11/25/2002 - Work Study - Minutes-Study SessionPort Orchard, Washington November 25, 2002 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to order for a Study Session by Mayor Pro-tem Don Morrison at 9:50PM at City Hall, 216 Prospect Street. Council members present: John Clauson, Don Morrison, Rick Wyatt, Robert Geiger, Ron Rider, and Todd Cramer. Councilwoman Carolyn Powers excused. Staff present: Police Chief Townsend, City Treasurer Tompkins, City Engineer Curies, Court Administrator Hunt, City Attorney Amann, and City Clerk Parks. Mayor Pro-tem Morrison announced the purpose of this Study Session is to review and discuss the City's Preliminary 2003 Budget. Mayor Pro-tem Morrison requested City Treasurer Kristine Tompkins review the Preliminary 2003 Budget. During her presentation she highlighted the following proposed expenditure and revenue changes for the 2003 budget. EXPENDITURE CHANGES: CURRENT EXPENSE Library (Decrease due to mill rate approx. $.47/AV) Library Repairs Maintenance of Public Restrooms (Hotel/Motel) Tripp Property City Clerk's Salary (overlap) City Clerk's Benefits Salary in Negotiation Computer Software Springbrook Report Writer Web Page Annual Hosting Fee Operating Transfer Out (Police Car 303} Laser Radar Refurbish Crime Scene Van Court Filing Cabinet Court TV & VCR City Hall Reserve CE EXPENDITURES STREET Red Barn Clean Up & Demolition Transfer to CE for Red Barn Clean Up Expenses Red Barn Closing Costs KRCC Federal Highway Funding Project MVET Excess -Street Paving Program Alley Paving STREET EXPENDITURES CE & STREET EXPENDITURES 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 001/101 (10,362.00) 10,362.00 2,500.00 65,000.00 13,41.0.00 4,290.00 4,140.00 5,000.00 500.00 36,000.00 1,000.00 1,742.00 1,800.00 350.00 6,115.00 130,000.00 10,711.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 3,265.00 10,000.00 $141,847.00 $157,476.00 $299,323.00 November 25, 2002 Page 2 of 5 REVENUE CHANGES: CJ Violent Crime/Population Carryover 001 2,742.00 Property Tax Increase 001 29,655.00 Sales Tax Increase 001 33,150.00 Bingo & Raffles 001 1,000.00 Liquor Control Board Profits 001 3,000.00 Adult Probation Service Increase 001 2,000.00 Public Defense Cost 001 1,500.00 Transfer In from Street Red Barn Clean Up Expenses 001 10,711.00 Transfer In from Cum Res. Mun. Facilities (Tripp Prop) 001 65,000.00 Transfer In from Hotel/Motel Tax 001 2,500.00 Transfer In from Computer Reserve 001 5,000.00 Reimbursement of Red Barn Demolition Costs 101 20,000.00 Sale of Asset (Mitchell Property) 101 159,000.00 Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Excess-Street Purposes 101 3,265.00 Cash Carryover Decrease (Red Barn Costs 2002) 101 (39,200.00) CE & STREET REVENUE 001/101 $299,323.00 OVER/SHORT REVENUE 001/101 $0.00 .sJ.1L REVENUE-Confiscated & Forfeited Property 104 200.00 EXPENSE -Pay State 1 0% of Confiscated Property 104 (200.00) TOTAL 104 $0.00 CUM RES EQB EQUI~ BE~L8CE REVENUE -Operating Transfer In (001) 303 36,000.00 EXPENSE -Police Cars 303 (36,000.00) TOTAL 303 $0.00 W8TEB-SEWEB REVENUE-Cash Carryover Increase 401 34,702.00 REVENUE-Sewer Service Charges (6mos @+$2.00) 401 48,924.00 EXPENSE -Increase to WWTF City Share (562,626) 401 (83,626.00) TOTAL 401 $0.00 W8SIEW8IEB IBE8IME~I E8CILIIY REVENUE-Loan Proceeds 404 2,280,000.00 EXPENSE -Pre-purchase Membrane 404 (2, 1 00,000.00) EXPENSE-Design (1, 176,338 total) 404 (180,000.00) TOTAL 404 $0.00 PROJECTS TO BE CARRIED OVER TO 2003 Police Range Design -Cum Res. Mun. Facilities Mitchell Point Property-Cum Res Mun Facilities Backhoe (Trade-In $6,000, $30,000 Equip. Reserve, $42,000) Cash Carryover Treasurer Estimate Mayor Red Barn Adjust Grim Justice MVET Backhoe Committee ULID Reserve Total Cash Carryover Treasurer Mayor Committee Total 2003 Budget Departments Mayor Committee Carried Over 001 500,000.00 100,000.00 2,742.00 $602,742.00 Property Tax 881,312.00 29,655.00 $910,967.00 001 4,589,848.00 (45,850.00) 141,847.00 90,000.00 101 100,000.00 (39,200.00) 3,265.00 $64,065.00 101 875,800.00 (8,296.00) 157,476.00 001 001 401 401 220,000.00 42,000.00 34,702.00 50,000.00 $346,702.00 Sales Tax 1,900,000.00 100,000.00 33,150.00 $2,033,150.00 401 3,192,370.00 83,626.00 78,000.00 10,000.00 80,000.00 78,000.00 November 25, 2002 Page 3 of 5 Total 2003 Budget 2002 Budget $4,775,845.00 $1,024,980.00 $3,353,996.00 $5,131,842.00 $906,580.00 $3,294,500.00 % Increase/Decrease -6.937% 13.060% 1.806% 001/101 Combine Decrease of 3.935% over 2002 Red Barn Mitchell Revenue Expenses Sale of Asset 159,000.00 001 1 0, 711.00 Actual (St to reimb C E) Reimb Demolition 20,000.00 101 39,200.00 Actual 101 130,000.00 Engineer's Estimate 101 2,000.00 Closing Costs Estimate Total $179,000.00 $181,911.00 November 25, 2002 Page 4 of 5 Finance Committee Chair Geiger confirmed that the combined proposed budgets for the 2003 Current Expense and Street Funds represent a decrease of 3.935% from the 2002 