03/24/2017 - Retreat - MinutesCity of Port Orchard Council Retreat Minutes Special Meeting of March 24, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Putaansuu called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. at Puerto Vallarta on Lund Avenue. Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Councilmember Ashby Present Councilmember Chang Present Councilmember Clauson Present Councilmember Diener Present Councilmember Donlin Present Councilmember Lucarelli Present Mayor Pro-Tem Cucciardi Present Mayor Putaansuu Present Staff present: City Clerk Rinearson, City Attorney Cates, Human Resource Coordinator Howard, Treasurer Martin, Public Works Director Dorsey, and Community Development Director Bond. 2. DISCUSSION Claire Chase with Triangle Associates, Inc. facilitated the meeting. The retreat focused on growing the relationship among Council members, Mayor, and Directors; reaching Council direction for work priorities and discussing assorted topics. Staff presented their 2017 work plan to the Council. Council and staff held discussions on the vision and goals of the City Council. 3. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. No other action was taken. Bra dy Rinearson, CIVIC, City Clerk Robert Putaansuu, Mayor City of Port Orchard Council — Mayor — Directors Retreat March 24, 2017 Council Topics: Action Items and Discussion Action Notes Add connection to comprehensive plan in staff Brandy to add to template, staff will start adding reports at Council meetings. comprehensive plan notes Research enforcement potential in vacant Sharon / Land Use Committee buildings code. Share summary of bond process (once complete). Alan Continue work on change order authority policy. Rob & Brandy / Completed More discussion of design standards and subarea Nick will bring forward zoning updates. plans at April and future Council meetings. Note that zoning should be different for established areas vs. undeveloped areas. Create a Tourism Strategic Marketing Plan. ED Tourism Committee Develop a survey to determine the start time of Completed. Meetings moved to 6:30 PM Council meetings. Scope for an updated Parks Plan and bring Nick, in 2017. Council a funding request. Communicate timeline of next comprehensive Ongoing education to the property owners who planning process and potential for a repeat experience confusion or frustration about the conflict about annexations. annexation process. Each discussion topic is below, with specific notes: The City's Role in Tourism • Create a Tourism Strategic Marketing Plan. Design Standards • Residential: Underway, done in 60-90 days. • Commercial and multi -family: Process starting soon and will be done in approximately 6 months. Council Meetings (nested topics: reading consent items into the record, Town Hall meetings, Council booth at farmer's market) • Council Booth at Farmer's Market — if this is done: o Identify the goals for why we are doing this. o Create marketing materials and/or specific topic(s) to discuss with people. • Develop a survey to determine if the start time of Council meetings (7pm) is the best or if we should change. Send a separate survey to internal and external attendees. • Maintain the rule that if attendees have announcements that are not germane to the scheduled topics, attendees can work with Clerk up to 4 days before the meeting to make a presentation. Port Orchard Council — Mayor — Directors Retreat I March 24, 2017 1 • The Town Hall meeting that happened in mid -March went well partly because there was a specific topic. Interest in hosting more in a similar set-up. • Adopt a process of reading consent items into the record. If any Council member has a question about a topic, they are encouraged to ask at the beginning of the meeting to move that topic off the consent items list. Accurate Information to Constituents • How to provide accurate, information: o Facebook ads. o Targeted public meetings/Town Hall meetings with available and accurate information. o Capture questions and follow up with accurate information. • How the Council can be more accessible to constituents: o Farmer's market o Office hours o Survey Monkey Public Arts • Integrate public art where possible in new park projects. Sub -Area Plans • 10 total sub -areas in comprehensive plan. • The Bethel/Sedgewick, Bethel/Lund, McCormick Woods, and downtown sub -area plans will begin in 2017. Update Parks Plan by End of 2018 • Nick will scope and bring a funding request forward. Education to Property Owners About Potential Future Annexation • Communicate timeline of next comprehensive planning process and educate property owners about process. Planning for Industrial Area • Need to further explore the idea of capping and creating a park and ride lot on landfill. Kitsap Transit is in the middle of a study that will provide options; study will be complete in 2018. • Consider doing a Planned Action EIS in 2019. • Continue to support the use and further development of the Puget Sound Industrial Center (formerly SKIA), both within the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (KRCC) and the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC). Transportation Infrastructure Improvements • Consider when and how to update traffic signals. Address in 2019. Port Orchard Council — Mayor — Directors Retreat I March 24, 2017 2 Construction Management • Consider the difference between filling the construction management need internally vs. externally. Complete a cost -benefit analysis as part of the future biennial budget. Sidewalk Development & Maintenance • More summer staff in 2017 to address lingering issues. • Direct complaints to Public Works. • Educate where possible on property owner responsibility. Marketing the City to: Developers, Residents, Businesses • Organize and update codes and zoning which will attract more outside development/businesses. • Once codes and zoning are updated and sub -area plans are developed, create a strategic plan that would include the possibility of inviting developers and businesses to town. • Support strong schools to keep and improve interest in Port Orchard for families. Emergency Communication • DEM is implementing a new emergency communication system. Bay Street Pathway West and Segment 3 • Segment 3 could be moved to spring 2018. • West as a funding need in next biennial budget. Wayfinding Signage • $40,000 in budget for this year. • For future signs should consider higher color contrast and larger font for readability. Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council Retreat about Growth Across the County • June 7, 1:00-4:30pm, location TBD. Change Order Authority • Clarified roles and authority of the Mayor and Public Works Director for quick change order with contracts. Maintain the requirement to bring the information and report on action taken at a future Council meeting. Housing Kitsap Obligation • Determine financial responsibility and legal responsibility. Port Orchard Council — Mayor — Directors Retreat I March 24, 2017 3