit (8AM-5PM, Monday -Friday) on DeKalb from the intersection of DeKalb and Tracy Ave. East to the end of the dead end portion of DeKalb. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. CLERK