02/21/2001 - Special - Minutes• • Port Orchard, Washington February 21, 2001 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington was called to order by Mayor Weatherill at 7:30 P.M., in a joint special Town Hall meeting with the Kitsap County Commissioners. The joint Town Hall Meeting was held in City Council Chambers, 216 Prospect Street, Port Orchard, WA. Council members present: John Clauson, Rick Wyatt, Robert Geiger, and Warren Van Zee. County Commissioners present: Jan Angel, Chris Endressen, and Tim Botkin. Staff present: City Engineer Curies, City Clerk Parks, and County Administrator Fleming. Mayor Weatherill welcomed those present and opened the joint meeting stating the purpose of this Special Session is to provide an opportunity for public discussion, questions, and comments on the possibility of a Governance Center. Mayor Weatherill introduced County Commissioner Endressen who updated those present on the County's revitalization strategy, which includes the possibility of moving some county offices to a joint governance center. The governance center would be built in partnership with the City of Bremerton and the Kitsap Consolidated Housing Authority. Commissioner Angel summarized agenda for this meeting and stated there would be a couple of short presentations to give an overview of how/why the idea of a governance center concept was began. County Administrator Fleming gave brief overview of the results of a "Space Needs Analysis", which was performed in 1999 by Kitsap County. This study identified the need for an additional 60,000 square feet to house current and future county employees (up to year 201 0). Mr. Fleming also reviewed the history of the governance center concept giving chronological listing of discussions and meetings. Norm Mcloughlin, Kitsap Consolidated Housing Authority, addressed the governance center concept, which has three primary components. (1) A large government center would bring several levels of government together; i.e. city, county, state, and/or federal offices, in an area close to other civic buildings. (2) The downtown Bremerton area would be redeveloped with lots of housing. and (3) the design standards and zoning would change so that investors would come into the community knowing that their investments would be protected. Zoltan Szigethy, Executive Director of the Kitsap Regional Economic Development Council spoke in favor of the governance center concept. Mr. Szigethy expressed opinion that Bremerton's economic viability impacts the county as a whole and development of a governance center would benefit everyone within Kitsap County. Several citizens and business representatives from various locations within Kitsap County addressed the Council and Commissioners voicing support or opposition to the proposed governance center. --~~~ -------------------------------------------- • Issues presented included, but were not limited to the following: • February 21, 2002 Page Two of Two D Can Bremerton handle the increased traffic and parking generated by a complex of this size. D Downtown Bremerton is not a good location due to existing parking and traffic problems. Proponents should be seeking alternative location with better visibility and accessibility. D Supported proposal as good move for the county as a whole, not just the City of Bremerton and Kitsap County government organizations. (Tim Arnold described Bremerton as the piston in the region's engine. Stating that currently the piston is not firing, the governance center would be the catalyst to start the piston again, rejuvenating the county as a whole). D Voiced need for public input and vote if proposal would result in moving of the "county seat". D Commended Commissioners desire to aid Bremerton's economic position, but suggested the Commissioners visit downtown Port Orchard. The perception may be that Port Orchard's economic base is doing "OK" but in reality it is not that good. (Phil McConmick, President of Port Orchard Downtown Merchants Association invited Commissioners Endressen and Botkin to visit downtown Port Orchard. D Bremerton is the largest city within the county and is perceived as the gateway/front door of Kitsap County. D Voiced concern regarding lack of parking, increased traffic, and potential impact to historical homes in proposed area. D Concern on how paying for this project will affect fixed income citizens. This project may help Bremerton, but how does it help taxpayers? D Commissioners were questioned on why no Port Orchard representatives (elected officials or citizens) were invited to serve as a member of the Task Force or committees that have studied the proposal to develop a governance center. Mayor Weatherill, Council members, and County Commissioners thanked citizens for attending and voicing their support, opposition, and concerns. Commissioner Angel stated that similar town meetings would be held in other countywide areas. Meeting adjourned at 9:30P.M. Patricia Parks, City Clerk Leslie J. Weatherill, Mayor