Budget. He reviewed the Committee's analysis process of how Supplemental Budget requests were prioritized. Mayor Pro-tem Morrison opened floor for Council discussion. Councilman Clauson presented an additional item under the Community Events Fund 107 for consideration. At the August 12, 2002 City Council meeting, Councilman Clauson had reported on meetings he and the Mayor attended with Port Orchard Farmers' Market representatives to address two issues: the applicability of the City's Business License Program to Farmer's Market Vendors and the Public Event Permit fees for the Farmers' Market: *Business l jcense Program: Farmers' Market representatives had reported that the implementation of Business License Fees was causing seasonal and hobby vendors to leave the Market. This reduction of vendors had put the Saturday Market in jeopardy. After discussion, Council determined that Vendors participating in the Port Orchard Farmers' Market are subject to the Business License Program unless specifically exempted by state or city statutes. At the August meeting, Council members expressed their desire to help preserve the Market as a viable community event and tourist attraction. Mr. Clauson stated he believed the Council had made a commitment to the Farmers' Market organization that during budget development the City would provide funding to pay the Farmers' Market organization an amount equivalent to the total that market vendors pay in Business License Fees. This funding would be dedicated to advertising and promoting the Saturday downtown Port Orchard Farmers' Market. In August, it was suggested that the revenue source for this funding could either be from Lodging Tax (Hotel/Motel) Revenue or from business license revenue received in excess of business license program expenses. At the request of Council members Clauson and Wyatt, the Council by consensus directed the City Treasurer to include a 2003 funding allocation in the amount $1,020 from the Lodging Tax (Hotel/Motel) Special Projects Account for the Port Orchard Saturday Farmer's Market. * Public Event Permit fees: By Council action in August the annual Farmers' Market application was recognized as one event instead of each Saturday Market being a separate event with the understanding permit fees that the Market had paid for each Saturdays after the August 12th meeting would be reimbursed to the Market. City Attorney Combs generously offered and has made a donation to the Port Orchard Farmers' Market in the amount of $150 in lieu of the City reimbursing the permit fees for the remainder of the 2002 Market season. Note for the record: During the regular City Council meeting held just prior to this Study Session (November 25, 2002) the City Council authorized that an additional $21,253.00 STP(N) funds be allocated to the Bay Street/Frederick Avenue Intersection Improvement Project. This allocation will be carried forward and included in the 2003 Budget Ordinance, along with the City match. Councilman Rider presented a request from Gil Michael, Chair of the Port Orchard Planning Commission seeking funding in the amount of $500 for training, hosting meetings, city research tours, and miscellaneous expenses to carry out Planning Commission duties. Councilman Geiger, Finance Committee Chair, reported that the Committee had previously discussed this request and it had been reviewed along with other supplemental budget requests. Unfortunately, with the November 25, 2002 Page 5 of 5 decease in revenues that have been experienced and additional decreases that are expected, there are not sufficient anticipated revenues to fund all requests. The Mayor and Finance Committee had the difficult responsibility of prioritizing supplemental requests and could not recommend implementing funding a new budget item for training, travel and administrative costs for the Planning Commission. It was noted that a few Planning Commissioners have attended training and citywide tours have been facilitated under the Public Works Department. Mayor Pro-tem and council members thanked the City Treasurer for her presentation and job well done in shepherding city staff and elected officials through the budget development process. By consensus from the full Council, the City Council directed the City Treasurer to prepare a draft budget ordinance for consideration at the 2003 Budget Public Hearing scheduled for 7:30 pm on December 2, 2002. The draft budget ordinance is to include all items presented by the City Treasurer, funds carried forward for Bay Street/Frederick Avenue Intersection Improvement Project, and the $1,020 allocation to Farmers' Market organization from the Community Events (Lodging Tax revenue) Fund. As no further discussion on the proposed 2003 city budget as presented, Mayor Pro-tem Morrison closed the Study Session and adjourned the Council at 10:30 p.m. a£__of!4 Patricia Parks, City Clerk M¥r~ Don Morrison, Mayor Pro-tem