05/06/1996 - City Hall-Minutest--\ W 111- —,d V Clpu-n6& C! ,ttfL n May 1996 TO: City Hail Committee %M: City �.nn;neer i__ i cyn e' RE: l ��on',TIi1ttPP nri;n�tPcj The CitJT Hali Committee met at the of#ices nF AM Anderson and ASsociateS at 1. i`, Z ?"Maxik 96 to reviPw the material selections for the new City Hall. Members present were Carolyn Powers, �r 1 anr-i In a i Representing Tr the YTrt wn Zr, Brown a hic aec c to n and Jack Cable Lil A �hn Clauson. l ep esentina t►he f:: , T:ere lim Bro��Tn and ..;S _:ssistan S Ro:. and Niancy. Also present was Larry Curles. The 17;—l�antS used the current _Pd'_loon of the tniatlS to discuss various items: The demohtioll Tian chows the two city' �=='ned hLiilw;nge 'as b in part of the construction Inject �i:v project. 7 There was a discussion about the City' 1I':o�'inathe mature tree. on tlla avietln^ sitp. r v L Ti.i i Lr L:ir: L' v L' v i L ri . a themature rr Lei L L:�i sting a v r To do so as part of the constrLi tion project nla,i be ev,�engi��e The(Co ne.il may "ant to conSlG�er llaVlna the F'Llblic works Denaltment attempt. this In the w;nter. The landscaping was reviewed. In the police entrance there will be a fountain that pushes the water about C feet above the walk­vva-y. The adman entrance on Prosect Street will have a flagpole, d The Committee looked at catalogue sheets for the Moak, fountain, bike racks, benches and tables for the outside area. f//�'he floorsforthe public areas, such as the foyer, were /(1ii discussed. a terrP77o w; h SOM", marble tile will be used. The the will nrinxl;de a decoratil- anpiearanc�e. the terrazzo is durable and easily maintained. The cost of terrazzo is less than that of a hardwood floor. f?. The Y'-ublic bathrooms will also have a terrazzo floor to reduce maintenance. /. The ceiling* will mostly' be '7'YL?' acoustical suspended tile. In the fo�'ers and in the a .7 L acoustical r. Lv, i L ua courtroom, there will be decorative coffered ceilings. These are constructed with O'Ps n board and are large areas "indented" to alloy;' accent li htira and to add to tF�p appearance oft- _ _ ��j-iPre thprP iq A riir sped vvin�jow fra.nle in the third prep` _ r : e L3+ floor conference room, the celllna will be contoured to meet the shape of the window. _ �i- iEv�ept nr per, e- locations,, almost t ail the light; cr will e_ florescent, hggh eneram;, efficiene fixtures. 0 The r. Pr ��,11i I- a direct cth:p � hp (T��nnr closed loop mat. ial it s estimated e arp.;t li LL K litre L'i L,i t.i'_C! t' tii_ i�Jv , irl v'v4 v r K'rLriK is Lv'vimivt to -cost about $�2 per square yard, installed Ir -�vil� be used in the n�re area and the chambers. the custodian area will have c'in;'l tile. areas In the police offices that have potential for spillage will ha�ca $flme for !� sc n�c He These e e. potential __ im f i l tl lies. would flip e,'idenGe room'-, armor;' and ent- wa3' that the police use. a ::ri room,the CounciltwivenSentofileJtcpeciai attenion sound reuKion h conference room will have a special door that will help attentuate the sound. Although not discussed In detail, the Con:.mittee mentioned that the acoustics in the Council Chambers were very important. 11. The roof is a au,'ear compositet'je which has a shake ?ppearance. The cost between a 413 Year roof and a 25 year roof is about W5,000. 