04/14/2003 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 14, 2003 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Weatherill at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Council members present: Clauson, Wyatt, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, Rider, and Cramer. Staff present: City Planner Wenman, Police Chief Townsend, City Attorney Amann, Deputy Clerk Merlino, and City Clerk Parks. Councilman Geiger led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Weatherill asked for audience comments for items not listed on this agenda. Mark Kuhlman, land developer, expressed concern with adoption of Ordinance No. 1895 regarding retention of significant trees. Mr. Kuhlman asked the Council to consider the following questions: • Does the City consider an alder tree a significant tree? • Should a cap be placed on the maximum number of significant trees per acre site? Mayor Weatherill and Council thanked Mr. Kuhlman for his comments. Julie Graves, Housing Development Director for Kitsap County Consolidated Housing Authority, presented an update on the Mitchell Avenue Senior Apartments located at 900 Mitchell Avenue. Ms. Graves stated the construction on Phase 1, of the project, is slated to commence mid May 2003 with completion anticipated May 2004 and tenants moving in June 1, 2004. Ms. Graves further advised the Housing Authority would like to construct a second building {Phase 2) on the property south of 900 Mitchell Avenue, at some point in the future. In anticipation of this, the civil engineer for the project has designed a storm water quantity and quality control system that is large enough to accommodate both buildings. However, as designed, the system will be located on the Phase 2 site. Also, as designed, the sanitary sewer line will cross the Phase 2 site; it will be located underneath the required fire lane. Before construction commences, the Housing Authority would like to obtain an easement from the City for this underground storm water control system and sanitary sewer line. In addition, the Housing Authority would like to obtain permission from the City to allow the contractor to mobilize on the Phase 2 site. This would include placing a job trailer on the site, parking for sub-contractors and construction staff, and storing construction materials. Mayor Weatherill and Council thanked Ms. Graves for her update and placed these two requests into the Water/Sewer Committee for review and recommendation at the next Council meeting. Dr. Scott Lindquist, Director Kitsap Health District and Scott Daniels, Deputy Director, discussed the relocation of the Health District offices to Bremerton's Governance Center. In addition to the updated information Dr. Lindquist and Mr. Daniels asked for additional funding for the Health District. Currently the City contributes $7,013 annually to the Health District budget. The Health District is asking for an additional amount of approximately $961 in 2004 and an additional amount of $1 ,922 annually over the remaining 30- year debt seNice period. Because these are estimated figures, the Health District is requesting the funding be approved for a figure not to exceed the costs estimated above. These debt service contributions would need to be included in the City's budget beginning in 2004. Mayor Weatherill and Council thanked Dr. Lindquist and Mr. Daniels for their update. Mayor Weatherill reopened the continued 7:35 PM Public Hearing regarding an Application for Preliminary Plat as submitted by Richard and Karen Berg for property located in the vicinity of 215 Wilkins Drive. {Continued from March 25, 2002; May 28, 2002; August 26, 2002 and November 25, 2002 City Council Meetings) City Planner Wenman presented an update on the proposed Application for Preliminary Plat. Planner Wenman advised a cursory review of the resubmitted package illustrates there are several issues that are not fully addressed or resolved, which include, but are not limited to: • CAO standards for steep slope setback buffers; • Roadway designs; • Pedestrian access; • Storm pond design/location; • Lot design/access. April 14, 2003 Page 2 of 4 City Planner Wenman asked for additional time to review the application and to allow applicant additional time to address the pending issues. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, Council continued the Public Hearing to July 28, 2003 at 7:35 PM regarding the proposed Application for a Preliminary Plat as submitted by Richard and Karen Berg for property located at 215 Wilkins Drive, with the following condition the developer must have the necessary information to the planning staff by June 30, 2003 and if a completed application is not presented to the City Council on July 28, 2003 the Preliminary Plat Application will be denied. City Clerk Parks reported on the Call for Bids held April 10, 2003 at 4:00 PM regarding the demolition of 1163 Beach Drive. Twelve bids were received with the required bid bonds and addendum acknowledged as follows: Rivers Edge Services 3 Kings Environmental R & J Landscape & Construction A & J Development Caseco Associates R. L. Clearing & Excavating Sound Construction Global Diving & Salvage Anderson Environmental Sound Excavation J. Harper contractor Vision Builders, Inc. Engineer's Estimate $10,433.89 $11,305.00 $12,500.00 $13,593.00 $13,985.00 $14,414.20 $16,120.00 $16,500.00 $17,556.00 $17,726.10 $25,427.00 $27,213.54 $24,000.00 On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilwoman Powers, Council accepted the bidding for the demolition of 1163 Beach Drive and awarded the contract to the lowest bidder Rivers Edge Services in the amount of $10,433.89. