09/23/2002 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington September 23, 2002 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Weatherill at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Council members present: Morrison, Wyatt, Geiger, Powers, Rider, and Cramer. Councilman Clauson excused. Staff present: Police Chief Townsend, City Engineer Curies, City Planner Wenman, City Attorney Combs, City Clerk Parks and Deputy Clerk Merlino. Councilman Cramer led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Weatherill asked for audience comments for items not list~d on this agenda. Chris Lemke, representing Port Orchard Citizens for Quality Education, addressed Council concerning South Kitsap High School's Holiday Extravaganza 2002 and the impact of the $30.00 Port Orchard Business License Application Fee. Mr. Lemke stated many of the bazaar vendors have declined participation due to the Business License fee. Mr. Lemke asked for an exemption or relief for arts and craft fundraisers. Mayor Weatherill advised Mr. Lemke this matter is on the agenda for discussion this evening. Cris Gears, Director Kitsap County Parks and Recreation, presented an update on the proposed changes for Givens Community Center. Mr. Gears noted the most significant proposed change is consolidation of the parks and recreation employees to one location at the Kitsap County Fair Grounds facility. Mr. Gears also clarified for the audience and council the Givens Community Center will still function as a community center. Mayor Weatherill thanked Mr. Gears for the update. Betty Pilling and Penney Lockhart spoke to Council regarding the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Celebration. This celebration is scheduled to open October 2003 and close with a grand finale on October 2004. Ms. Pilling asked the City to consider co-hosting and endorsing this celebration. In addition to this request Ms. Pilling stated funding for the celebration is always welcome, however they are more interested in receiving in- kind services and/or volunteers. Mayor Weatherill and Council thanked Ms. Pilling and Ms. Lockhart on their informative presentation. On motion by Councilman Cramer, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, Council approved Ordinance No. 1869 regarding the impoundment of unauthorized vessels. City Attorney Combs addressed the scheduled compliance hearing regarding correction of non-compliance issues for an existing single family residence located at 207 Rockwell Avenue (SUP-1021). Mr. Combs advised the legal representation for the applicant was called out of town due to an emergency. Mr. Sullivan is asking for an extension of the compliance hearing to the next scheduled City Council meeting, October 14, 2002. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, Council approved continuing the compliance hearing regarding correction of non-compliance issues for an existing single family residence located at 207 Rockwell Avenue (SUP-1021) to October 14, 2002. Councilman Morrison referred to Old Business Agenda Item 4g. -Request by Soroptimist International of Port Orchard and Givens Senior Center for an exemption or relief from the Port Orchard Business License Application Fee. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, Council approved Ordinance No. 1871 amending Port Orchard Municipal Code Section 5.12.030 by adding a new subsection providing an exemption from obtaining a business license for certain vendors at non-profit fundraising events. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 1 abstention. Councilman Cramer abstained from voting. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council approved consent agenda items as follows: a. Minutes from the September 9, 2002 regular City Council meeting b. Claim warrants numbered 37792-37865 in the amount of $83,113.00. September 23, 2002 Page 2 of2 c. Request by Police Chief to surplus miscellaneous bicycles and dispose of them in the best interest of the city. Attachment "A" d. Resolution No. 1990 superseding Resolution No. 1670 and adopting a Street/Alley Vacation Policy and Fees. e. Ordinance No. 1870 approving petition to Vacate easterly half of Farragut Avenue right-of-way as submitted by John and Clara Hauschild and authorization for Mayor Weatherill to sign documents to transfer ownership of the subject property. f. Authorization for Mayor Weatherill to sign renewal Agreement Regarding Jury Panels for Municipal Court. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Wyatt, Council authorized the City Engineer to advertise for a consultant for the Bay Street Pedestrian Path Project. This project is intended to replace the seawall at the 1800 block of Bay Street with a salmon-friendly fill and pedestrian sidewalk. Finance Committee Chair Councilman Geiger reported the Committee is recommending that POMC 2.60.040(2} be amended to revise the mileage reimbursement criteria for council members. This would change the criteria from "travel over 25 miles from the city to travel outside or beyond the city limits". Councilman Geiger requested staff prepare the ordinance in final draft form and place on the October 14, 2002 City Council Agenda for consideration by full Council. Councilman Cramer, Chair of Public Safety Committee, reported on a proposed ordinance relating to mechanical inspections for taxicabs. Councilman Cramer requested staff prepare the ordinance in final draft form and place on the October 14, 2002 City Council Agenda for consideration by full Council. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized the Mayor to sign the amendment to the RH2 contract for the re-bidding of the Membrane Reactor process at a cost of $14,192.00 On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized RH2 to prepare the easement documents in the amount of $5,637.00 for the Veteran's Home expansion contract. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council accepted the proposal as presented by Caseco Associates in the amount of $18,450 plus tax for the removal of contaminated soil at 514 Bay Street. Mayor Weatherill placed into the Street Committee request to transfer Lease Agreement and duration of lease from Case Excavating to Caseco Associates for property located at the former landfill. At 8:45 PM Mayor Weatherill reconvened adjourned the City Coun~i.ll m moee ·g g .. Lrru~~ ~~ Michelle Merlino, Deputy City Clerk LESLIE J. WEATHERILL, MAYOR September 23, 2002 Attachment "A" It is requested that the below listed bicycles and firearms be declared surplus: PROPERTY# DESCRIPTION 16580 BMX REDLINE chrome 16654 HUFFY 10 Speed 16718 DIAMONDBACK Mountain bike 17222 KENT Bicycle 17313 ROADMASTER 17506 FS ELITE 18 speed These bicycles have been in police custody for more than ninety days. Alan L. Townsend Chief of Police City of Port Orchard 546 Bay Street Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-1700