12/29/2003 - Special - MinutesPRESENT: LESLIE J. WEATHERILL, MAYOR COUNCILMEMBERS: John Clauson Todd Cramer Robert Geiger Don Morrison -excused Carolyn Powers, Mayor Protem Ron Rider Rick Wyatt CITY OF PORT ORCHARD City Council Minutes CITY HALL • 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-4407 • FAX (360) 895-9029 CONTINUED MEETING DECEMBER 29, 2003 ALSO PRESENT: City Planner Wenman, City Engineer Curies, City Clerk Etgen and City Attorney Jacoby. CALL TO ORDER Councilmember Wyatt led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. OLD BUSINESS Kitsap Countywide Planning Policies -Resolution No. 2048 (Tabled from December 8, 2003) Council continued discussion from the meeting of December 22nd regarding the ramifications of adopting only specific sections of the Countywide Planning Policies (CPP). City Attorney Jacoby advised Council he had discussed the possibility with the Puget Sound Regional Council (PRSC), and that no one seemed to know what the ramifications of passing only portions of the CPP/s would be. Kamuron Gurel, Kitsap County Department of Community Development, and Mary McClure, Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council, addressed Council regarding the approval process the CPP/s had been through to date. Dick Brown, citizen, testified that he did not believe the dollars would directly benefit Port Orchard, and therefore the CPP 1S should not be ratified. Vivian Henderson, representative of Kitsap Alliance of Property Owners (KAPO) asked Council to think carefully about changes the Council wanted in the document before voting to ratify the CPP/s. Ron Rice, citizen, expressed concern about the short time frame Council had been given to review the proposed changes. December 29, 2003 Page 2 of 2 Councilmember Wyatt moved to approve Element B of the Countywide Planning Policies and to turn the remainder of the proposed changes over to the Growth Management Committee for review. Councilmember Rider seconded the motion. After discussion, Council member Wyatt withdrew the motion. Councilmember Powers moved to approve Resolution No. 2048 regarding revisions to the Countywide Planning Policies. Councilmember Clauson seconded the motion. Upon vote, motion carried, with Council members Rider and Cramer casting dissenting votes. At 8:36p.m. Mayor Weatherill adjourned the City Council m Carol L. Etgen, City Clerk