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, Council adopted Resolution No. 2012 approving the Final Plat of Flowers Meadows, Division 2. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council approved the new City Clerk/Assistant to the Mayor job description as presented, with the correction to first page, second paragraph under Major Function and Purpose to read as follows: The City Clerk/Asst. to the Mayor shall serve as chief of staff, implement the Mayor's directives by coordinating the other city departments and working towards the objective, and represent the City with other agencies. Motion passed with 7 ayes. At 8:35 PM Mayor Weatherill called for a 10 minute recess with meeting reconvening at 8:45 PM. Councilman Morrison moved to approve Ordinance No. 1898 amending Chapter 1 0.13 of the Port Orchard Municipal Code regarding parking of commercial vehicles in residential and mixed use zones, seconded by Councilman Wyatt. April 14, 2003 Page 3 of4 Councilman Rider recommended changing the one-hour limit for parking of commercial vehicles in residential or mixed-use zone to 24 hours. Councilwoman Powers also recommended an exemption for school, church, and/or tour buses. After considerable discussion concerning proposed Ordinance No. 1898, Councilman Morrison and Councilman Wyatt withdrew motion to approve. Mayor Weatherill placed proposed Ordinance No. 1898 back into the Street Committee for further review. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council approved the consent agenda items as follows: a. Minutes of the March 24, 2003 regular City Council meeting. b. Approval of Claim Warrants #38855-38979 in amount of $306,689.76 and March 2003 Payroll Warrants # 137204 -137277 and direct deposits in amount of $289,966.95. c. Request by Police Chief to dispose of the following items and dispose of them in the best interest of the City. Attachment "A" d. Ordinance No. 1897 amending POMC 13.04 to amend regulations providing for the control, management, maintenance and use of public and private water and sewer systems and providing rates for connection and use of such systems. e. Resolution No. 2013 designating Code Enforcement responsibilities. Mayor Weatherill asked the Council to review the Countywide Planning Policies concerning the three Urban Separator options and be prepared to make a recommendation at the next Council meeting. Mayor Weatherill will present the City Council's recommendation at the KRCC Public Hearing on May 6, 2003. The three Urban Separator Options are as follows: • Delete Urban Separator concept • Maintain current language with Urban Separators as mandatory • Urban Separator designation optional See Attachment "8" for complete option language. Mayor Weatherill also asked the Council to review SBH 2060, which would create a new source of funding for low income housing. The local share can be available to the county and cities that want to participate, participation by cities is optional. An inter-local agreement can be considered by interested jurisdictions. Mayor Weatherill asked Council members to review SBH 2060 and requested a recommendation be presented at the next council meeting, indicating if the city should participate in an inter-local agreement. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, Council approved the Public Event Application for the Annual Collector Car Auction, to be located at the Kitsap Bank Parking lot adjacent to Bank Street from 7:00AM to 5:00PM, Sunday, August 10, 2003 with conditions as recommended by departmental staff. This event is a subsidiary event of the 2003 Cruz Car Show event. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, Council approved the Public Event Application for the Farmers Market 2003, located on the waterfront parking lot #4 from 6:00am-4:00 pm each Saturday April 26, 2003 -October 25, 2003 (except those Saturdays which parking lot #4 may be approved for Fathoms 0' Fun Carnival) with conditions as recommended by departmental staff. April14, 2003 Page 4 of 4 Councilman Morrison directed staff to place on the April 28, 2003 City Council Agenda two draft ordinances (1) regarding parking of boats and recreational vehicles on private property in residential and mixed use zones and (2) time restrictions for the parking of boats and recreational vehicles in the public right-of-way. Mayor Weatherill reported on the Ad Hoc Committee meeting with Commissioner Jan Angel. Mayor Weatherill commented the proposed WSDOT reduction of the Southworth ferry service could seriously hurt Southworth Commuters and will continue to widen the level of service gap between Southworth and Vashon Island. Commissioner Angel has urged all elected official to attend a Washington State Ferry System Forum on May 13, 2003, 6:30 PM located at Sedgwick Junior High School. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, Council authorized the residence at 2246 Sidney Avenue to connect to Orchard on the Green Apartments sewer system, contingent upon approval by the apartment owner. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilwoman Powers, Council authorized the City Engineer to contact Oliver Hanley's attorney and present an offer to purchase property located at 1169 Beach Drive for the purpose of establishing a future pump station for the wastewater treatment facility. The City Council Committees set the following Committee meetings: • Growth Management Committee April 24, 2003 7:30 AM Public Property Committee May 1, 2003 5:30 PM • Street Committee April17, 2003 7:30AM • Water/Sewer Committee April25, 2003 7:30AM P.O. Library Tentative date and time Myhre's JA Michael's On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Cramer, Council declared nine bicycles from the Police Department as surplus and authorized Police Chief Townsend to dispose of these bicycles in the best interest of the City. Attachment "C" Mayor Weatherill and the City Council congratulated Police Chief Townsend and the community for providing the City with the first Police Boat with minimum expense to the city budget. Police Chief Townsend thanked the community for providing approximately $5,000 to $8,000 in community support for this proj~ct. c:::=:;:Councilmreting~-----· ------- Michelle Merlino, Deputy City Clerk LESLIE J. WEATHERILL, MAYOR April 14, 2003 City Council Attachment "A' It is requested that the items listed be declared as surplus: PROPERTY# 17119 17120 17121 17122 17123 17124 17125 18206 17138 18326 Alan L. Townsend Chief of Police DESCRIPTION 22 rifle/464717 12 gauge/178877 rifle/151253 22 rifle/25280362 rifle/3009 rifle/904934 crossbow/no ser # Taurus/L52278 Case No. 02-3089 Pardner/NH252293 Case No. 02-522 Brevetto/314375 Case No. 02-3362 City of Port Orchard 546 Bay Street Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-1700 April 14, 2003 City Council Attachment "B" e. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council shall develop criteria for establishing and expanding Urban Growth Areas consistent with the Growth Management Act. Option A f. The County and the Cities shall evaluate tr.ends, through the Buildable Lands analysis, for residential, commercial, and industrial development patterns to evaluate the regional supply. g. The Buildable Lands analysis shall be coordinated with the County's watershed planning efforts. 2. The following countywide policies are related to the process and criteria for establishing, expanding, and amending Urban Gro\vth Areas in Kitsap County: 6 a. Urban growth shall be encouraged within Urban Growth Areas and no! permitted outside o(an adopted Urban Growth Area except under specific circumstances, as (ullv contained communities and master planned resorts as authorized bv the Grovvth lv!anagement Act. i. uture ii. iii. c. All Cities shall be within a designated Urban Growth Area. Urban Grovvth Areas may include areas not contained within an incorporated city d. All Urban Growth Areas shall be reflected in County and respective City comprehensive plans. e. AnneJcations and incorporation shall not occur outside established Urban Grov.th i\reas, but may be anticipated vfithir:. them, according to the provisions of adopted armexation Agreements. f. Sufficient area must be included in the Urban Growth Areas to accommodate a minimum 20- year population forecast. g. Shoreline development shall meet the requirements of the applicable shoreline master program. h. Sub area Planning associated with all or part of designated Joint Planning Areas shall be completed by the County and the respective City prior to amending the Urban Growth Area designation. c. Areas desigr.ated for urban gro'>vth should be determined by the existing development patterns. residential densities, ar:d the ability of the appropriate service provider to provide a full range of urban services. A do pled by Kilsap Coun~v Ordinance #2 58-0 I: 8/10/200 I Proposed revisions March 2 7. 2003 April 14, 2003 City Council Attachment "B" e. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council shall develop criteria for establishing and expanding Urban Growth Areas consistent with the Growth Management Act. Option B f. The County and the Cities shall evaluate trends, through the Buildable Lands analysis, for residential, commercial, and industrial development patterns to evaluate the regional supply. g. The Buildable Lands analysis shall be coordinated with the County's watershed planning efforts. 