12. Atop the clock tower, a copper sheathed asphalt rile is proposed. The rectangular the will turn to a patina. color (gre,t%grpen) as does all copper and will be basically maintenance free. 11. Siding was briefl,' �iscussect. The codes require the siding to he non-combustible and this eliminates wood. The architects have found a concrete siding that has a "Food texture. The concrete comes in 13 foot lengths and resembles wood siding when it Is painted. More information Is expected on this material. 14. The brick color and texture were discussed. '1 P 1 x Till xxl lYP �x7 / 1 T tr m e o :: rite or : hite. 16.- The architect is proposing a green tint window. The Committee is going to see all the exterior colors on a color board to best determine :'hat the exterior colors should be. There was not a consensus on the green tint and there will be more discussion. 17. The Committee meeting ended before there was any in-depth discussion on windows, Another meeting will be scheduled. cc Council Ctaff Jim Brown tililiNIIIIIIIIIIiiiii, FORM KEY WEST GAME TABLE #7-KWT-4 Exposed -aggregate beautifully combines w/smooth-molded concrete in 2 or 4 seat models. Checkerboard top is polished terrazzo inset. Installs on grade -level slab. Table is 2'10" sq. Wt. 500 lbs. Wt. ea. seat 185 lbs. Colors: sand or natural grey.' FORM WASTE CONTAINERS MODEL A W/ALUMINUM DOME TOP #7-WCA-ADTL Very popular exposed aggregate waste Container w/smooth-molded rim/base; has 32 gal, plastic lift -out liner. Swing -away Top w/safety lock is solid cast oluminum, Quaker Bronze color. 3'5" h. Wt 800 lbs. Colors: sand, brown or nc7tural grey (shown). FORM PEDESTAL GAME TABLE #7-PT1 and PT2 In 2 or 4 seat models, comes with bases molded either integrally (#PT1-4 as shown) or w/o bases, #PT2 to set into footings 6" below grade, With or w/o checkerboard top, 31" sq. Colors: sand' or not. grey. MODEL C w ALUMINUM DOME TOP #7-WCC-ADTL Wearherstone nnisn (shown) in Sandstone color. Charcooi also ovailabie Swing -away Top wrsatety lock in Quaker Bronze. 63?1�" h. Wt. 450lbs. MODEL C w1ALUMINUM LOW PROFILE TOP #7-WCC-ALPTL Weathersrone finish, natural grey color (shown). Swing - away Top w/locking cam in Quaker Bronze. 28 gat. cap. w/plastic liftout liner. 35-1/8" h. Wt. 450 lbs. All FORM? Waste Con- tainers are solid. steel re- intomed concrete. with solid. CAST ALUMINUM tops that pivot on stainless steel shafts and bearing sleeves Totally designed for long lasting. maintenance - free service. U.S. Design Patent No. D247605. MODEL B wrLOW PROFILE ALUMINUM TOP #7-WCB-ALPTL Smooth -molded concrete w/exposed aggregate accent panels. Solid cast aluminum top in 1 Quaker Bronze (shown). Swing -away Top w/locking cam. 3'2" h. Wt. 800 lbs. Colors 0; sand, brown or natural grey (shown). 17 Page 8 TRASH RECEPTACLh,�i TR-1 Elegant, full slat receptacle with spun aluminum tops for either trash or ash urn use. It can be used with 30 gallon plastic bags. I OPTIONS: Ash urn top Trash -ash combination top TR-1 H: 30" W: 21" 20 gallon liner TA-1 H: 37" W: 21" (trasr, ash) TR-2 A versitile and economical receptacle with 11/z" x 31/2" wood elements surrounding powder coated steel hoops. A 30 gallon galvanized liner is included. OPTIONS: Straight sides Tapered sides Spun aluminum flat top galvanized dome top o t 0 0 0 o e TR-2 H: 30" _ THE PLAZA RECEPTACLES", ; r The TR•3, TR-3.1 and TR-4, tough and vandal resistant, i K� `RS 19 i .f_(a] these handsome steel receptacles compliment the Plaza series 111 «► c . z; I I. benches and work well in all locations. These receptacles feature all welded construction with 1/4" x 2" steel straps ; iand hoops. The 30 gallon galvanized liner comes powder f coated to match the receptacle. OPTIONS: 1� Spun aluminum flat top Spun aluminum dome top TR-3.1 Trash -ash top 35 gallon liner ' T I it I -^ TR-3 H: 32" W: 25" TR-3.1 H: 32" W: 25" TR-4 H: 32" W: 25" 1011111111 founma tains- Ths Fountain Experts' i:e' T00.. 