03/10/1996 - MinutesGrowth Management/Planning Committee
Minutes of March 10, 1996
The meeting was convened at 9:05 pm at the City Hall Council Chambers after the regularly
scheduled City Council meeting. City Council members Geiger, Powers, and Wyatt were
present as was City Planner Gross. (Council member Van Zee was not in attendance.) The
Committee considered two sign applications for the public right of way.
The first application was a request for reconsideration of the signs for the Order of the Eastern
Star. These signs were denied in June 1995. There was much discussion concerning existing
assocation signs throughout the city. It was ultimately decided that the most appropriate location
for the sign was on the large welcome sign on the north side of Tremont as you enter the city.
Staff was directed to research ownership of the sign, allowable room on the sign, and cost for
participation. The Committee recommends that the City Council approve one sign for the
Order of the Eastern Star on the welcome sign on Tremont provided that the owner of the
sign does not object, sufficient room exists, and costs are paid by the applicant.
The other application was for two "follow-through" signs to direct people from Highway 16 to
Sidney Village on Bay Street. (DOT has approved the main sign on the highway pending city
approval of the other two signs.) These would be similar in size and location to the Pot Belly
Deli and Myhre's signs. Specifically, the Sidney Village signs would simply replace the now
defunct Backdoor Mall signs which are still up.
Discussion focused on the new pending sign ordinance. Staff was directed to ask the City
Attorney if approval of the small signs on Tremont and at the base of Port Orchard Boulevard
jeopardizes the off -site signage moratorium. Pending that outcome, the Committee
recommends the the City Council approve the signs on a temporary basis until such time
as composite signs are constructed. The applicant must participate in the cost of the
composite signage.
The Committee then discussed the applicants for residential representation on the Zoning Code
Task Force. The experience and merits of all applicants were discussed. Ultimately, it was
decided that Norma Rowland and Bob Showers should be the representatives. Bobby Gallegos
will be an alternate (in case a representative cannot attend) and should attend every meeting as
if he were a representative in order to provide valuable input.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 pm.