2. The following countywide policies are related to the process and criteria for establishing, expanding, and amending Urban Growth Areas in Kitsap County: a. Urban growth shall be encouraged within Urban Growth Areas and not permitted outside of an adopted Urban Growth Area except under specific circumstances, as fully contained communities and master planned resorts as authorized bv the Growth Management Act. b. In order to retain distinct urban identities over a 50 vear perspective, urban separators shall be . desivnated for Metropolitan Centers (see Element B) and mav be designated for other Centers or Rural Communities (see Element Q: i. Expansion of Urban Growth Areas are anticipated to extend to the separator at some future time but not to encroach into it. ii. A permanent network ofopen space (see Element D-Jc>. critical areas such as wetlands, drainage basins, or steep terrain, and other natural features such as shorelines, are effective separators. iii. The specific location and extent of a separator shall be collaborative tv deflned bv the County and the affected Cities. iv. Separators shall be designated by Kitsap County in the County Comprehensive Plan, and referenced in Urban Growth Area Management Agreements. b. All Cities shall be within a designated Urban Growth Area. Urban Growth Areas may include areas not contained within an incorporated city c. All Urban Growth Areas shall be reflected in County and respective City comprehensive plans. d. p..,...~,neJCations and incorporation shall not occur outside established Urban Gro'.vth Areas, but may be anticipated ',Nithin them, according to the provisions of adopted anneKation Agreements. e. Sufficient area must be included in the Urban Growth Areas to accommodate a minimum 20-year population forecast. f Shoreline development shall meet the requirements of the applicable shoreline master program. April 14, 2003 Attachment "B" e. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council shall develop criteria for establishing and I · . expanding Urban Growth Areas consistent with the Growth Management Act. . OptiOn C f. The County and the Cities shall evaluate trends, through the Buildable Lands analysis, for residential, commercial, and industrial development patterns to evaluate the regional supply. g. The Buildable Lands analysis shall be coordinated with the County's watershed planning efforts. 2. The following countywide policies are related to the process and criteria for establishing, expanding, and amending Urban Growth Areas in Kitsap County: a. Urban growth shall be encouraged within Urban Growth Areas and not permitted outside of an adopted Urban Growth Area except under specific circumstances, as fully contained communities and master planned resorts as authorized bv the Growth Management Act. b. In order to retain distinct urban identities over a 50 vear perspective, urban separators shall be designated: i. Expansion of Urban Growth Areas are anticipated to extend to the separator at some future time but not to encroach into it. ii. A permanent network ofopen space (see Element D-Jc). critical areas such as wetlands, drainage basins, or steep terrain, and other natural features such as shorelines, are effective separators. iii. The specific location and extent of a separator shall be collaboratively defined by the County and the affected Cities. iv. Separators shall be designated by Kitsap County in the County Comprehensive Plan, and referenced in Urban Growth Area Management Agreements. c. All Cities shall be within a designated Urban Growth Area. Urban Growth Areas may include areas not contained within an incorporated city d. All Urban Growth Areas shall be reflected in County and respective City comprehensive plans. e. Annexations and incorporation shall not occur oHtside established Urban Gro'>vth Areas, but may be anticipated within them, according to the provisions of adopted annexation Agreements. f. Sufficient area must be included in the Urban Growth Areas to accommodate a minimum 20-year population forecast. g. Shoreline development shall meet the requirements of the applicable shoreline master program. h. Sub area Planning associated with all or part of designated Joint Planning Areas shall be completed by the County and the respective City prior to amending the Urban Growth Area designation. From: Alan Townsend Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 9:08AM To: Michelle Merlino Subject: FW: Bikes declared surplused at the April 14, 2003 City Council Meeting ATTACHMENT "C" 18038 02-02794 10 SPD FOUND 10/22/2002 JAMES SER# BB01J114 991 18202 02-03068 ROADMA FOUND 11/21/2002 JAMES STER 18" SADJH07 119 18339 02-03378 FREE FOUND 12/20/2002 PATTERS SPIRIT ON #809MA2 1788 18360 03-EQUATO FOUND 1/2/2003 MARTIN 000012 R20" #01TD133 0934 18361 03-VOLTAGE FOUND 1/2/2003 MARTIN 000012 20" #01T0368 311 18362 03-MAGNA FOUND 1/2/2003 MARTIN 000012 20" #02TD902 8290 18366 03-031 RHINO FOUND 1/5/2003 MYERS MOUNT AI N BIKE 18394 03-0112 20"YELIB FOUND 1/14/2003 PATTERS LK ON SER#OO TD911571 18404 03-0209 FREE FOUND 1/25/2003 JAMES SPIRIT MTN 14548905 0822