'IX Se. Hw$ J: FoO. Gamete. -- Nigh? At � •i : fie' " Lb A�� ELEVATION I. WIN"" F0VM- WALL MCK; AW CAA?rc,G T-JCL.10S '. AIM 10 1N13 DIWOWN. i A:q r 'OA ?:,r-SOu K;T j 2. ;,y . "Imur W.L. W%'A'WE i6; S•WALL T"FE OVEAFLC'N F11TI,K.; SPECIFICATION DATA: Machined bronze nozzle, bronze U,L.listed submersible pump, bronze U.L. listed submersible lights, bronze U,L. listed submersible junction box, brass conduit slab penetration fitting, mechanical water makeup unit, overflow unit, floor drain unit, with stand, valve and riser assembly.120 v. power required. (230 V., 1 phase RCK-300). RCK SE" -'ES cascade nozzle Kits DESIGN/APPLICATION DATA: Roman Fountains RCK Series cascade nozzle fountain kits provide a coordinated selection of components, pre-engineered and tested to produce highly aerated massive mounds of water. Available in three sizes and spray heights, cascade nozzle kits offer ease of installation and low installed equipment cost. Submersible lighting is included for nighttime viewing, TECHNICAL AND HYDRAULIC DATA /2 y\ ia� !7\ MAX. MAX. SUB. SUB. SUB. SIDEWALL FLOOR WATER MIN. SPRAY SPRAY PUMP LIGHT J-BOX OVERFLOW DRAIN MAKEUP POOL MODEL HEIGHT DIAMETER QTYJTYPE QTY./TYPE _QTYJTYPE OTY.tTYPE QTYSTYPE OTY.rrYPE I.D. RCK-075 48" 12" RHSP-033 _ RFL-250-E RJB-2-75 ROVS-200 RFD-200 RNB-075 8' (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) RCK-150 72" 24' RHSP-076 RFL-250-E RJB-3-75 ROVS-200 RFD-200 RNB-075 12' (1) (2) (1) 0) (1) (1) RCK-300 108" 42" RHSP-100 RFL-250-E RJB-7-100 ROVS-200 RFD-200 RNS-075 18' (3) (4) (1) (1) (1) (1) NOTE: Cascade nozzles are water -level sensitive and must be maintained within tolerance for proper operation. NOTE: All kits pre-engineered for a 16° operating water depth. NOTE: RJB Series junction box furnished with RPC-2114 seal compound and RWS Series slab fitting. NOTE: Nozzle may generate wave turbulence requiring a dampening device, consult factory, OPERATING DATA: OPERATE SUBMERGED ONLY! NOISE _ t Moderate to heavy VISIBILITY Good SPLASH/MIST WIND STABILITY AERATION QUALITY Moderate to heavy Good Good QUOTATION KEY: .ii Item no. Typical of el I Mail: P.O. Drawer 10190, Albuquerque NM 87184 • Phone: 1-505-828-1801 • Fax: 1-505-828-1904 2-4 electric time" Compa�+y. •r+o. U Face A Hands MS -A \ I Face B Hands HS ♦120 ■ ■ ♦ ♦ Face C Hands VS 11 1 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5 Face T Hands MS -A is ® s • o • o o • • Face I Hands LS 11 12 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 ®-J 7 - 5 j. Face.J Hands LS CLOCK FACES 12 9 3 6 Face L Hands LS �0 H I �i U Face N Hands AS Face 0 Hands MS -A ttr• ttto / 1 Face P Hands LS Face Z Hands CS Face Y Hands IDS 02872/ELE BuyLine 5938 / U Face NI Hands WS Face 0 Hands IS Face U Hands IS Face V Hands WS 40 , 60 20 -80 0- 100 •26 120 'F Face X Hands CS Notes:1. MS -A hands also available with rod tails. 2. Thermometer "Face X", also available in degrees Celsius "Face XC", and in a barometer "Face XB"